Waste products of wax moth
- Wax moth
- Moth fireworm
- Allergy, heart disease, tuberculosis
- Tincture
- Tincture of wax moth
Man is a creature so inventive that at times it can even benefit from industrial waste and household pests. Did you know that waste products wax moth, (in fact, its feces) are very popular among beekeepers and adherents of traditional medicine. She is advised to take as an effective medicine for the treatment of many different diseases.
A little bit about fire
Wax moth, or ognevka - a real storm of all beekeepers. The appearance of the moth butterfly There are two varieties. A large one can reach up to 3.5 cm in wingspan and is usually brownish or beige in color. A smaller mole does not exceed 2.5 cm in wingspan, has a grayish tint and is almost imperceptible. They are nocturnal butterflies.
The beekeeper learns that the beehive was attacked by flagella by the gnawed wax on the comb, from which honey then completely disappears. Small pellets remain on the scene of the crime - the products of vital activity of the wax moth, which can be collected from it to make a therapeutic tincture.
The excrement is left by the voracious larvae, which are deposited in the honeycomb moth. Having hatched from eggs, they begin to destroy honey rapidly, gnawing on themselves whole wax labyrinths and emptying the honeycombs. With a lack of food, the larvae of the wax moth can even attack the larvae of bees or their own. That is why their presence in the evidence can lead to the death of the swarm - they simply do not allow the bees to reproduce offspring.
As preventive measures it is necessary:
- ensure that evidence is clean and well cared for;
- periodically look at the cells to detect damage in time;
- to scare away the wax moth, hang dried wormwood, peppermint or orange peel near the evidence;
- The fire bite cannot penetrate through the central hole - other bees will not let it through, so care must be taken that there are no gaps in the hives through which it could get inside.
If, after all, the larvae or waste products of the wax moth were found in the hive, they must be collected. Damaged honeycombs must be treated with acetic acid or preparations specifically designed to combat wax moth.
Beneficial features
On whether the excrement of the wax moth larvae have healing properties, scientists are still arguing. It is incontrovertible that in the absence of other food the larvae begin to eat their own excrement and continue to develop further. But not only the wax moth is capable of this.
During the study of the waste products of the wax moth, some beneficial substances were actually found in them:
- Iridoids. They give the infusion of feces characteristic bitter taste.Similar substances are present in the composition of extracts of some plants. But in the fruits that are usually eaten there are none. Iridoids are able to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol, neutralize and promote the removal of toxins, activate the immune system.
- Steriods. Not the ones who use athletes to build muscle. But the substances contained in the PM are close to them in terms of their effects on the body. They enhance the metabolic processes, relieve pain and muscle tension. This feature has been used in the treatment of diseases affecting various muscle groups.
- Flavonoids. Substances that positively affect the entire body and the cardiovascular system in particular. They clean the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, prevent varicose veins and thrombosis, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. With regular admission greatly increase immunity.
But frankly, the concentration of nutrients, which contains the product of the life of the wax moth, is not too high compared with other beekeeping products and extracts of medicinal plants.Therefore, such a product has not yet appeared as a medicine on the shelves of pharmacy chains.
What helps
Beekeepers believe that the wax moth excrement contains all the useful substances in the form already processed and absorbed by the larva. Therefore, such a product enters the bloodstream and begins to work in the body much faster than in the arc form. The wax moth larvae excrement tincture is recommended to be taken to treat:
- Tuberculosis. It contributes to the reduction, and then the complete cessation of debilitating coughing episodes. If you take the drug in combination with the tincture of the larvae of the wax moth (there is such a therapeutic product), then you can notice tangible results in a few days, and the cough almost disappears in 1.5-2 months.
- Heart diseases. Because wax moth tincture positive effect on the muscles: relaxes and restores them, then it has a similar effect on the heart. In parallel, improving the condition of the vessels, it has a beneficial effect on the state of the entire cardiovascular system: it reduces the frequency and strength of strokes, levels the heart rate.
- Reduced immunity. Useful product of bee moth stimulates the immune system, thereby significantly increasing the body's defenses. Its regular use serves as a good prevention of frequent colds, viral and even oncological diseases, since the growth of cancer cells is also hampered by our immunity.
- Fungal infections. The product has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Treated skin easily gets rid of dermatitis and other fungal lesions.
- Infertility. Beekeepers are convinced that the product is able to cope with this problem. He is not able to repair serious disorders of the reproductive system. But it increases sexual desire, contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels and increases the motility of sperm.
This tool is used in sports medicine. According to the reviews of the athletes, significantly increases physical activity and endurance, contributing to a more efficient conduct of training. You can apply the product and as a tonic.
How to cook and apply
Many people are interested in how to make a tincture of excrement or wax moth larvae and how to take this product correctly.
If you are not a beekeeper, then it is better to buy the finished product through the Internet or its distributors and apply according to the instructions attached to it.
When using the product, it must be remembered that the tincture from PZhVM is a potent product, therefore it is impossible to exceed the recommended dosage in any case. It is 1 drop for 1 year of life for a child (6 years and older!) And about 20-25 drops for an adult. Moreover, it is enough to drink a vehicle diluted in water only once a day for 1 to 3 months.
Recipes and detailed instructions on how to prepare tinctures from larvae or excrement of wax moths when making can be found on the Internet with video and detailed comments. Let's say right away, this is a troublesome and experienced beekeepers wax a mole for this purpose are specially bred. Under natural conditions, she is extremely unpretentious being, but with artificial breeding there are many subtleties that must be considered. Most often, to obtain 10% tincture per 100 ml of alcohol, two hundred gram glasses of larvae are taken, infused for about 3 weeks. The product of excrement is prepared in the same way, but insists 2 times less.
To prepare the tincture of the larvae, only individuals that have reached a certain size are selected, and this will have to be done manually. So that they develop quickly and correctly, it will be necessary to maintain a constant temperature close to the conditions of a beehive, and this is 35-36aboutC. The larvae feed on not only and not so much wax - they need honey, perga and a mixture of other products for full development. Ventilation must also be provided and it is impossible to keep them in tightly closed containers.
That is why most beekeepers still refer to the wax moth as a pest, which it actually is, and apply active measures for its destruction. And if you really want to use the product of the life of the wax moth for treatment, then it is easier and safer to buy it from professionals. Try only if you are confident in its quality and trust the manufacturer.