How to deal with the whitefly in the greenhouse
- Whitefly on tomatoes
- White fly
- Whitefly on cabbage
- Whitefly medications
To ensure the family table with quality products of vegetable growing, summer residents install greenhouses on their plots. But quite often in these facilities, comfortable for the growth of plants, there are pests, infections and diseases.The whitefly in the greenhouse is one of the most common and destructive misfortunes, capable of destroying almost all the crop at the root.
Signs of whitefly in the greenhouse
The ideal breeding ground for whiteflies are greenhouses, greenhouses and greenhouse facilities. The insect prefers a humid microclimate with a high temperature; therefore, it feels comfortable, rapidly multiplies in protected ground. Mostly pest is transported with plant seedlings. Therefore, it is timely to notice the presence of whitefly in the greenhouse - a matter of honor for each agrarian.
The presence of a pest is indicated by the following factors:
- sticky and shiny stems of plants and leaves;
- a cloudy white spot on the surface of foliage;
- twisted, with signs of withering leaves;
- the appearance of chlorosis and specific yellow mosaic on their plate;
- the presence of black fungus;
- the formation of eggs and wax scales on the inner surface of the plant plate;
- necrosis of the fruit.
The touch of such a plant is accompanied by the appearance of a flock of white small flies, which instantly fly over to another bush.All these signs are irrefutable proof that the fight against whitefly in the greenhouse should be started immediately. To dispel all doubts, you can compare the insect with the representatives of this family depicted in the photo.
Pest life cycle
The aleirodid or whitefly belongs to the family of flying small-winged insects. She looks like mole or a small moth with long snow-white wings. The body length of the pest is about 2 mm. In nature, there are about two hundred varieties of aleurodides. She lives in a temperate climate. In the central part of Russia, several species of voracious whitefly are found. Pests are capable of infecting woody, shrub and herbaceous plants. In total there are about 300 species. The whitefly in a greenhouse leads to the death and spoilage of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, melons and gourds, lettuce, and cabbage on open ground and even indoor flowers.
Adult greenhouses appear in greenhouses and settle on the inner side of the leaves of plants. Here they lay small oblong eggs.Fertile females are able to postpone them to two hundred pieces in one cycle. After a week, a huge number of children appear, in appearance resembling yellowish-transparent scales. In its development, the insect goes through several stages:
- Larvae stage. Initially, they are almost invisible, they can be detected with great difficulty. The worms move in search of a comfortable place for several hours after birth. Having found it, they become immobile, the process of intensive food larvae. It is this time that is most favorable for destroying the whitefly in a greenhouse. After two weeks, she stops feeding, her body is enveloped in a dense wax coating that makes the larva invulnerable.
- Nymph or pupa. In this state, insects are resistant to any drugs. They continue to feed on plant sap, after 10-16 days they turn into imago.
- Adult. Some time imago remain on the leaves. With a small number, whiteflies do not fly away from the chosen bush.
The time of the full life cycle of the development of an insect is determined by environmental conditions.The higher the temperature, the faster the adult forms.
-7-11.5 ° C is the temperature of the death of all phases of the harmful insect.
A greenhouse whitefly can grow more than fifteen generations in one year. During the entire period of its life, the pests feed on the amino acids contained in the sap of the plants, depriving them of their strength.
Harm caused
The presence of whitefly on plants causes them irreparable harm. A large amount of juice drunk by parasites deprives the green space of vital forces, and massive punctures of the leaf surface violate the process of natural photosynthesis. Sucking insects are carriers of infections and diseases such as chlorosis, jaundice, leaf curl, fruit necrosis. Whitefly on cucumbers, tomatoes and other crops slows their growth, which affects the yield.
The product of insect life is a dull white liquid, called honeydew. It serves as a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. When infected, the plant is covered with a sticky dark bloom, which leads to the death of greenery.All this makes us think about how to deal with the whitefly in a greenhouse to save the crop.
Methods of dealing with pest in the greenhouse
First of all, you need to pay attention to preventive measures. Prevention in the spring and autumn will not allow the parasite to enter the greenhouse. Preventing contamination of the premises can, if done such manipulations:
- New soil to freeze, add to it bleach and pour the solution of copper sulfate;
- close the doors of the greenhouse tightly after cleaning the plant remains and disinfecting it in the autumn;
- after autumn cleaning in a polycarbonate greenhouse, it is necessary to repeat the treatment from the whitefly in the spring with the help of pesticides and disinfectants;
- inspect seedlings for greenhouse pests;
- during the entire period of growing plants to monitor the quality of the microclimate in the greenhouse.
Processing of the greenhouse in the fall and spring is carried out before planting plants.
Processing of the greenhouse in the fall and spring is carried out before planting plants.
These simple but effective measures will allow get rid of the whitefly on tomatoes and other cultures.If the pest still appeared, you will have to solve a difficult problem how to get rid of the whitefly in the greenhouse.
Chemical and biological methods
Chemicals today are the most effective means to remove the whitefly from the greenhouse. Insecticides are injected under the root of stands or dissolved in an appropriate amount of water, and plants and surfaces are treated. Used chemicals from whiteflies in the greenhouse should be applied in accordance with the recommendations set out in the instructions.
To get rid of parasites, you can use these drugs:
- Confidor. Treat the greenhouse should be once per season.
- Mospilan and Fufanol. Solutions are used for single use.
- Pegasus and Verticillin. Perhaps double use.
- Actellic. An effective tool that allows you to deal with whitefly at all stages of its development.
Biological methods of dealing with whitefly in a greenhouse are distinguished by their unusual nature. A unique way to eliminate pests is the cultivation of parasites for them.It is necessary to purchase a tube with encarzia and distribute its contents in the greenhouse. Small insects will find whitefly, lay eggs directly into the body of the larva.
Folk remedies
If the use of the above preparations is not possible, then it is recommended to use folk remedies that help remove pests. Against the whitefly you can use:
- bright glue traps;
- plant in the greenhouse umbrella plants - dill and ghoul;
- infusion of garlic and tobacco, which need to process plants;
- smoke bombs.
The whitefly prefers yellow and blue hues. therefore blackfly trap should be exactly these colors.
In order to protect plantings from the invasion of parasites for the next year, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of activities before wintering. There are many ways to treat the greenhouse from whitefly in the fall. Practitioners recommend a general cleaning of the premises using household chemicals. After this, the surfaces are treated with blue vitriol, bleach or manganese solution. Tobacco smoke, which can fumigate the greenhouse, will make the fight with the whitefly most effective.
All the above information will provide an opportunity to detect, recognize a pest on time, take all necessary measures to destroy the pest.