Where the mole comes from in the apartment and how to get rid of it

It is difficult to find a house whose inhabitants would not be familiar with moths. Periodically even the most careful hostesses fight the pest, containing their homes in perfect order. The appearance of an insect threatens considerable damage to the owners of apartments, houses and gardens: it spoils things, furniture, food, and can even destroy a significant part of the crop.Therefore, before you start the fight against the pest, you need to know where the mole comes from.

There are two main types of home moths: clothes (butterflies have a gray color) and food (a beige-brown body with black splashes on the wings).

Where does the clothes mole come from

Many people are wondering where the mole comes from in an apartment or house, if the order is in the closets and all things are folded. To determine the causes of the pest, it is necessary to remember which owner you have recently become. Were among them:

  • Carpets, plaids and bedspreads made of natural wool;
  • Fur and wool products;
  • Furniture upholstered in natural fabric;
  • Leather boots or boots with natural fur.
Clothes moth
Clothes moth

If a mole started up in your house after any of these purchases, then this means only one thing - at the time of the acquisition, the thing was infected with insect larvae. Settling in a new apartment, the pest began to multiply actively, spoiling other things. It is impossible to exclude the possibility that even an expensive item purchased in the famous luxury salon cannot become a source of infection.

Special attention should also be paid to used furniture, as it is an excellent “vehicle” for transportation. moth larvae. Such an interior is more attractive for them: worn upholstery does not constitute a lasting obstacle that hinders access to the internal filler.

Another way to penetrate the moth in the apartment can be pets. An insect can use their long hair as a temporary refuge.

Prevention of the appearance of a clothes moth

Knowing how the clothes moth and its habitat appear, one can warn in advance the occurrence and spread of the insect in the apartment.

  1. When making a purchase, carefully inspect it from the outside and from the inside for the presence of insects. Do not forget about the seams, as they are the favorite place of the larvae.
  2. Wool and fur products should be stored in special cases treated with moth spray. Things should be cleaned and dried well beforehand.
  3. Do not place dirty clothes in the closet, since it is she who attracts the mole.
  4. In the closet with things you need to put any insecticidal or folk remedy for moths.
  5. In the heat and severe frosts, wool and fur products should be posted on the street. Overly low and high temperatures destructive for adults moths, their larvae and eggs.
  6. From time to time things should be reviewed and the inner surface of the cabinet treated with an anti-molten agent.

Where and why does the food moth start

Food moth
Food moth

According to the name of the pest it is not difficult to guess that moth eats food. After all, the nest moth makes nests exactly where there is a suitable food supply for it. She can start in:

  • Flour;
  • Croup;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Nuts;
  • Dry milk mixtures;
  • Animal feed;
  • Dry herbs and roots.

Food moth in the kitchen can not appear by itself. The reason for its occurrence in the apartment may be untight packaging or non-compliance with the conditions of storage of products in warehouses and shops. You should not buy the above food at bargain prices, because most often such a product is infected with insects.

The mole may be in the apartment moving through the ventilation system, through a window or entrance door. The appearance of insects also contributes to the location on the ground floor of the house grocery store. After all, large stocks of food provoke the spread of pests.

How to prevent food moths

Do not exclude the possibility of penetration into your home pests that eat food. After all, it is enough to buy flour or groats, and in it to find a mole. And after a short time, beige-brown butterflies will fly around the apartment. To prevent the appearance of parasites, you need to know what attracts them.

  1. The food moth lives mainly in kitchen furniture, where there are a lot of food stocks. It is important that they are stored in hermetically sealed containers. Products in cardboard boxes or plastic bags will be available to insects.
  2. More often in the wall lockers, bedside tables and storerooms rooms should be cleaned and ventilated. After all, the winged insect likes to settle in dark places where there is access to food.
  3. Favorable habitat of moths is a dark, damp, rarely ventilated apartment, which does not have rich aromas. Folk remedies with a strong smell (herbs, citrus peel or garlic) will help scare away the pests.

Prevention and what to do if a mole appears

You can get rid of the moth in the apartment and prevent its occurrence with the help of:

  • chemical preparations;
  • folk remedies.

Modern insecticides from moths Available in the form of aerosols, gels, sections, tablets, plates and fumigators. Most of them contain substances harmful to human health, so they are recommended to be used to destroy clothes moths.


Aerosol must be treated not only the infected thing, but also the place where the mole comes from. After 3-4 hours, the apartment must be ventilated and thoroughly cleaned. Aerosols of the following brands have proven themselves especially: Raptor, Clean House, Armol.

Moth spray
Moth spray


No less popular are the sections that are hung in the closet. They have more deterrent effect for adults. They won't harm the larvae. Therefore, this tool is better to use as a preventive measure.

Tablets and plates

Not a bad effect give the plates and moth tablets. They are not harmful to human health and pets, as they are based on vegetable oils. In addition, the advantage of this tool is low cost.


Moth gels are also made on the basis of vegetable oils.Produced in special containers that can be hung or laid out in the closet. Antimol and Raptor gels are very popular.


Fumigators are best used for preventive treatment of the apartment, as they provide for a long period of insect control. The principle of application is quite simple: it is necessary to place the flask with liquid or the plate into the device and insert it into the socket. The odor produced during the heating process is detrimental to moths. For humans, it is safe and practically imperceptible.

Fighting food moths is preferable to folk remedies, as they are safe for human health and pets.


For a long time, lavender has been used to protect against moths, and this plant is still in demand. Its smell is destructive for parasites. Enough in the apartment to decompose into gauze or fabric bags of dry sprigs of lavender and this problem does not arise.

Other herbs have a similar effect: tansy, wormwood, mint, geranium or thyme. The specific smell of plants the mole does not like. Therefore, in places where such plants are present, insects will not start.

Moth Herbs
Moth Herbs

Essential oils

You can get rid of moths in the apartment with the help of essential oils. The smell of eucalyptus, lavender, fir, clove, lemon or rosemary oils cannot tolerate an insect. Therefore, essential oils can be added to water to clean the inner surface of cabinets, tables and shelves. To enhance the effect, you can use moistened with oil cloth pieces that need to be spread around the apartment in the places where the moth can be located.

Other means

  1. Vinegar and laundry soap can also be used for surface treatment.
  2. Winged insects are afraid of the smell of citrus peels and garlic.
  3. A good effect and a pleasant smell are given by pieces of wood and cedar twigs.

Knowing what makes up the mole, its habitat, and methods of destruction can be easily save your apartment from moth and prevent its subsequent occurrence.

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