Food moth traps

Even the cleanest hostess is not insured against the appearance of “undesirable” guests in her house. Life becomes completely unbearable when pest insects invade it. One of such famous representatives is mole. There are a large number of its varieties, the most common in everyday life are: flour, fruit, fur coat, carpet, furniture and clothes moth.

Some insects damage bulk products, other fur and carpet products, but there are those that can destroy even furniture.

This article will discuss how to deal with a pest spoiling food. Get rid of food moths and to prevent the spread of such insects will help trap for food moths.

Food moth
Food moth

Varieties of devices

Usually the food moth lives in the pantry or in the kitchen, that is, in those places where there are stocks of products. Get rid of moths in croup and other products is not easy. After all, it is not always possible to detect the eggs laid by insects, from which the larvae soon appear. To influence them with the help of chemicals is impractical, since the food will then become unsafe for human health. For prophylactic purposes, in addition to traditional means of struggle, it is convenient to use traps.

The food moth trap is a device designed to catch and kill adult pests. Today on the market there are several types of such devices, distinguished by the principle of action.The most common are pheromone traps, which can be glue and glue-free.

Glue traps for food moths

Most of these structures do not pose a danger to human health and pets due to the fact that they do not contain toxic substances. The principle of their operation is based on the mechanical retention of pests. Moth traps are made of cardboard coated with a layer of sticky glue and pheromones. They are emitted during the period of readiness for mating female individuals of the moth.

Moth traps
Moth traps

In some models, the pheromone component is included in the composition of the adhesive itself, but there are some devices in which the bait is placed separately. Males moth attracts the smell, so once on the glue liner, they simply stick to it.

On a note!

You should not use more than two traps in one room, since an excess of pheromones can give a backlash and lead to the disorientation of insects.

The following brands have found widespread use among buyers: Raptor, Globol, Natural Control, Aeroxon.

Aeroxon traps

The German-made Aeroxon food moth trap is a cardboard block impregnated with glue and a pheromone component.Its principle of operation is based on the smell that attracts insects and on the adhesive base, with which the male moth is fixed. For human health, pheromone aroma is absolutely safe and not palpable, it is also harmless for products.

On a note!

Pheromone traps are selected for each type of insect, since the smell of pheromones is different.

Such food moth traps are effective with low contamination of products. Therefore, finding the appearance of winged moths, the first thing to do is to conduct an audit in the kitchen cabinets. It is better to get rid of suspicious products. And only after that it is worth setting a trap.

Aeroxon traps
Aeroxon traps

The principle of using the device for catching food moth Aeroxon is quite simple.

  1. After opening the package, it is necessary to have an adhesive sheet with a protective film (there are 2 sheets in each package).
  2. The back of the device is glued to the inner surface of the cabinet, where food is stored, after removing the protective strip (usually it is red).
  3. Having fixed the glue sheet, it is necessary to remove the protective foil from the front side.
  4. Aeroks traps should be replaced after 1.5 months or as the insects fill the glue surface with insects.
  5. Despite the absence of toxic chemicals in the device, it is necessary to observe security measures when attaching it. Wash your hands thoroughly after sticking the trap.

Benefits of Pheromone Traps

The principle of operation of glueless traps is based on attracting pests with pheromone odors to a special compartment, from which they can no longer fly out. Pheromone traps have become very popular among buyers, as they have a lot of advantages.

  1. Efficacy (with a slight degree of infection).
  2. Security is one of the main advantages of this anti-mole tool.
  3. Low cost.
  4. The presence of the adhesive layer, which is equipped with modern traps, allows you to glue the device, both to the horizontal and to the vertical surface.
  5. No marks when removing the fixture.
  6. Ease of use.

Homemade traps

You can also fight with moths using hand-made devices. You need to take double-sided adhesive tape, and attach it to the surface of the cabinet.However, the principle of operation of such a device lies only in the accidental hit of moths to the adhesive tape, which cannot guarantee a high level of efficiency.

Bottle Moth Trap
Bottle Moth Trap

Another option is a plastic bottle moth trap. It is enough to make a few holes in it and fill it with a small amount of water. It will be difficult for moths to fly into the tank to find a way out, with the result that over time they sink to the bottom and sink.


“For a long time, the Globol trap helped to forget about the pests. Effective, safe and very easy to use. Recommend."

Victoria, Tver

“I’ve been faced with the problem of food moth recently. I tried many ways, but every time the pest returned, finding new habitats. Colleagues at work advised to purchase the Raptor trap for the food moth. The device is non-toxic and odorless. A month passed before new butterflies fluttering around the apartment. ”

Maria, Cheboksary

“The food moth appeared in our house several times. I solve this problem simply - I throw out contaminated products, and the food moth disappears by itself. ”

Natalia, Izhevsk

“Nuts brought from the country house and forgotten in the cabinet became a breeding ground for food moths. They got rid of them, but the butterflies managed to scatter in the kitchen. And after a while I began to discover that the tea they had spoiled, then dried apples, mushrooms or herbs. I had to throw away all the infected products again. After that, the store bought a trap Aerokson. Already after a week, a lot of moths were discovered on its sticky surface. While happy - nothing spoiled found. "

Galina, Chelyabinsk

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