What to do if a mole starts up in a mink coat
- Coat molar
- Moth spray
- Moth remedies
- Lavender and Geranium
A mole appearing in an apartment can be a real problem for every hostess. Insect can cause significant material damage to the home. In nature, there are two types of moths living in the house - it is food and clothing. Representatives of the first variant eat food.The clothing or fur coat moth causes enormous harm to fur and wool products. Therefore, every caring owner of an expensive wardrobe should know how to protect the fur coat from moths.
Features moth
Fur coat mole - winged insect of a yellowish-clay shade of small size. In many ways, it is similar to a butterfly, but lack of proboscis in moth - its brightest distinguishing feature.
Larvae moth - small transparent caterpillars. They represent a threat to products from fur and wool. They are attracted by particles of dirt and sweat, remaining on the clothes after a long wear. The larvae eat the litter with the help of the mouth organ, accumulating energy in the body. As an adult, the mole eats, as it loses its ability to digest food. Having reached puberty, insects only mate and lay eggs. Appearance of adult moth and its larvae are presented below in the photo.
The life expectancy of an adult moth is about a month. During this time, the female is able to lay eggs, which after two weeks turn into caterpillars. Larvae can live up to 10 months.
Contaminated villi of fur of moth coat may gnaw and even eat some of it. Also, the larvae cut off fur hairs that prevent them from moving freely. The result of these "walks" are narrow clipped paths. Therefore, before removing the mink coat or woolen coat in the closet before the next season, they must be carefully cleaned.
Symptoms of infection
It is difficult not to notice signs of contamination of things by moths, since they immediately catch the eye:
- The insect-infected fur surface loses its appearance; it will not look attractive due to the formation of lumps.
- The paths cut by the larvae cause wrinkles and wrinkles.
- The presence of pests is evidenced by a fur pile clipped with caterpillars.
- The formation of characteristic “bald patches” on the surface of things is also a sign that the mole eats a fur coat.
- The presence of winged individuals in the room.
Having found the symptoms of infection with mole fur coats, it is necessary to start processing the product and the entire wardrobe as soon as possible.
Ways to fight moths
Knowing how to keep a fur coat from moths,allows you to effectively protect fur products from pests:
- Prevention and proper storage;
- Insecticidal method;
- Mechanical protection;
- Folk remedies for moth.
Prevention and proper storage
Preventive measures are the best protection for the fur coat from the pest. Clean things and keeping them safe are the things you need to start to prevent pests. After all, to bring insects is not easy.
The use of insecticidal drugs
For the storage of fur products, it is desirable to use a cover that is impregnated with a special insect repellent composition. Its ability to close tightly will limit access to things, and the mole in a fur coat will not start. It is not necessary to use covers made of synthetic fabric for these purposes, since they prevent air from penetrating. Things in such bags can simply be bred.
If a mole starts up in a fur coat, then you can get rid of it with the help of chemicals:
- Aerosols;
- Fumigators;
- Plates;
- Pills
It is necessary to process the cabinet with aerosols at least every two weeks. Such drugs are not harmful to health, but in order to avoid an allergic reaction, it is better to use a respirator.How to protect a fur coat from moths? It is enough to spray the product from all sides and place it in a special case. The most popular are aerosols of the following brands: Antimol, Raptor Protection from moths, Armol or Clean House.
To the mole could not eat a fur coat, you should use tablets or plates that are no less effective. They are made on the basis of vegetable oils, therefore they are harmless to human and pet health. The advantage of this tool can also be attributed to the low cost.
Gels based on vegetable oils have a good effect. They are available in special containers that are laid out or hung in the closet. The most famous gels brands Antimol, Raptor.
For the treatment of fur products against moth use and liquid funds. They effectively destroy not only adult individuals, but also their larvae. The term of the drug up to 4 months. The following brands are in demand: Foksid, Mittoks, Supromit and Morimol.
The use of fumigators does not provide for the rapid destruction of the moth. They are designed for a long period of insect control and are used more for preventive purposes.
Mechanical protection
This method of pest control was used even by our grandmothers, regularly shaking up and airing things in the hot season. Constant discomfort causes discomfort to the larvae of the moth, preventing them from damaging the fur coat. The advantages of this method of protection is cost savings and ease of use. However, this method can not completely rid the product of the larvae, in addition, requires the use of physical force.
Important! Not be superfluous and compliance with quarantine measures. After all, it is possible that the pest things can be infected while being in the store or in a warehouse. Therefore, the acquired new thing should not be rushed to be placed in a closet next to a mink coat. For every thing necessary moth heat or cold treatment (in the sun or severe frost), as a result of which the larvae of the moths in it will die.
Folk remedies
If the mole began to have a fur coat, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of one folk remedy. Orange peel can scare away the smell of adults of fur moth. She will not be able to save from the larvae already living in the fur product. Therefore, it is better to use as a preventive measure. Lavender and geranium have a similar effect.It is necessary to make fabric bags, fill them with dry sprigs and put them in a case with a fur coat.
If the mole wound up in a fur coat
Owners of fur products should know what to do if there is a mole in a fur coat and how to process a moth fur coat. The best option is to use powerful insecticide moths. Such drugs can destroy insects in a matter of hours. The processed product is placed for several days in a plastic bag or case, additionally sprayed with the same product. Having found the mole in a fur coat, you can also use the services of dry-cleaning, where the product is treated with a heat that is destructive for insects.
If the moth has eaten a mink coat, then the opportunity to return to its former attractiveness is not always the case. The situation depends on the extent and area of the damaged area. In the presence of a large number of "bald patches" with a thing, you will have to say goodbye or change the style of the product, shortening the bottom or cutting off the sleeves.
Interesting! In the case when the damaged area is insignificant, the defect can be eliminated by tinting the bald spot. The main thing - to choose the right tone.If the moth has eaten a fur coat, the thing can be saved in another way: a small “bald spot” should be carefully cut out and then sewn from the inside again. An unsightly spot in the chest or collar area can also be hidden with a brooch or a handkerchief.
How to protect a fur coat from moths
The following preventive measures will help protect the mink coat from pests.
- Before you put the coat in storage in the closet, it is necessary to dry it thoroughly, clean it with a brush or go through the vacuum cleaner. Contaminated thing is better to pass in dry cleaning. Clean things in the closet - a pledge of the absence of moths.
- It is desirable to store fur products in special covers. There will be no pests if the fur coat is put in bags of lavender or citrus peels.
- Use effective moth remedies for fur coats.
- Cabinet doors should be tightly closed.
- Every month you need to inspect the fur product and air it in the air.
Observing these simple tips, the question of what to do if you have eaten the fur coat of the mole will not arise for you.