How to get rid of black flies in indoor plants and flower pots

Imagine an apartment in which there were not even a few pots of flowers, it is difficult - they are in almost every house. But besides the pleasure of contemplating your favorite green pets, there are also problems associated with caring for them.One of these problems is the flower midge, which causes significant damage to plants, leading them to disease.

And now the owner of the home greenhouse is faced with the question of how to get rid of black flies in room flowers.

Why do the midges start up in flowers?

Caring for plants at home is not as easy as it sounds. It is necessary to follow the rules for each flower, attention to detail and a great love for flowers. Some people think that they have a “heavy hand” and they are not able to grow flowers. But this is not the case if you carefully examine the issue and follow the recommendations. First of all, you need to decide whether you are ready to water properly, fertilize in time, competently transplant plants, or will it be once or reluctant to do it? If you are ready to pay attention to plants, if you want to create additional comfort in your home with the help of green pets, then you should be ready not only to receive joy from them, but also to protect them from various pests, such as the flower midge.

Important! Most of these insects do not harm the flowers "personally", but they lay the larvae in the ground or the plant itself. But the larvae feed the juice of the roots or leaves, causing great harm to the flower, causing rotting and death of plants.

Having seen that black flies in room flowers are wound up, one should not say goodbye to the plants, getting ready to take them to the dustbin - it is not at all difficult to save them. In order to independently remove the midges, it is important to find out why they originated. This most often occurs for the following reasons:

  • Increased soil moisture. In the heat, many housewives more often than usual water the flowers, suggesting that he lacks water. Water stagnates, favorable conditions are created for the appearance of the midge;
  • Window open. House flies can enter the housing through the window. Finding suitable conditions, they happily housewarming;
  • Soil did not pass disinfection. Poor quality soil is characterized, inter alia, by the fact that the decomposition of all the components has not been completed in it and that the leaves have not surpassed leaves. This soil is a great place for the development of larvae.

Types of flower midges

Blackflies in flowers are visible even with the naked eye. Houseplants are dominated by two species.

White midges

White midges in flowers
White midges in flowers

Most often white flowers live in the flowers (ponds, fruit flies, whiteflies).You can find them at the surface of the overwetted soil or at the very foot of the flowerpot. Various types of them can be seen in the photo.

Ponds - small insects up to 1 mm long. Most often white or yellowish-brown. Active, jumping on the sheets of pests. The larvae cause irreparable damage to the plant if they are not dealt with in time. These midges on flowers appear mainly in winter or in early spring, when moisture does not evaporate so quickly from the ground.



Sometimes black flowers are noticeable in colors. Most often, they are sciarides flying over a plant. They are not harmful to humans, but they annoy him very much by flying around the house, falling into food and drinks. With all the harmlessness to humans, for the flower, they are very dangerous. A huge number of larvae sciaride damages the roots, compacts the ground, making it difficult for air to penetrate it. The plant turns yellow, the leaves curl, the view becomes "crumpled." If in the ground you can see almost transparent worms up to half a centimeter in length, it means that they are infected with sciarids, which must be destroyed as soon as possible.

Black midges in the soil start up if the flower is fertilized using “grandfather's” methods: tea brewing, humus, other organic waste.Pests can get into the house with purchased soil that is poorly disinfected.

Midge flowers

Experienced breeders say that not all plants are attacked by blackflies. So, springtails settle only on those plants that have soft leaves: begonia, fuchsia, orchid etc. Sciarides love to live on flowers that have a dense structure of greenery: azalea, violet, ficus, Decembrist, and the like.

Aloe midge almost does not touch, she does not like tobacco and mint flavors.

How to deal with midges in indoor colors

If the midge started up recently, it is not difficult to get rid of it, and it will not require much financial expenses. There are a lot of ways to get rid of black flies in houseplants, among them are both folk remedies and the use of chemicals. It is important that all methods are equally effective in controlling both black and white parasites.

Folk methods

These are the safest ways for a person. The most common are those that do not require the purchase of complex ingredients.

  1. To get rid of the midges in flower pots, it is necessary to water the ground with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate.If it is not enough to dilute manganese with water, the roots of the plant may die.
    Folk methods from the flower midge
    Folk methods from the flower midge
  2. You can just stick in the ground orange peel - most pests can not stand such harsh smells.
  3. Many people advise you to stick several matches down with gray into the ground, then pour the flower well. If after a day the sulfur disappeared, you should change the matches. About 7 days later, adults will die. pests of indoor plantsand their larvae.
  4. Flower treatment can be carried out by regular irrigation of the plant with a weak soap solution.
  5. Grind three heads of garlic, pour a liter of water. Insist 4 days, then strain. Spray the plant, pour the earth.
  6. Pour into the ground ash wood. Pests disappear almost immediately, and ash is an excellent fertilizer.
  7. It is possible to poison a nest like this: put a velcro on a flowerpot, on which adult midges will gather. The midge begins to die, sticking to the traps.
  8. To poison the midge, you can scatter crushed chalk from cockroaches on the ground. Sometimes they put some chips in and draw stripes on the pot.
  9. Some lovers claim that ammonia can help to destroy the blackflies.You just need to put it next to the pot. Its smell is poison for insects.
  10. The poison for midges is celandine. If you make an infusion on its leaves and pour a flower on it or spray it, the insects will disappear.

Chemicals from the flower midge

Flowerfly Remedies
Flowerfly Remedies

If all known methods have been tried, but the result is not achieved, it is time to get rid of the flower midges with chemicals. In any hardware store you can find a large number of different funds from midges. Any consultant will advise which one is better to purchase.

More often everyone uses:

  • Dichlorphosis: Raid, Heo, Raptor. All these tools are suitable for any kind of flower midge.
  • Solutions: Aktara, Thunder-2, Fitverimer, Agravertin, Kinmiks, Inta-Vir, Karbofos, Aktellik.

Prior to the treatment of the plant, it is necessary to study the instructions attached to the product, since the application of each of them has features. If the midges in the ground are destroyed by the solution, then after using it you should not water the flower for at least three days.

If midges are bred in a room flower and you decide to use chemicals, it is important to follow safety guidelines.Always wear gloves, glasses, a dressing gown and a respirator when working.


In order not to wonder what to do if the midges are wound up, it is important to carry out prevention, preventing the appearance of a pest. Reviews on the behavior of insects provide an opportunity to draw conclusions about the most important for prevention are the following steps:

  • Do not overflow. The most important thing is to adjust the frequency and volume of irrigation. Take into account that in summer the plant requires a little more moisture, but there should be no “swamp” in the pot.
  • In order not to start small midges, it is important to timely and regularly loosen the soil. This will provide the roots with oxygen and prevent soil rotting.
  • Humidity. Before you water the flowers, you need to make sure that they really need it.
  • Drainage. Allows you to enrich water, not allowing the soil to sour and rot organic matter remaining in the pot.

If you suspect the appearance of "guests" in the flower, you should use one of the folk remedies or buy a suitable tool in the store. The most important thing, fight the flies in flower pots you need as early as possible to destroy the midges before it causes irreparable harm.

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