
How to deal with flies in the country

Mechanical methods of fighting insects
Natural Remedy for Flies
Devices for the destruction of flies

With the onset of heat, the owners of suburban real estate have a difficult problem - flies. The annoying diptera insects not only cause discomfort with their unpleasant buzz, but they pose a great danger to human health. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of flies in the country,always up to date and requires the adoption of immediate effective measures to destroy unpleasant "life companions".

Dangerous "neighbors"

Flies, paradoxically, have become commonplace in human life. Get rid of flies start only when their number begins to annoy. Small light synanthropes in length reach 6-8 mm. They have a gray color of the body, covered with sparse long hairs, large faceted eyes. The oral apparatus of flies of a licking-sucking structure. They consume only liquid food, solid particles have to be dissolved in saliva.

The life span of dipterans depends on the ambient temperature and can vary from 2 weeks to a month. For the year is changed from 9 to 20 generations of indoor flies. In cold rooms, they are inactive and awaken at ambient temperatures above 10 ° C.


Females are distinguished by high fecundity, they need protein food to mature eggs. During his life they are able to make more than 6 clutches. Depending on the climatic conditions, an adult fly can lay up to 2,000 eggs.

In the homes of their people attract food leftovers, unclosed products that are freely available for flies. Favorable habitat for synanthropes are places with a large accumulation of garbage, dirt, decaying organic waste of different origin. On their paws, flies carry a huge number of microbes that they leave on food. Eating them without prior treatment can lead to the development of such serious diseases:

  • diarrhea;
  • dysentery;
  • typhoid fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cholera;
  • helminthiasis and other infections.


Full cycle of transformation (egg → larva → pupa → imago) lasts for 25-30 days. If you do not take action in a timely manner, you will have to face great trouble, because you can get infected not only in spring and summer. Flies in the fall can cause a lot of trouble. Their close relative - the autumn lizard, feeding on blood, prefers to settle in a stable, on a pasture. By the fall, she appears in the houses of summer residents. Its bites are quite painful and can lead to infection with dangerous infections.

Ways to control pests

Mechanical methods of fighting insects
Mechanical methods of fighting insects

Fighting flies in the country can be a variety of methods. They are divided into such groups:

  • mechanical;
  • physical;
  • chemical;
  • natural or folk recipes.

All of them allow you to get rid of the flies, not only in the house, but also in the summer cottage.

Mechanical methods

They are based on the capture and destruction of parasites in the country. The main advantage of the method is its safety for people and pets. However, it cannot guarantee a 100% positive result. In addition to the fly swatter, the most popular devices are:

  1. Duct tape. An effective device for indoor premises in the country, it attracts dipterans with a specific smell. Sat down on sticky tape the fly can no longer fly away and is killed by poison. The cost varies from 8 to 29 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. Cost of homemade adhesive tapes equal to the cost of the ingredients needed to make the adhesive.
  2. Light traps. They lure flies not with an odorous agent, but with a bright light. Inside the cute flashlight is a sticky substance that will not allow the pest to get out.

To get rid of flies in a wooden house, you can use self-made traps, which are placed in a poison bait.The device is made from a conventional plastic bottle, in which the neck is cut off and inserted upside down into the bottle. The edges are preferably secured with scotch tape. To the bottom traps for flies poured poisoned "treat". Such "compositions" work well:

  • Dissolve the syrup, jam or sugar in a little water and add the black pepper. Flies, having tasted the bait, will die in a few days.
  • Beer.
  • In a quarter cup of milk, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoon of soda and 0.5 tsp formalin. Soak a piece of bread in an agent and leave on a saucer or place it on the bottom of a trap.
  • 10-15 g of saccharin diluted in a glass of warm water. The sugar substitute flies out.

These people's councils will allow summer residents who live in country residences to deal with annoying and dangerous flies.

Devices for the destruction of insects

Self-made devices are good, but not always with their help it is possible to completely get rid of synanthropes. There are special devices on the market that allow not only scaring away, but also destroy flies and other insects. They have such indisputable advantages:

  • safe for humans and pets;
  • have small dimensions;
  • differ in modern attractive design;
  • provide 100% purification of rooms in a country house.
Devices for the destruction of flies
Devices for the destruction of flies

The most popular are such devices:

  1. Electric lamp trap. The device is a small shielded surface with a powerful source of ultraviolet radiation, which is covered with a metal grille. Flies attracted by the light touch the fence, which is energized, and die. Prices range from 2,900 to 4,500 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.
  2. Insecticidal lamp. They are connected to the electrical network and can work around the clock in the cottage. Devices are absolutely safe for people and pets. Many models are equipped with adhesive sheets or special pallets, which ensures high hygiene devices for the destruction of flies. Prices - within 3000 rubles.
  3. Insect exterminator. Effective device against flies and other insects. Differs in ease of installation and a large area of ​​destruction, which reaches 4000 m2. It is recommended to install on the dacha.During operation, the device emits carbon dioxide, heat and moisture, which attract flies. Fly insects are sucked inside the device and die from dehydration. Prices - from 2933 to 4590 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.
  4. Fumigators. Enjoy great popularity among consumers living in the country, due to ease of use, durability, high efficiency and safety for humans, warm-blooded animals. The principle of operation is simple - a special plate heats up from the electric charge and releases the toxic substance vaportrin. In the country, this device is irreplaceable, because the poison paralyzes the respiratory system of flies and other insects, which leads to their death. The price of the plates is within 50 rubles.
  5. Ultrasonic devices. With their help, you can quickly and safely get rid of annoying flies in the country. Sound waves of a certain frequency have a detrimental effect on insects. Hearing this sound, flies immediately fly away from a source that represents a danger to their lives. The device is effective only inside the cottage. The price range is wide enough - from 636 to 1490 rubles.


In the summer at the cottage we use only fumigator. Flies, mosquitoes and other insects practically do not fly into the room. We set fire to the plates and on the veranda.

Olga, Perm


Means are intended for extermination of flies and insects of various types in summer cottages, in apartments and other premises. They include toxic biological and chemical components that provide a wide range of effects. Manufacturers produce a large range of tools that allow to get rid of flies in a short period of time, so going out of town, you should buy the necessary drug. Insecticides are presented in various forms - aerosols, sprays, emulsions, granules, powders. The consumer can choose the most preferred option. Modern chemical preparations have a prolonged action, providing long-term protection against flies.


Working with chemicals requires the use of personal protective equipment and strict adherence to instructions.

Insecticides for pest control
Insecticides for pest control

Choosing a means to get rid of flies in the country, you should pay attention to the preparations, the content of permethrin and tetramethrin.They are practically safe for humans, but deadly to insects. Insecticides containing chlorine, phosphorus and fluorine should be avoided. These components are toxic to humans and can lead to negative effects. The most famous are such insecticides:

  • Spray Dichlorvos and Chlorofos - the most widely used tools. Handle them with great care, as they can be dangerous in large quantities to humans and pets. After processing the dacha, the room should be left, and after a while - thoroughly air. Average price within 79 rubles
  • Minap 22. Universal remedy allows you to get rid of not only flies in the country, but also other flying and crawling pests. Available in suspension. Instructions to the drug is attached. Means to class 4 toxicity and completely harmless to humans and warm-blooded animals. The complete destruction of parasites is observed in a day. The price is 2150 rubles.
  • Agita 10WG. An effective remedy for flies, cockroaches and fleas is available in powder form. It can be used in the country and other rooms. The preparation includes the reproductive enzyme flies, which attracts flying insects. The effect occurs 5-10 minutes after the interaction with the toxin. The price is 2500 rubles.
  • Get - the best cure for flies in the country and in other rooms. Available in the form of a slurry and solid stone. Microcapsule technology allows the poison to be stored on the treated surfaces in the active state for up to six months. The tool belongs to the 4th class of danger. To work with the drug must comply with the requirements of the manufacturer. The insecticide does not have a sharp smell, does not scare away, but completely destroys the flies and their larvae. Price from 430 rubles and up, depending on the form of release

On a note!

Insecticides very popular brand Raptor they destroy not only flies, but also other insects who like to settle in country houses.


Long tried to bring out the flies in the country, but all to no avail. Friends advised Get suspension. Treated the room and for a long time forgot about pests. Recommend.

Nikolay, Podolsk

In specialized stores, a large number of insecticides are presented, allowing you to quickly bring out the flies in the country. While working on the plot, you can use repellents. They are applied to the skin of a person and protect against annoying synanthropes.

Natural remedies

Natural Remedy for Flies
Natural Remedy for Flies

In nature, there are a large number of natural repellents that allow scare flies, block their access to the cottage, as well as get rid of annoying and dangerous insects:

  • flies grown on the windowsill of geranium, castor oil, basil and tomato seedlings;
  • a bouquet of wildflowers will save food on the table from flying synanthropes;
  • sprigs of myrtle, mint, lavender, fern tansy, walnut, elderberry and other odorous plants should be placed in rooms in the country;
  • the smell of marigolds, grown in the dacha, will repel insects;
  • An effective folk remedy for flies in the country is laurel oil, which once a month wipes tables, furniture, window frames and doors.

During the cleaning of the dacha premises it is recommended to add vinegar or a few drops of turpentine. Fragrance unpleasant for flies can fill the room with the help of aroma lamps with essential oils of peppermint eucalyptus mint.

Effective means and interesting ways to deal with flies quite a lot. But you should not expect to win, if there is a lot of garbage at the dacha, compost heaps and toilets are in an unattractive form. In this case, any means of flies in the country will be powerless.

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