Is the moth afraid of frost and cold

A moth is exposed to many factors, drugs, and odors, so you can safely say that a moth is afraid of a lot. The moth is afraid of frost, it is repelled by many different smells, it does not tolerate high temperatures, it dies from the effects of chemical chemicals. It is convenient to use it if necessary to get rid of a moth.

Clothes moth
Clothes moth

You should be aware that preventive measures will not save you from being brought to an apartment in food or on a person’s clothing in an apartment. Caterpillars, in this case, have nowhere to go and they have to develop new territories.According to practice, the descendants of insects forced to live with regular processing chemicals or folk flavors, more resistant to them. In such situations, you should resort to climate assistance. To find out at what temperature the mole perishes, it is enough to read the information below.

The mole is afraid of cold and too high temperatures - this should be used when anti moth.

In order to defeat a mole, it is necessary to direct efforts to the destruction of its larvae, which causes more damage to products and things (depending on the type of moth). Regularly, cabinets and cabinets require revision, cleaning and drying. This is especially true at the beginning of the warm season. When mechanical cleaning haberdashery eggs with things just fall, because they can not be attached. After cleansing, all things should be decomposed or hung in the sun, which the moth larvae cannot stand. Having warmed up in the sun to 53 degrees, the larvae die in just 15 minutes. If the sun is still not so hot and the larvae feel only 43 degrees - they will die by the end of half an hour. This method is good for the southern regions of Russia and in Central Asia,where the temperature in the sun often reaches such marks.

Knowing at what temperature the larvae of the moth die, they can be placed in such conditions created artificially. So, you can destroy the fur mole by heating the air to 55 degrees. In such circumstances, things must be at least a day. If the temperature reaches 77-80 degrees, then an hour is enough.

Moths and moth eggs
Moths and moth eggs

Moth eggs die at a temperature slightly higher, so you can boil things to get rid of them. If this is not possible, the furniture should be installed in air chambers; fabrics should be placed in steam formalin disinfection chambers. The air should be heated to 71-77 degrees.

Since the larvae of the moth are dying, their eggs and the butterflies themselves are not only from the heat, but also from the cold, this can be used.

Important! Air temperature to -3 will not kill the mole. Experts recommend that the insect be given a contrasting temperature air "shower", placing it in the cold, then exposing it to air up to +10. After several “jumps” it is necessary to place the products in a chamber with a constant temperature of up to -5 degrees, where the remaining moth larvae will die.

In winter, getting rid of moth is easy.This is especially true of residents of the northern regions in the winter. The air temperature during this period is quite low (below -20, or even -30 degrees), so in order to destroy the moths, it is necessary to bring things or products to the open balcony. Only a few hours (depending on the density of the material of the product and the rate of penetration of cold air into the thickness) the mole will die and things can be used.

Knowing whether the mole is afraid of frost and the sun, it will not be difficult to get rid of these small pests. use for this you need only one effective tool - a free resource: climate.

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