How to catch a fly in the room

How to catch a fly, there are several basic ways - to buy a ready-made device, to make a trap yourself. It is necessary to catch insects, because they are carriers of various diseases, they bite painfully and cause an allergic reaction.

How to catch a fly in the room

Insects fly well, instantly react to any movement, almost imperceptible.

  1. You can catch the pests with your hands, but this requires a quick reaction and skills. Fingers bend in the direction of the palm, gently approaching the fly, without making sharp movements. As if knocking a fly with a bent palm, quickly bending the fingers into a fist when an insect hits the palm. To catch at once, it takes experience and training.
  2. It is much easier and faster at home to catch pests using special traps. One of the most common options is flypaperwhich is suspended from the ceiling with a special pin. Adhesive tape retains properties for about 3 months, gradually catching flying pests. They change as they fill up the sticky part - they just throw it into the trash can. The price of one piece from 5 rubles. up to 100 rubles. depending on the manufacturers.
  3. You can also catch a fly in the apartment with the help of special lamp traps. It is allowed to use them in any room, in the open air. The lamp works silently, does not require large energy reserves. Operates from conventional or solar batteries, batteries, network. Attracts flying insects with ultraviolet rays, heat, the smell of carbon dioxide.It draws into the inside of the trap with a fan, where a fly sticks to a special adhesive base. Popular models Vector Trap, Deluxe, Terminator, Klatronic. The cost of 300 rubles. up to a few thousand.
  4. Catching a fly at home is easy with a self-made fixture. How it will work, on what basis - an individual decision. In this case, fantasy welcomes. Examples homemade traps are presented below.

On a note!

Any device will work much more effectively if you lure a fly. Juices of fruits, berries, sugar, honey, and some other products are used as bait.

Homemade traps - production options

Homemade traps for flies
Homemade traps for flies

Appropriate tools are used for household devices. Attract pests by smell, light, heat.

Plastic bottle

You will need an empty container from a carbonated drink, better than mineral water.

  1. Cut off the top. To do this, initially make a hole with a knife, then carefully thread the scissors, cut off the neck.
  2. Turn over the cut part, insert it inside the bottle. Fix the edges with a stapler, tape, tape or glue moment.
  3. Set a trap in any convenient place or hang it to a chandelier or ceiling.

Sugar syrup is used as bait. Pour 5 tbsp. spoons of sugar in a saucepan, pour a little water so that the liquid slightly covers the grains of the main ingredient. On a small fire, bring to a boil. Stir until complete dissolution, allow to cool slightly, pour into bottle, coat edges.

On a note!

To make a self-made device more efficient, periodically you should breathe into the bottle. In this way, carbon dioxide accumulates inside, which attracts flies better than any other bait. It is possible to catch pests in a few days.


It is convenient to catch flies with a usual tin can from under pet food, conservation. Tear off the paper label, wash the jar, dry. Obkleivayut the outer part of the jars with tape, tape, well pressed with your fingers. In a few minutes they tear off. The surface of the can has become sticky.

If the trap is used in the dark, a small flashlight is placed in the jar, covered with a lid. Establish a design in any convenient place where it is required to catch pests.

On a note!

Instead adhesive tape it is allowed to use double-sided tape, which is not required to be torn off from the can. To attract insects, you can drop honey or liquid jam on the surface.

Glass jar

Glass Jar Trap
Glass Jar Trap

You can catch flies in small banks.

  1. They should be washed, dried.
  2. Inside they pour apple cider vinegar.
  3. Instead of a lid, a plastic wrap is used. It needs to be pressed tightly to the edges, secure with tape, tape. Carefully make holes with a toothpick, with a sharp knife so that the fly can get inside.

The trap will attract insects with the smell of sour apple cider vinegar. Once inside, the pest will not be able to get out. This way you can catch a lot of flies. Reusable containers should be periodically emptied, washed, re-run the entire operation. Pests will be harvested for as long as an attractive smell will come from the trap.


Flies eat plant juices, rotting vegetables, fruits, meat, fish. Attracts their smell of sour, sweet taste. As bait for homemade traps use:

  • sugar syrup;
  • a piece of refined sugar;
  • apples, pears;
  • raw meat;
  • honey;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • fruit juice.

Most flies are attracted to the smell of rotten. If the trap is set on the street, you can lure the missing meat, salad, borscht, beer, kvass.

For extermination of small flies and ordinary indoor flies are encouraged to use several methods of control. We should not forget about prevention - mosquito nets on the windows, doors. Until the middle of summer home, house flies they only buzz, irritate the nervous system with their presence, in August they are replaced flieswhich start to bite painfully, cause an allergic reaction.

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