What midges and their larvae eat
- Midges
- What midges eat
Blackflies are small insects, in appearance resembling humpback mosquitoes. Their size does not exceed six millimeters, and some species may be even smaller. Before we talk about what the midges feed on, it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of their structure and habitat.
Characteristics of the insect and its food
Despite the fact that the flies belong to the family of small mosquitoesthey have some distinguishing features. The structure of the midge has its own individual characteristics. They are characterized by strong short legs and short proboscis, the structure of which allows you to easily bite through the skin. Nest bites painful and fraught with unpleasant consequences.
The female midge is an excellent diver. In order to lay eggs it sinks into the water, clinging to the stems of algae or stones. Some individuals prefer to leave the clutch in the coastal strip or simply drop eggs, flying over the flowing stream.
The hatching larvae of the midge is immediately attached to the nutrient substrate by the rear end of its body with the help of special hooks. Since females lay their eggs in groups and always in flowing water, huge colonies consisting of larvae form at this point in the stream. Their number can reach up to 200 pieces per square centimeter. Periodically shrinking "fans" located near the mouth opening indicate that the midge larvae begin to feed immediately from the moment of their appearance.
The special structure of the hairs and bristles used to trap food makes it possible to extract organic residues from water. This is the main food of the forming individual. A larva can fully feed only with a strong current in a pond. In the standing waters, they immediately die. Adult flies appear from the pupa in two weeks.They rise to the surface of the reservoir and fly out of the water.
Interesting! The adult midge eats only on hot sunny days. The rest of the day or in bad weather, it is not active. Females feed mainly on blood, while males prefer nectar of flowers.
What do midges love to eat
Fruit insects living in the kitchen, do not go over too much food. It is not difficult to see what the midges eat by observing their behavior. They give particular preference to such “food packages”:
- Spoiled vegetables and fruits. Fruit and onions midges can eat them all the time. They also need them for reproduction, as larvae of laid eggs develop in rot.
- Home preservation. Open cans are a great lure for omnivores.
- Pet food.
- Flower midges such as sciaridesfeed on underground parts of plants.
- Residues of animal products containing blood.
Knowing who the midges are, what are the peculiarities of their life and nutrition, you can be included in the active fight against insects.