How to deal with a crimson fly

Gardeners and gardeners deliver a lot of trouble flies of various kinds. The danger for raspberries is the so-called raspberry fly. If it appears on the bushes, the owners of household plots may be left without most of the tasty and healthy berries. Therefore, the fight against crimson fly should be carried out on a mandatory basis.There are various ways that can help get rid of pests. Before you learn about them, you need to find out what these insects look like.

The appearance of the insect

The stem raspberry fly belongs to small insects whose length is about 6-7 mm. Their color is brown-gray. A raspberry fly transports wintering under bushes - in the upper layers of the soil. The active period of pest breeding begins in the spring and falls in April and May, depending on the regions of the country. This happens at a time when young shoots begin to appear. Raspberry fly crawls out of the ground.

To identify the pest, you should carefully look at the photo of a raspberry stem fly. It is harmless by itself, problems begin after it lays white, oval-shaped microscopic eggs. In total, the raspberry fly is able to put them off in the amount of 90 pieces. As soon as this happens, the plant changes become noticeable - the gradual wilting of the leaves begins.

Insects lay eggs in the axils of the upper part of the leaves. After 5-8 days, the larvae have a cylindrical shape and white color.It is they, and not white flies on raspberries, as people often say, that cause significant damage to the bushes, gnawing spiral turns in soft stems. As a result, the bases of young shoots are damaged. Recognizing a raspberry fly is quite simple. If young shoots in the upper part of the bush become sluggish, become black, then a raspberry fly has appeared. Along the stems are visible moves, cutting which, you can see the larva itself. If no action is taken, the plant will die or the number of young shoots that are fruitful will be much reduced.


Raspberry stem fly is capable of destroying not only raspberries, but also blackberries and meadowsweet and meadowsweet. To avoid mass destruction of bushes, should be fought by choosing really effective methods and techniques.

Raspberry fly
Raspberry fly

Methods of dealing with raspberry stem fly

There are various ways that effectively help get rid of the raspberry fly larvae.

Aggressive means

Chemical preparations are used in the period of shoot growth, when their height does not exceed a length of 15 mm. The most common are the following drugs:

  • Karbofos. It is a moderately toxic substance.To prepare the desired solution should be in 10 liters of water to dissolve 60 grams of the drug and spray them with bushes in the evening. If the forecast is planned to rain, the drug is better not to use. Enough to process the plant 2 times.
  • Spark. Refers to a broad-spectrum media and helps in the fight against insects that feed on leaves. The drug is sold in tablets. To prepare the solution follows the instructions on the package. One tablet is enough to prepare 10 liters of solution, which is necessary to spray raspberries.
  • Actellic. The drug of chemical origin, which has a negative effect on the digestive tract pest. It is sold in ampoules (2 g) in the form of an emulsion, as well as cans containing 5 liters. The instruction is attached to the preparation, which describes in detail how to prepare and apply the agent. It is permissible to use the solution no more than twice a year, as the drug is quite toxic.
  • Confidor. Highly effective low-toxic insecticide that seeps through the stem, foliage, plant root. It provides excellent protection for up to two weeks from raspberry flies even in very hot weather and practically does not wash off with rain.


It is possible to use preparations only after picking the berries, since they are dangerous for the bees and insects participating in the pollination process. It is also strictly forbidden to spray if hives are near.

Chemical methods of combating raspberry stem fly
Chemical methods of combating raspberry stem fly

Biological preparations

To destroy raspberry flies use biological agents. Experts recommend to pay attention to these drugs:

  • Fitoverm. It has a wide spectrum of action, but its effect will be noticeable only a week after application. They can handle the bushes several times in the evening, but not less than 2 days before the harvest. For bees, this tool is safe.
  • Agravertin. The drug is infused with alcohol extract from soil fungus - streptomyces. The spray solution is prepared according to the instructions. It should be used immediately. It is perfectly used in hot weather, enhancing the effect, but at a temperature below 18 degrees it is not recommended to use it.


In June, I discovered that my raspberry bushes were badly damaged by a raspberry fly. My neighbor advised and gave me Fitoverm.She explained in detail how to use it. I did everything as it should be and processed raspberries in the evening. Good drug, I recommend.

Daria, Vladimir

Folk remedies

A raspberry fly is a specific insect. It almost does not have the effect of preparations prepared with his own hands. But gardeners and gardeners are not discouraged and are constantly looking for new measures to combat this pest, capable of destroying the raspberry crop. In the comments, people write that they use Bordeaux liquid for this purpose. It is a mixture of copper sulphate and lime milk. The resulting composition is recommended to water the soil under raspberry bushes and there will be no such problem as a raspberry fly.

Bordeaux mix from raspberry flies
Bordeaux mix from raspberry flies

According to experts, this method is good if you simultaneously use well-known drugs that have proven their effectiveness. Bordeaux liquid gardeners and gardeners known for a long time. It is of great use in the event of rot, it perfectly helps with diseases of grapes, roses, various shrubs. It is logical to assume that it is also good for raspberries. It definitely will not bring harm.


I constantly use Bordeaux rose liquid. 2 years ago I planted several raspberry bushes and also began to water this solution under them. So far I have not encountered any pests.

Galina, Minsk


In order for the raspberry bushes to delight their owners with a rich harvest, this should be taken care of and preventive measures taken in advance:

  1. Digging the soil. This is necessary, since the raspberry fly pupa spends winter time in the ground under a bush. You need to dig carefully so as not to damage the root system. As a result, the larvae will freeze and die.
  2. Mulching. Dumped manure should be poured under the bushes, its height should not be less than 8 cm. Such a barrier will not allow the pupa to break through.
  3. Regular inspection. If faded stems are found, they should be trimmed closer to the base. Since the larvae infect the upper young, strong shoots, they should be given special attention. When detecting moves, it is also necessary to trim to an intact place. In the future, a new, healthy shoot is formed.
  4. Spraying the bushes with soda solution. In 10 liters of water need to dissolve 2 tbsp. lsoda, stir and spray every bush in the spring, when the berries begin to tie.

If you constantly monitor plants, the probability of the appearance of raspberry flies on them decreases many times. If they appear, you should choose one of the proposed methods in order to get rid of flies.

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