How and what to treat the ears of a dog from flies

With the onset of spring, the pleasure of the gentle sun and green grass is received not only by people, but also by pets, getting an opportunity to relax and frolic while traveling out of town. However, such a pastime in nature can be overshadowed by the attack of flies. Biting flieswhich sometimes bite to blood and corrode the skin before wounds form,They bring the dog not only great discomfort, but also often become the cause of very dangerous diseases, such as anthrax, sepsis, staph infection and tularemia. Therefore, every caring pet owner must know what to do if the flies nibble on the dog's ears.

How to treat the dog's ears from flies

A person is able to protect himself from the bites of annoying insects with the help of various drugs. In contrast, animals cannot do this on their own. If the flies eat the pet's ears, to prevent negative consequences, it is necessary to protect the dog by giving it timely assistance. You can drive away pesky insects by the following drugs.


A remedy for flies for dogs, which is available as a spray. Diethyltoluamide acts as an active ingredient in it, menthol and camphor are used to enhance the effect. The protective effect of the composition is maintained for 4-8 hours after application. If the animal falls under the rain or swims in a nearby reservoir, re-treatment is necessary.


Spray from flies applied to the ears of a pet, preventing it from falling on the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. Possible side effects that manifest themselves in the form of an allergic reaction, urticaria, dermatitis.

Fly fly for dogs
Fly fly for dogs


You can treat a dog at home with Neocidol. The antiparasitic agent for flies, scabby mites and other blood-sicking insects based on diazinon is a light brown concentrated emulsion with a light pleasant aroma.

Processing lead at the rate of 0, 05% emulsion 1 time in 9-10 days. You can not use the composition of sick and emaciated animals.


A preparation for fighting flies, ticks, lice and other ectoparasites in animals, which is based on transmix, tetramethrin and fillers. Active components affect the central and peripheral nervous system of arthropods.

When used in recommended doses, the composition is completely harmless to warm-blooded animals. The drug is used at the rate of 1 ml per 200 ml of water. The solution is treated not only the ears, but the whole body of the dog.A single treatment protects the pet from reinfection within 2-3 days.

Preparations for treating dogs from flies
Preparations for treating dogs from flies


Flies on the dog will not leave wounds if the pet's ears are treated with a Butox water solution. The active ingredient of the insectoacaricidal drug is a synthetic pyrethroid deltamethrin, thanks to which the composition is effective against flies, ticks, midges, bedbugs, vlasoedov and other parasites. When ingested by arthropods, this substance inhibits the activity of peripheral nerves, resulting in their paralysis. At observance of the recommended dosages the water emulsion does not constitute danger for four-footed pets.

If flies bite the ears of dogs, it is necessary to treat the skin and hair of the animal with an aqueous solution of Butox, which is prepared in a proportion of 1 ml per 4 liters of water. Long-haired breeds of dogs can be bathed in this solution entirely. In a more concentrated form, the composition is used to combat ticks using 1 ml of emulsion per 1.3 l of water.

On a note!

At the peak of pest activity, the dog should be treated with a solution every week. Spraying the animal begins with the ears, the tail and paws are treated as the last.

The use of folk remedies

Use of folk remedies for dogs
Use of folk remedies for dogs

If the flies sit on the dog and bite behind the ears, you can use and folk remedieswhich are available in almost every home.

  • Anoint the dog's ears with a decoction of bay leaf, for the preparation of which use 100 g of raw materials per 200 g of boiling water. The cooled infusion is filtered and used to treat dog hair, avoiding contact with the pet’s eyes and mouth. The tool is effective not only against flies, but also ticks.
  • If the parasites eat the pet's ears, it is enough to drop tea tree essential oil onto the intact skin. The aroma of this tool will serve as a good defense against annoying parasites.
  • The skin on the ears of the dog can be saved from the attack of flies, if you smear it with vinegar solution (200 g of water is combined with 1 tsp. Of vinegar). The smell of vinegar will deter pests from the pet.

On a note!

To get rid of annoying parasites, you can use birch tar, ichthyol ointment or the same petroleum jelly. Their the smell will scare away the dog bloodsuckers. Some dog breeders use for this purpose even grease. However, many pets tend to get rid of this composition withan unpleasant smell, wiping the ears with paws or pumping out in the grass, which can themselves damage the skin.

How to treat flies bites

If, however, the bites of flies were still not avoided, and as a result wounds formed on the dog's ears, in order to cure them, it is necessary to wash the affected skin with Chlorhexidine. After which they should be regularly smeared with Levomekol. Juice of plantain, bitter wormwood, bird cherry, wild mountain ash or tansy also contribute to the healing process.

If the flies begin to bite the dog's ears, you must immediately assist the pet, using any of the above tools. Otherwise, the wounds will begin to inflame, bringing pain and suffering to the pet.

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