What to do if the midges are bred in the orchids

Orchid has been the favorite plant of gardeners for years. It is not uncommon for blackflies to appear in orchids that damage the plant. Therefore, it is natural that it is necessary to get rid of insects quickly.

Where do midges in orchids

Often black midges (their larvae) are brought with purchased ground. After planting flowers and watering them on the leaves appear quickly breeding insects.They ate in only one pot, very soon they will be settled in the next, if the living conditions in them are suitable.

The most important condition for the breeding of midges is high soil moisture. The insect can also be established by the fact that the plant is too often and watered a lot. In order to know what to do, it is important to understand what species of blackflies appeared in orchid flower pots.

Types of blackflies

It is important to know exactly which midges bred in orchids in order to find an effective way to fight. To do this, you should look at the appearance of insects and determine how often the plants they settled.


Sciarides in orchids
Sciarides in orchids

Most often in small midges in orchids - this sciarides, black insects, 3-5 cm long. People call them flower midge. In reality, these are fruit or mushroom mosquitoes that look like small flies. They lay eggs in the ground, after which white-colored larvae begin to develop there. Sciarides do not harm plants, but their the larvae feed roots of seedlings, weakened plants and seedlings. Damage sites become foci of rot and fungus occurrence.


Whitefly in orchids
Whitefly in orchids

Sometimes white orchids are visible on orchids or photos of flowers. But these are butterflies, butterflies. They hide perfectly and are able to fly fast, just touch the plant. Most often these indoor plant pests not interested in dense leaves, they prefer the delicate skin of orchids. The insects themselves and their larvae feed on the sap of this plant, extracting it from the leaves. If not fight the whitefly on indoor flowers, the plant languishes, the leaves turn yellow and curl. Insect larvae and eggs of light color. You can see them under the bark, leaves or on their surface.


Thrips in orchids
Thrips in orchids

In the pot with orchid there is another species - thrips. These are small insects up to 2.5 mm. They cause significant damage to all types of orchids. They resemble sticks with two pairs of wings folded over their backs. Most often they hide in the ground, prefer nightlife, therefore it is extremely difficult to notice them during the day. To make sure that thrips have settled on the flower, you can approach it at night. One of the signs of damage is dark specks on the leaves. These insects lay eggs right in the leaves, the hatched larvae begin to eat leaf tissue.As a result, the leaves darken, become covered with small holes, die off. Such "midges" affect not only the leaves, but also flowers, and roots.

Fruit flies

It happens that fruit flies or onion. This insect, up to 3 mm long, feeds on sour fruits and vegetables, rotten by the remains of plants. This insect can live in the ground, if it is watered with tea leaves, sprinkled with tea. Half-peat peat or moss can attract a midge. If the soil in the pot is too moist, you can expect the appearance of Drosophila. Plants, these midges do not harm, but the fact of their appearance suggests that the soil is too wet, which harms the plant.

How to deal with midges in orchids

In order to defeat the midge, it is necessary to find out which particular insects have settled in the pots. The answer to this question depends on what should be done:

  • Drosophila should be destroyed without the use of chemicals. You just need to remove what attracts insects to the plant: tea or moss, reduce watering. It is important to ensure that food residue does not turn sour or rot. Depriving the food blackflies, one should expect their complete disappearance.To speed up the process, you can apply flypaper or homemade fly blackfly trap;
  • Sciarid can withdraw, but difficult. In order not to bring the larvae along with the ground, it is necessary to use special soils, sterilized in advance. If the substance is prepared at home, you need to independently attend to its safety. To do this, it is well shed water, leave to drain. After that, spread on the frost for a few days. It is impossible to fertilize plants of thick coffee, tea, fish bones and other things.

If after the appearance of a new orchid in the house, the question arose of how to get rid of the blackflies in orchids, you can use sprays to kill insects. They are treated shelves, window frames, window sills. To get rid of the larvae used drugs for tillage - "Basudin" Thunder-2 and the like. For scaring you can put citrus peels, garlic, lavender;

Blackfly remedies in orchids
Blackfly remedies in orchids
  • Whitefly butterflies can be expelled with insecticides, which need to be treated with plants every 5 days. Do it 3-4 times. Use "Sherpa", "Fury", "Basudin" "Aktellik", etc. You can wash the leaves with water and soap.Monthly spill the substrate with plenty of water;
  • If the throats on the orchids turned out to be thrips, they need to be treated with Aktiltik three times in ten days. In order to prevent the leaves of the plant must be washed every five days. Soil shed every month.

General recommendations

If small flies have got in orchids, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible. The chemical remedy for blackflies in orchids is quite effective, but it can not always be used. Therefore, you should keep in mind the home remedies that will get rid of the midges.

  • If small flies are bred in the ground of the orchid, you can place a sticky tape around the pot. To additionally attract the midges, next to it is placed a color that is colored with yellow paint. The tape must be replaced regularly, until the midges are completely removed.
  • Without figuring out why the blackflies have bred into the orchids, you can simply transplant the houseplant into a new, safe ground. Rinse the roots under running water. Carefully inspect the plant itself, removing the damaged parts. The land must undergo special treatment.
  • If midges appear in the orchid, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate can be used. Water it cure for midges until the complete disposal of insects.
  • To remove insects wash the plant under the shower. Water will destroy insects. Do this every 3-4 days.
  • Sprinkle the soil with dry mustard. Update the "powder" should be every week, until the signs of insects will not disappear completely.
  • Use river sand, which is calcined in the oven. It is poured over the ground. If after a few days the insects still remain, the procedure should be repeated.

Now that you know what to do if the midges are bred in an orchid. It will not be difficult for you to save your pet from small pests.

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