
Remedies for moths at home

Citrus Peel
Black pepper, oil and cedar bark
Carnation, thyme and rosemary

In nature, there are several types of home moths: grain, furniture, clothes and fur coat. All these insects can cause some damage to products and things. Many are familiar with the representative of the classic moth that lives in the closet and eats products made of fur and natural fabric.It is a small yellow-clay shade butterfly, from the eggs of which a multitude of tiny moth larvae. They have a good appetite and pose a danger to things. To protect fur coats, woolen products and products from moths is the task of every caring mistress. There are different methods of pest control, but the most safe are folk remedies for moths.

How to get rid of moth folk remedies, tell our article.

Citrus Peel

Orange or lemon peels are a traditional folk remedy against moths. Their strong smell is not for adults. Therefore, in each section of the cabinet, where orange peels are laid, butterflies will not decide to lay eggs. Tangerine peels have a similar effect.

Citrus Peel
Citrus Peel

To obtain the desired effect, the rind of the mandarin or orange must be fresh, it is important to prevent it from drying out or elements of the mold. Since dry citrus peel does not have a sharp aroma, and they will not protect from pests. Therefore, they need to be changed regularly.

Important! Tangerine or orange peel can only be used as a preventive measure.since they cannot get rid of the larvae of moths that have already settled in a fur coat.


Another effective folk remedy for moths is tobacco. Those who have this flowering plant on the windowsill do not know such problems. You can also use dry leaves of smoking tobacco. It is enough to put bags of cloth with dry tobacco inside the furniture, and your clothes will not suffer from the pest.


No less effective lavender from moth. A very strong pleasant lavender smell lasts a long time and can scare away not only adults, but also their larvae.

Sprigs of dried lavender must be decomposed into fabric bags and placed in the closet between things. The more of them, the more effective the result. Home moth does not tolerate the smell of lavender and seeks to quickly leave the room.


Mint has a similar effect. Its leaves are laid out in small sachets and placed in places of large concentrations of moths. If you lose the aromatic properties of the grass should be replaced. The analogue of mint is tansy, wormwood, chamomile, marigolds, spruce or fir twigs and even chestnut nuts. Their scares the mole away also effective.


Geranium on the windowsill - the guarantor of the absence of pests in the house. The persistent pungent smell of this indoor plant does not particularly like the kitchen and clothes moth. It is desirable that geranium was present in each room. Even dry leaves protect fur coats from moths.

Carnation, thyme, rosemary

Carnation, thyme and rosemary
Carnation, thyme and rosemary

Spreading sachets of thyme, rosemary and cloves around the apartment, you will not know what a mole is for several months. The fact is that the insect does not tolerate the spicy smell of these plants. Therefore, to get rid of pests forever, it is necessary from time to time to replace old aromatic sets with fresh ones.


My wife is allergic to many insecticidal agents, so they used folk methods to fight the moths. And after its destruction laid out the bags with cloves in the cabinets. And the smell is pleasant, and the mole does not bother.

Oleg, Perm

Essential oils

An excellent and very effective folk remedy for scaring moths are essential oils. In addition to eucalyptus composition, lavender, fir, clove, lemon and rosemary oil have found wide application. Their fragrant scent does not like insects.

Apply essential oils from moths is a snap. It is enough to add a few drops of any oil to the container with water and wipe the shelves in the cabinets, floor, kitchen surfaces and furniture in the room with it. Also, this solution can be sprayed on the surface of upholstered furniture.

Important! Strengthen the effect will help moistened with cotton cotton swabs, which need to be expanded in each room.


Naphthalene is truly a folk remedy. Its effect is anti moth known since the days of our grandmothers. However, recent studies have shown that the drug contains carcinogens that are unsafe for human health. Therefore, naphthalene was not used to destroy the food moth, as the products are able to absorb odors.

They began to use naphthalene from moths only in cabinets, laying it out on shelves, in bags of woolen clothes, in pockets of coats and fur coats.

Laundry soap

A great folk remedy for moths in the closet - laundry soap. His smell is afraid of both wardrobe and kitchen moth. The principle of application is quite simple: it is necessary to lay out the bars of smelling soap in the closet between things or products.It is also possible to process all internal surfaces of furniture cabinets with soap solution.


“To get rid of the moth, I used soap on the advice of my mom and the feedback from a friend. She handled both the wardrobe, which was chosen by insects, and other places where clothes are stored for prevention. After leaving the cabinets small soap pieces. Moth doesn't bother anymore! ”

Inna, Ryazan

Vinegar and garlic

Garlic and Vinegar
Garlic and Vinegar

Excellent folk remedies for pests - it is garlic and vinegar. Their sharp unpleasant smell frightens away domestic insects. Is no exception and the mole. It is very easy to fight with it with the help of these products: it is enough to add vinegar to the water for washing the floor and the surfaces, and spread the garlic cloves on the shelves in the cabinets.

Temperature method

The above-mentioned folk methods of struggle include the temperature method of exposure to insects. The pest cannot tolerate too high or too low temperatures. Therefore, to get rid of the moths, you need to wash contaminated clothes with hot water and iron it. Fur products that are not subject to water procedures can be brought out in the sun or frost.It is also necessary to thoroughly air the room in the winter season.

Other folk methods

Other folk remedies can help in the fight against moths.

  1. Mole does not tolerate the smell of cedar. Having spread his twigs and pieces of wood in his wardrobe, you will save your fur coat from moths. With the same purpose, you can use such a folk remedy, like cedar oil.
  2. There will be no insects in the cabinets if tampons moistened with camphor are placed in them.
  3. Black pepper is another folk remedy for controlling domestic pests. It is enough to put the bags with peas on the shelves, and nobody will start your clothes.
Black pepper, oil and cedar bark
Black pepper, oil and cedar bark


Irina, Moscow: “The popular methods did not help in the fight against moths. Perhaps the reason is that there was a lot of it. I had to use chemicals. ”

Irina, Moscow

The advantages of folk remedies against moths

Many housewives give preference to folk remedies against moths, resorting to radical methods of struggle only in extreme cases. And this is right, as folk remedies do not contain harmful substances, so they are safe for human health. This is especially true for families with small children.

The advantages of traditional means of fighting moths can also be attributed to their availability and low cost, which is an important factor in modern life.

Do not forget that folk remedies against moths are best used for preventive purposes. The most optimal variant of their use, as well as special sections from the moth, before the appearance of a winged pest in the house. With a large accumulation of pests, complex treatment with the use of insecticide moth drugs type Antimol.


  1. At the end of the cold season, before you send the fur coat or hat for storage, they must be cleaned and dried well.
  2. For the storage of fur and wool products, it is better to use special covers where you should place dried herbs or oil-soaked tampons.
  3. Regularly should be audited wardrobe. Any insect will feel at ease where it is not disturbed. Therefore, to prevent the appearance of moths will help regular audit and cleaning in the cabinets. Each fur or wool product must be carefully examined for the presence of moth larvae.
  4. Fur things need to shake up regularly, it will help prevent their damage. After all, the larvae and eggs of insects hold onto them very weakly, and at the slightest shaking they fall. Therefore, in the process of wearing things are not exposed to insects. Those who lie on the shelf for a long time suffer to a greater degree.
  5. Warm blankets, blankets, pillows and carpets should be periodically taken out into the fresh air to dry.
  6. Finding traces of pests, all things in the closet should be subjected to heat treated from moths. In winter, they can be laid out in the cold or hung out in direct sunlight in the summer. Things that are hot-worked need to be washed and ironed. When washing things in water, you can add a few drops of essential oil and vinegar. Not superfluous will be folk or chemical antimol agents.
  7. So that the mole does not start up in winter boots or boots, it is necessary to dry them before they are sent to storage. Inside you can put any anti-molar agent (a sprig of tansy or lavender, a tampon or tobacco soaked in essential oil).
  8. To prevent the kitchen moth from starting in the house, all the bulk products brought home should be stored in glass jars or tightly closed containers.
  9. Regular cleaning and ventilation of the premises are the key to a clean house without pests.

Knowledge of popular means of struggle and the rules of their application will help prevent the appearance of moths in your apartment.

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