How to get rid of flies in the barn

How to get rid of flies in the pigsty, barn, chicken coop, and other sheds with animals, there are several ways. It is recommended to combine folk remedies, professional preparations, and also to pay special attention to methods of prevention.

Features of the fight

It is not always possible to use insecticides indoors with livestock. One of the main conditions is the absence of inhabitants at the time of processing of the shed and at least 2 hours after completion. After the disinsection, it is necessary to change the litter, wash the feeders, put fresh food. The action of the chemical drug lasts no more than 3 weeks, there is a need for re-treatment.

On a note!

In rooms where there are animals, there will always be flies. They are attracted by the smell of sweat, heat, carbon dioxide, the presence of feces, manure, rotting grass, the presence of food. Insects are active during the day when it is hot in the street, windows and doors are open indoors. Flies freely get inside, feed, breed, breed.

To reduce the activity of pests, in most cases, use indoors. all kinds of traps for flies, baits, scaring folk remedies, as well as poison, which is applied with a brush in places where there is not enough cattle, birds. The basic rule is to maintain cleanliness in the shed, do not leave rotting grass in the room, and avoid stagnant water.

Another effective method of dealing with flies in the goat barn, barn, pigsty, chicken coop is the treatment of cattle and birds. In this case, also use folk remedies, professional chemicals. It is important to follow the instructions, dosage, frequency of treatment. Improper use of insecticides causes side effects, worsening the well-being of animals.

How to get rid of flies in the barn - proven methods

Methods of dealing with flies
Methods of dealing with flies

To insects do not remain in the barn, you need to create a draft there. The insect does not like streams of strong wind, always strives for warmth, comfort. To quickly achieve the desired result, it is recommended to combine several methods, methods of killing flies.

  1. Hang from the ceiling flypaperwhich are sold in the summer in any store. The price of one piece from 10 rubles. Means absolutely safe for cattle, birds, you can use an unlimited number of stickies for a long time.
  2. 2. In the chicken coop, pigsty, barn at the top of the room, window sills, doorways, everything that the “inhabitants” of the barn do not reach is treated with insecticide. Whenever possible animals, birds are taken out of the room.The solution is applied with a brush so as not to spray onto the litter, feeders. Flour flies can be drugs Fas-Double, Hangman, Avicin, Medilis tsiper, Solfak, Sinuzan, Agita. The concentrate is added to cold water, according to the instructions.
  3. Smoke bombs. It is possible to process the shed from flies with the help of special insecticidal checkers. Animals should be removed for the time of disinsection, pre-clean, take out or wrap feeders, drinkers. The checker is installed on a non-burning support, windows, doors are closed in the room, the wick is set on fire. With smoke, a toxic substance is released, which gradually penetrates into all the cracks, settles on the surface. Flask from flies burns for about 2 hours, the same need to be aired after disinsection. Protection against flies in the room lasts from 7 to 20 days. Effective drugs Muhoyar, Silent evening, Fas, Permethrin. Kills flies in minutes, the poison enters the body by contact, food.
  4. Poisonous bait. Without harm to birds, animals can be poisoned flies strong poison. A saucer with a bait is placed on the window-sills or “feeders” are made of plastic bottles, suspended in a convenient place.As bait use sugar syrup, juice, jam, honey, apple cider vinegar, fruit slices, meat, sour salad, borsch. In the selected product add any poison - Boric acid, Aktellik, Aktar. It is allowed to use indoors gel baits for cockroaches, ants - the Great Warrior, Fas, Absolute.
  5. Handling animals. In order not to fly flies on the body of cattle, chickens, use folk remedies with a persistent odor. If there is a question how to get rid of flies in the barn, pigsty, chicken coop, goat's broom, you should use special insecticidal preparations for processing livestock.

On a note!

To achieve the desired result is possible only by sharing several methods, methods of struggle.

Effective chemicals

Preparations for handling the shed from flies
Preparations for handling the shed from flies

At the pig farm, farms, animals are mass processed in the open air. The room is sprayed in the absence of legitimate "residents." Preparations when used correctly do not affect the well-being of animals, they do not harm humans.

Bayofly Pur

An effective remedy for flies for cows. It is allowed to process milk cows, calves weighing more than 100 kg.The active ingredient is cyfluthrin, in the composition of the drug, its share is 1%. Insecticide of a wide range destroys flies after contact with the processed wool, during food. Apply along the ridge. It begins to act after 4 hours, is fully absorbed during the day. Continues to fight pests for about a month.

The production is engaged in a well-known company Bayer. The price of the drug in a bottle 500 ml 1700 rubles. There are bottles of 100, 200 ml. Treated also feathered, other cattle.


Remarkable tool. No side effects. It is convenient to apply, the action lasts almost a month. One downside is the high cost.

Andrey, Moscow


Insectoacaricidal drug is used for the treatment of pigs, sheep, horses, goats, cows and birds. Dilute with cold water. Treat animals by immersion in a bath or by spraying. The same drug is used to disinfect the room, getting rid of any blood-sucking pests. Apply with a brush or use a household spray. The bottle with a capacity of 1 l costs within 3200 rub.


Processed pigs and barn. Disinsection was carried out all day.Pre-cleaning, then final. Pigs were sprayed from a spray bottle. The effect was noticeable that day. Enough action for almost a month.

Irina, St. Petersburg


Preparation Perol for processing of a shed from flies
Preparation Perol for processing of a shed from flies

Produced in finished form. Means is intended for processing of animals, birds, the room. The active ingredient is permethrin. Animals are sprayed in fresh air. Use spray cans with a solution or dropper. It is recommended to apply in the period of mass breeding flies. Keeps toxic properties about a month. Exterminate flies is capable of a few days. The price of a bottle with a capacity of 500 ml 215 rubles. Production is engaged in a domestic company. They process stables, cow shed, pigsty, pens for goats and other household premises.


Affordable, effective, safe when used correctly. We have been using the farm for about 5 years. No side effects were observed.

Elena, Voronezh

Folk remedies

To process a cow at home or another pet, livestock, you can use the solution with the addition of essential oils of plants.Citronella oil, lavender, peppermint, citrus, thyme has a deterrent effect. The action lasts about 2 hours.

They scare away the folk remedies of flies in a room with bundles of mint, chamomile, wormwood, tansy, and garlic. Suspended bouquets in any convenient place, laid out in the corners, which do not get animals, birds.

The principle of action of natural folk remedies is based on insect repellent smell. These drugs are completely harmless to people and animals. Much harm, too, do not bring.

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