How to make a blackfly trap at home

Small annoying insects can cause a lot of trouble by their presence in the house. Domestic midges bite, sit on the food, and even find themselves in cooked food. You can use the simplest and most effective method - use insecticidal agents to treat the flies from the midges. But it is fraught with the fact that chemical poison is dangerous to the health of people and pets. Therefore, it is safer to show patience and destroy annoying insects in domestic, time-tested, ways, which include the blackflies trap.

Habitat of midges

Finding midges in the apartment, you should not immediately destroy them. It is more expedient to trace the insects and identify the places of their greatest habitat. Midges prefer dirty and wet places. Therefore, before taking drastic measures to destroy mosquitoes at home, it is necessary to clean up the apartment. To do this, carefully examine the possible problem areas in the house:

  1. Inspect all kitchen cabinets and shelves where food stocks are stored. So you can find that spoiled and caused the spread of pests. Blackflies can live in cereals, onions and other tainted products that larvae feed pests. It is necessary to remove all perishable products in the refrigerator.
  2. Check the health of sewage and water drains, as well as ventilation ducts.
  3. Change the water in the indoor aquarium and cage in a pet, if they are present in the apartment.
  4. Earthen midges, such as mushroom mosquitoes, hit flower pots if the soil is over-moistened. Other species indoor plant pestsscythe and whiteflies - hit the green part of the flower.

Midges in the house
Midges in the house

After a general cleaning of the house with the use of detergents and special means, you can use an additional device called the blackfly trap to fix the effect.

Blackfly trap

There is a large range of specials. funds for blackflies, allowing you to quickly and effectively get rid of insects. Ready trap "Raptor" with a liquid bait that attracts midges, will get rid of them. But in most cases, people prefer to make such devices independently of the available tools available at home. This is a very convenient and fast way. get rid of the midges in the apartment. You can use simple recommendations on how to make a black fly trap:

  1. In a glass jar of any size, pour a little apple or table vinegar and close it with a lid, with pre-made holes. The midges, attracted by the strong smell, will penetrate into the container through the holes in the lid, and cannot get back. The trap will help get rid of the midges in the kitchen or in other places most insects.Vinegar can be replaced with pieces of fruit or dishwashing detergent.
  2. The original bottle trap is obtained from a plastic container. To do this, it is necessary to cut off its upper part and insert it with the neck down into the lower wide half. It turns out a kind of funnel. All existing joints are sealed with tape so that the midges get trapped only through a funnel. At the bottom of the bottle put pieces of fruit, pour juice, jam or apple cider vinegar. As soon as the bait begins to wander, the insects will fly to a pleasant scent, but they will not be able to get out.
    Blackfly snares
  3. The lure for midges can be made from a plastic cup, which was yogurt or other dairy products. The design is similar to that described in the first case, but instead of the lid food film is used. Black holes are made with a toothpick or gypsy needle. Inside you can put a used bag of tea or pour tea leaves.
  4. It is possible to make midge traps by using a small plastic container. Two-thirds of it is filled with red wine, in which a small amount of liquid soap is added to make the mixture viscous.The bait will get rid of a large number of midges.
  5. If in the house there was not one of these containers, then the midge trap can be made of a regular plastic bag. This method is not so effective and convenient, but will allow to achieve a certain result. In the package should be put a spoonful of jam or a piece of sweet fruit. After a large number of black flies appear in it, it should be quickly tied up and thrown out. Cellophane bag can be put on the plate on which to place the bait. Through the holes made in the paper bag, the insects will climb inside, but they will not be able to get out.
  6. Trap with liquid. Approximately 150 ml of water should be poured into a glass jar. Add sugar or honey to attract insects. Lubricate the inner side surfaces of the jar with Vaseline. To get out of such a trap midges can not.

There are many such devices, and all of them are intended to combat pesky insects. The principle of operation of all traps is to lure pests with a variety of baits. That the listed designs helped to get rid of midges,need to place them throughout the apartment. The greatest number of them should be placed in the kitchen, where the midges most often live. We should not forget about the sewage and plums, as well as home ventilation and houseplants.

A positive result can be achieved if the problem is solved comprehensively. The cleanliness of the apartment, the absence of uncleaned products and the original traps with bait will not leave any chance to exist.

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