How to get rid of onion midges

Onions midges can appear in any home. This phenomenon is associated with improper storage of food, namely onions. Need to know how to quickly get rid of pests.

Information about onions gnats

Distinguishing insects from other members of this class is not difficult. Onions from the bow have the following characteristics:

  • small size within 1-3 mm;
  • oval body;
  • slow, slow flight;
  • two symmetrically arranged wings and eight legs;
  • their color is in the yellow-brown palette, very rarely they can be black or orange.

You can look more closely at the onion midge in the photo posted on the website. Pests do not pose a danger to humans, they do not bite, do not tolerate any infection, but have the ability to multiply rapidly. The female lays eggs only on the surface of perishable fruits and vegetables, which then larvae feed.

Important! When storing onions in dark and warm places, and even in a plastic bag, it begins to rot. This creates favorable conditions for the spread of onion midges. It not only spoils the vegetables and fruits in the kitchen, but it can be brought in sweets or a pot with a houseplant. At the first sign of appearance indoor plant pests or food products need to start fighting them in order to get rid of them forever.

The main sources of the distribution of blackflies and how to get rid of them

Onions midges
Onions midges

Onions in midges and their other varieties may appear in the apartment mainly for the following reasons:

  • the presence of rotten vegetables and fruits;
  • sweets scattered around the apartment;
  • no longer cleaned garbage can;
  • faulty sewage;
  • infected indoor plants;
  • high humidity in the kitchen or in the basement.

The onion parasite can simply fly in from its neighbors and find favorable living conditions. Having found out where insects come from, it is necessary to move on to drastic measures in order to get rid of the midges in the kitchen.

There are many ways how to get rid of onion flies. The most common among them are such events:

  1. Conduct a thorough inspection of vegetables, fruits stored in the apartment, in the kitchen and other areas. Immediately get rid of spoiled bulbs, because their presence will not allow to remove pests. The rest of the products placed in the refrigerator or take care of their proper storage.
  2. Redefine kitchen cabinets for availability midges in cereal products and hermetically sealed them.
  3. Sink and washbasin cure for midges based on soda, quenched with vinegar. It will help destroy the parasites.
  4. Use sticky blackfly trap;
  5. Vacuum all surfaces of the premises to get rid of the onion midge. Make a wet cleaning with any disinfectant.
  6. Check indoor plants and, if detected flies in flower pots, replace the ground and reduce watering.
Get rid of onion midges
Get rid of onion midges

Onion midges will not appear in the house, if properly stored products.

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