Duct Tape
Adhesive tape for flies is the most common remedy for annoying insects. It is easy to use, inexpensive, safe for others ...
How to make a trap for flies at home
A fly trap is a versatile way to catch annoying insects without the use of chemical and poisonous preparations. You can make it yourself ...
Varieties of flies with photos and descriptions
What types of flies are most common to humans. Classification of flies, depending on the type of food. Are there sex differences? Why...
The structure of the fly
The structure of the fly is simple, but with careful study, complex nuances are revealed.Externally, the insect consists of typical members of the class Diptera ...
Description and photo of the fly fly zhigalki
Looks like a fly zhigalka. Where dwells. The rate of reproduction zhigalok. Why flies bite in the fall. What is dangerous bite autumn zhigalki and how ...
Shop and folk remedies for flies
How to get rid yourself of flies in the room, near the house, there are many methods, methods, means. Apply popular recipes, professional preparations, modern ...
Name, description and photo of the plant that eats flies
A plant that eats flies: does it exist in nature. What kinds of predatory plants grow in Russia. Is it possible to grow insectivorous ...
What is dangerous elk fly
The elk fly belongs to the order of the bloodsucker. The owners choose moose, deer, cattle. With severe contamination of the area, certain circumstances are ...
How to get rid of onion flies
Onion fly is a dangerous pest of onions of all varieties. It appears in early spring, it activates activities in June, July, for the season it changes about ...
The use of Agita from flies
Means Agita for flies helps to get rid of unpleasant insects in residential and utility rooms. The advantage of this drug is ease of use ...
Description of a melon fly and methods of dealing with it
Melon fly damages melons, melon, watermelon, cucumbers, pumpkin. Varieties of melon flies live in many countries of the world with warm ...
What is the use of flies
Why do we need flies in nature, many do not even guess. Insects are nurses, maintain a food chain in an ecological system, serve as objects ...
Description and photo of green carrion fly
A green fly brings significant benefits to nature; it does more harm to humans. Insect is larger than domestic fly, has a beautiful color of green ...
How to deal with flies in the country
To get rid of the flies in the country. There is a huge amount of proven and well-proven tools and techniques. Achieve tangible results ...
The biggest fly in the world
The largest fly of the species Gauromydas heros is an inhabitant of the forests of South America. The length of the body of an insect can be up to 6 cm, and ...
What smell are afraid flies and mosquitoes
What kind of smell repels flies, confirmed by laboratory studies, experience of previous generations. Use plants, essential oils.Laid out in the house, rubbed with a decoction of the frame, ...
Description and photo home flies
The house or apartment fly lives in the house of the person, eats its products. Leads daytime life, one day the female postpones ...
Description and photo of a striped fly resembling a wasp
A fly that looked like a wasp, or a hotshot behaves in a completely different way than its stinging relative. She hangs in place for some ...
Where flies come from indoors
From where the flies come from, there are several penetration options. One of them - brings people. With favorable conditions already ...
What flies eat
What flies eat depends on their variety, living conditions. The main foods are juices of decomposing plants, food waste, feces, ripe fruit, ...
What happens if you eat eggs or fly larvae
What will happen if you accidentally eat the eggs of a fly, depends on the strength of immunity, the type of parasite, the characteristics of the digestive system. In most cases, nothing ...
Fly speed
Fly speed reaches 6.4 km per hour. Insect overcomes the distance to 3 km without stopping. During the flight makes difficult ...
How to make velcro for flies
Flypaper is the safest and most affordable means of combating flying insects. The tape impregnated with a sticky compound keeps those who have touched ...
Description and photo of a blue meat fly
The blue meat fly is one of the most common insects on the planet. For feeding adults and larvae use the meat of decaying corpses, ...
Ultrasonic Fly Repeller
An ultrasonic fly repeller generates a frequency wave that resembles the sound of a bat. This sound scares not only flies, but also ...
How to get rid of flies in the toilet on the street
Get rid of the flies in the toilet on the street: effective chemicals and traditional methods. The reason for the appearance of flies in the rural toilet and ...
Fight against carrot fly with ammonia
Ammonia from carrot flies: advantages and disadvantages of the method, reviews. How to prepare a solution of ammonia. Prevention of carrot flies.
Fumigators from flies and mosquitoes in the outlet
The fumigator from flies allows you to quickly get rid of annoying insects. The toxic substance that kills mosquitoes and flies is produced in solid ...
Description and photo of manure fly
The dung fly is a red or grayish-colored hairy insect that can be found on domestic animal excrement. Some types of dung charms attract ...
Raptor from flies
The most effective protection against flying insects are means of the Raptor line against flies. They come in the form of aerosols, traps, plates for ...
Black lionfish flies and its larvae
Black larvae fly larvae are an excellent addition to the basic diet of poultry and animals. It is also a favorite delicacy of chameleons, reptiles, ...
How to get rid of small flies in the apartment
How to get rid of small flies - the issue of concern to many hostesses. Availability of knowledge about the characteristics of life, the causes of pests in the dwelling, ...
How to get rid of fruit flies in the kitchen store and folk remedies
How to get rid of fruit flies at home. Cleanliness and order will prevent the penetration and reproduction of fruit midges in the apartment, and effective ...
Wasp fly like a wasp
The hoverfly fly is an original insect pollinator of black and yellow color, similar to bees and wasps. It can "hang" in flight, has many types, ...
How to deal with a crimson fly
The raspberry fly delivers a lot of trouble to the owner of home gardens that grow raspberries. If time does not get rid of it, the plant will bear bad fruit.
How to deal with cherry fly
Cherry fly: danger and methods of control. How to recognize a pest. Effective chemicals against cherry flies and the rules for their use. What kind...
Description and photos of cicada flies
A cicada fly differs from a usual room by its large size, its ability to make certain sounds, its life cycle. Externally similar to other insects ....
How to get rid of carrot flies
What does a carrot fly and its larvae gnaw through in the root crops, what methods are used to protect crops and root crops from ...
Description and photo of larvae and eggs of flies
The larvae of all flies are called maggots. Have the shape of a worm, white. They feed on dead, rotting tissues. Extremely fast growing. For one laying ...
Description and photo wolfarth flies
What a danger to humans and domestic animals is a wolfart fly. Features of reproduction and development of larvae.
As a fly sits and clings to the ceiling
As a fly sits on the ceiling and holds on. Features of the structure of the legs. The manner of behavior and the subtleties of landing, which allow the fly firmly attached ...
How to get rid of flies in the barn
You can get rid of flies in the pigsty, barn and other animal sheds with the help of folk remedies and professional preparations. Very important...
Life span flies
How many domestic flies and their relatives live depends on some factors. Living conditions affect the life cycle. Insects are active in ...
How to deal with a cabbage fly and its larvae
Cabbage fly parasitizes from late May to September. Its larvae are especially dangerous - caterpillars that infect the plant root system. For...
Description and photo of a meat fly (mortal)
The meat fly, it is also padal, cadaveric includes several genera, species, subfamilies. They are all united by an identical diet - decaying organic matter. Larvae ...
How to catch a fly in the room
As in the house to catch a fly, there are several ways. Install special lamps, hang adhesive tape or make traps on their own. Use henchmen ...
Description and photo bites flies
Whether flies bite, you can feel it at the end of August. But many do not even realize that these are not those annoying creatures ...
What to do if a cat or cat ate a fly
The cat ate a fly: is it dangerous? Why the cat rides and eats flies. What is the use of it. Dangerous consequences of hunting for ...
How to water onions with ammonia from onion flies
Ammonia used from onion flies in different ways. It is recommended to water the beds with a solution. Calcium is combined with salt, iodine, boric acid. Strictly...
Why flies rub their paws
There are several reasons why flies constantly rub feet. The main thing is to clean the limbs from contamination. This is done to improve the functioning of organs ...
How to process tomatoes from white and black flies
White and black flies on tomatoes: who they are and where they come from. How to get rid of the whitefly and aphids on tomatoes ...
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Information about flies.

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