How to get rid of small flies in the apartment
- Varieties of small insects
- Ways to fight flies in the apartment
- Folk ways to fight the flies
- Fly sticky tape
Constantly taking care of their own home or apartment, many people do not tolerate the neighborhood of various insects that disturb peace and cause a feeling of irritation and disgust. Such uninvited guests can be not only cockroaches, ants, but also small, extremely annoying midges, appearing as if from nowhere.Any hostess, with the appearance of fruit flies, begins to look for the answer to the question of how to get rid of small flies. Consider the most effective ways to control pests.
Varieties of small insects
Flies - small insects, reaching a length of not more than 6 mm, belong to the family of Diptera. They live almost everywhere, except for Antarctica, as well as some remote islands and deserts devoid of rivers. In nature, there are more than 1,800 species of small flies. In fruit flies and others species of fliesThere are 4 phases of development - egg, larva, pupa, imago.
The seemingly innocuous little flies are carriers of dangerous microorganisms. Food contaminated by the larvae, if it enters the human body, can cause intestinal miasm and other health problems.
Small flies outwardly resemble their larger relatives. They have short legs, proboscis, antennae and small wings. During the day flies can overcome a distance of 200 meters. Average lifespan insect reaches 1 month. The ability to reproduce rapidly leads to a rapid increase in their population.
Females of small flies second day after birth lay from 50 to 80 eggs at a time. Of these, in about 5 days adult individuals appear. During her life, the female can lay up to 2 thousand eggs.
Having found intrusive insects in a house or apartment, it is necessary to immediately take measures to destroy them. Among the insects most commonly found in a human's dwelling, one can distinguish such representatives of dipterans:
- Drosophila - small fruit flies. Their size does not exceed 3 mm, and the length of the wings is greater than the parameters of the calf. Color Drosophila yellow-brown, and the eyes of the front sight are red. Life expectancy depends on the temperature indicators of the environment. In winter, the life cycle of the flies slows down and can last up to 2.5 months. At 15-18 ° C, they can live for about a month, and at higher temperatures - no more than 2 weeks. The main habitat of fruit flies are various fruits. When fruits and vegetables begin to deteriorate and rot, the larvae appear from the eggs, and then the little flies. The whole development cycle lasts 10 days.
- Flower flies - sciarides.Insects have a black color and a length of 3-4 mm. Small flies, similar to black mosquitoes, wind in flocks and do not fly away from flower pots. These are not fruit flies, of which the earth is of little interest, and they quickly leave the tank in which they hatched. In the dwelling of a man, sciarids appear quite simply. They can be brought from the land infected with larvae, they are found in damp cellars and through ventilation they get into apartments, they may be interested in food waste, rotting fruits and vegetables. Small flower flies do not cause direct harm to humans, but they can destroy all houseplants.
- Butterfly or sewer flies. Small insects, reaching a length of 2 mm, have wings and torso, covered with hairs. Habitat for larvae and pupae flies are sewer communications, where they feed on decaying organic matter. One butterfly can lay more than a hundred eggs at a time. Insects are carriers of numerous infectious diseases.
- Whitefly. These small flies in the apartment can get through a new indoor plant or fly from the street.White insects are malicious pests of green space. They lay eggs on the inside of the leaves. The hatching small flies of the whitefly suck the juice out of them, leaving behind a sugary discharge. The foliage of the plants is deformed and falls off along with the flower buds. Reproduction rate and the high survivability of the flies can lead to the death of all flowers in an apartment or house.
- Water flies. They live in rooms with high humidity, and can also settle in the kitchen or in the bathroom.
- Ward Flies. They prefer to settle in wardrobes in which old things are stored, as well as in laundry baskets with dirty laundry.
If any of the insect species, be it fruit flies or other pests, appeared in an apartment or house, then all possible measures should be taken to get rid of small flies as soon as possible.
Possible ways of entering the home
To destroy the fruit flies and her relatives in the apartment, it is necessary to completely stop the life cycle of these pests. This is only possible if you find places where small midges lay eggs.Destroying only flying insects will not give the desired effect, since they will be replaced by newly hatched individuals. It is a well-known fact that fruit flies prefer to lay on very ripe fruits and vegetables that begin to rot. However, this is not the only place where they can be found. Wherever there is moisture and food, small flies are justified.
If Drosophila or other small midges appear in an apartment or house, the following actions should be taken:
- examine the pots with plants and, if necessary, reduce the number of waterings, and also treat the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
- throw away the garbage and sanitize the garbage can;
- pack food products in plastic containers or plastic bags;
- clean animal feeders;
- check the condition of the drain in the kitchen sink, remove wet sponges and rags.
Having determined where the flies come from, it is necessary to carry out a thorough cleaning of the room and eliminate the factors favorable for the life of insects.
On a note!
Perfect cleanliness in the kitchen is one of the effective measuresallowing to get rid of fruit flies and other dipterans. In the warm season, all adult individuals and existing clutches will die within 10 days. In the winter period, the time interval will increase due to the slow development of the larvae.
If the measures taken have not yielded positive results, then it is necessary to proceed to the use of radical measures.
Methods of struggle
There are many methods and techniques used to get rid of fruit flies and other small flies. A positive effect can be obtained not only from the use of toxic chemicals, but also using popular advice, various traps.
Folk recipes
Fighting flies in the kitchen can be simple and safe aromatic preparationswhich have proven to be effective. Among them are the following funds:
- Camphor. Its smell can not stand Drosophila. Heat the pan and pour some camphor on it. When steam appears, remove it from the heat and walk around the whole apartment.
- Broth cloves. Pour 250 ml of water into the container, add 5 g of buds, boil and leave in the room.
Given the "great love" of fruit flies and other small flies to harsh smells, you can use to get rid of them comfortable aroma lamps. A good effect is achieved from the use of oils of basil, eucalyptus and anise.
Before using strongly smelling agents, you must ensure that there are no allergic reactions to these substances from family members.
For catching fruit flies and other small flies, you can use simple and effective self-made traps:
- Unwashed beer bottle with a little residue at the bottom. In the morning there will be a large number of lovers of treats.
- Pour apple vinegar, a few drops of dishwashing liquid, 50 ml of water into a deep plate. Mix everything thoroughly and cover the container with a cling film, in which a toothpick will make holes a short distance away. The acidic environment will attract fruit flies, and they will climb through the holes under the film.
- In a glass jar to put the pieces of rotten fruit and leave it in this form in the room. When it collects a large number of small flies, fill the tank with water and pour it into the sewer.
There are a lot of people's recommendations, the main thing is to choose the most suitable for a particular case.
Shop Tools
Today you can buy ready means, proven to be effective. They are great help to get rid of small pests at home.
- Trap Raptor. The principle of its operation is quite simple. The bait contains a liquid with a smell that attracts the flies, following it, they fall on the adhesive base, which is located on the inside of the device. The cost of one package is 250 rubles.
- Aeroxon trap. A completely safe remedy consisting of a bottle with a bait, a stand and two sticky traps. Getting rid of the hated flies occurs very quickly and efficiently. Price - 363 rubles.
- Dichlorvos Neo. Effective means of odorless against fruit flies and other small flies. The basis of the drug - ethyl alcohol. The term of effectiveness is 30 days. Price - 65 rubles.
- Combat Multi Spray - a strong insecticide that allows you to quickly get rid of small flies in the apartment. The effect comes after half an hour after application. Price - 329 rubles.
- Aerosol Raid. It has an instant action. Duration over 2 weeks.Price - 266 rubles.
This is not a complete list of tools that allow the destruction of fruit flies and other small flies in an apartment and house. Consumer reviews will help you make your choice, as well as advice from competent consultants in stores.
Flies in the house - an unpleasant phenomenon. To quickly get rid of the invasion of fruit flies, it is necessary to keep the house clean and, if necessary, use proven and safe means.
Works well homemade trap with apple cider vinegar. Quickly and effortlessly got rid of all the flies.
Victoria, Volgograd
I constantly buy the Aeroxon trap. The result is excellent. The kitchen is never visible flies. They are great for bait.
Olga, Perm
I advise everyone to spray Combat Multi Spray. The best means I have not yet met.
Catherine, Murmansk