How to process tomatoes from white and black flies

If small white or black flies appeared on the plot, then it’s time to get ready to actively save the crop. Measures to combat the black spot on tomatoes are both directional and simple prevention. But when choosing which method to use, it is important to remember that the pest multiplies very quickly, so there is very little time for preparation.

What danger pose

A small white fly in the garden is a representative of the whitefly. These are very tiny individuals up to 2 mm. The little body is greenish, and on the wings there is a light white bloom. They live on the back of the foliage and lay eggs there. Whitefly larvae tightly attached to the surface of the leaves with a special sticky enzyme.


A garden pest feeds on plant sap. But the main danger to plantings is precisely the feces of the whitefly. They contain spores of soot fungi. The foliage is first covered with a sticky white patina, then this place turns black.

Signs of infection with tomato whitefly:

  1. The appearance of whitish and black spots on the leaves.
  2. Glitter on the leaves.
  3. Twisting and wilting foliage.
  4. Fruits do not ripen, white veins can be seen in the pulp.
  5. During the approach to the tomatoes, flocks of small moths fly up from them.

If a black fly has appeared on the tomatoes, then we are talking about infestation by aphids or cicadas. Pests can have small transparent wings or be wingless. Black body. They also settle on the back of the leaves and feed on plant sap.

Aphids are dangerous at high rates of reproduction.Having destroyed one plant, she quickly moves to another. It affects not only tomatoes, but also many other cultures.

When choosing a means than to process a tomato, it is necessary to consider the stage of its growth. Depending on this, choose shop or folk remedies. During flowering, the use of chemicals is strictly prohibited, it can be dangerous to human health. Therefore, it is best to choose a proven folk remedy that you can use at any time and not fear for your own safety.

White or black flies on tomatoes
White or black flies on tomatoes

Chemistry to protect tomatoes

This method can be called the most effective and fast. But he has a huge disadvantage: danger to humans. Before using any product, it is important to carefully read the instructions for use, observe safety measures and strictly adhere to the recommendations on the dosage of the product.

Special preparations for treatment:

  • Pegasus. It belongs to the group of insectoaccaricides. It has a neuroparalytic effect. It has a low toxicity class and is practically safe for humans. The average cost is 120 rubles. The maximum number of treatments 2.It can be used in combination with other preparations against the flies on tomatoes.
  • Phosbecid. Available in 2 ml ampoules. The cost of 20 rubles per ml. It relieves aphids and whitefly, as well as other pests of tomatoes. The drug is intestinal and systemic. Not allowed to mix with other chemicals of chemical origin.
  • Mospilan 100 g of powder costs from 170 rubles. Low toxicity, well combined with various pesticides. Active even at high ambient temperatures.
  • Fufanon. Liquid, which is available in various dosages. 6.5 ml will cost 15 rubles. It is quickly dissolved, does not constitute danger to plants.
  • Confidor. Insecticide contact-intestinal action. In addition to pest control, it has a resuscitation effect on plants. Effective even in the heat. Long retains its properties on crops. Resistant to flushing. Price from 40 rubles for 1 g.
  • Aktara. Highly effective. Resistant to heat, precipitation. Active ingredient thiomethoxam. Protects within 1 month after application. Low consumption rate reduces the number of treatments. 50 rubles per pack.

If the black fly on the tomatoes has multiplied greatly, then one treatment will not be enough.Many drugs act only on adults, but are not able to destroy eggs.

Chemistry for processing tomatoes
Chemistry for processing tomatoes


About a week trying to get rid of the flies on tomatoes folk remedies. I tried everything that I knew and that my friends suggested. There was no result. Then he bought Phosbecid and by the evening after the processing of the flies it became noticeably smaller. It was not even necessary to re-spray.

Ilya Yakovlevich, Syzran

Konfidor always helped to fight with black and white flies on tomatoes. The main thing is to be able to process the cultures correctly, so that the product must fall on each leaf. Make it difficult, but you have to excel. The result is not long in coming.

Dmitry, Surgut

Folk remedies

If the growth stage or other circumstances do not allow the use of chemicals, then you should apply equally effective folk methods of getting rid of flies on tomatoes. The main principle of action of folk remedies - scaring away the scent.


Processing is best done in the morning, before the sun had time to rise high. Tomato fly in the hours of morning chill is very passive and the chances of high-quality processing increase.

The whitefly and black fly on tomatoes are afraid of infusions of herbs.If they process crops at least 2 times, the pest will retreat.

Popular infusions:

  • Dandelion The third part of the plants with roots, leaves and flowers pour 8 liters of boiling water. Insist day and carry out processing beds.
  • Acetic. 100 ml of a bite is enough for a bucket of water. Water the seedlings in the morning before sunrise.
  • Tobacco. In a bucket of water soak 500 g of tobacco of any. Leave on for 24 hours, after which the solution is ready for use.
  • Chistotelovy. To get rid of the flies on tomatoes, 2 tbsp. l dry plants pour a glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. Insist 12 hours, add 2 liters of water and spray the tomatoes. Celandine can be replaced by wormwood.

Also get rid of the flies from tomatoes will help liquid soap and vegetable oil. To do this, mix 1 cup of vegetable oil, 2 glasses of water and 10 ml of liquid soap. Mix everything thoroughly and process the tomatoes.

If the midges were seen at an early stage of their development, then it is enough to spray the plants with a soap solution. To prepare dissolve the bar of laundry soap in a bucket of water. Repeat the procedure every other day.

Folk Pest Control
Folk Pest Control

How to get rid of blackflies on tomatoes in the greenhouse

Blackflies greenhouses are a very comfortable place. It is always warm and quite humid here. Therefore, the process of their reproduction is significantly accelerated, and the struggle is complicated. To get rid, you can use any of the above drugs, or use a simple folk method.

In order for the white flies to disappear in the greenhouse with tomatoes, it is necessary to prepare this infusion:

  1. Grind about 200 grams of garlic and add it to a bucket of water. Leave to infuse for 3 hours. Hour every hour.
  2. Add 50 g of dry mustard and 5 pods of hot pepper.
  3. All mix and pour into a container with a spray.

Tomato processing is carried out in the morning and evening for 2-3 days, until the flies disappear.

Well helps infusion of onion peel. The minimum amount of husk per bucket should be 300 g, but the more concentrated solution, the better. Husk fall asleep in a bucket of water and cook for 30-40 minutes. If the primary treatment is not satisfied, in a week to repeat.

On a note!

Well helps to escape from the midges and slightly strengthen the tomatoes weak solution of potassium permanganate. They need to process the seedlings in the morning or in the evening 2 times.The procedure is not repeated every day. After the first treatment, take a break for 1-3 days.

Pest Prevention

Preventing the appearance of flies
Preventing the appearance of flies

The fight against the flies can take a lot of time, during which the insects will have time to cause significant damage to the crop. The basic rules of prevention will help at times reduce the likelihood of insect attacks.

  1. Care should be taken to keep the area clean. This rule will not only improve its aesthetic appearance, but also will not allow pests to settle for the winter in the country house or garden. To do this, you need to regularly pluck the weeds and take them out of the site.
  2. Tomatoes and flies have different preferences for climatic conditions. Cultures like freedom and coolness, and insects, on the contrary, heat and humidity. Therefore, tomatoes should be planted at a distance of at least 40 cm from each other. To prevent the fly from settling in the greenhouse, it should be regularly aired and not allowed to increase the humidity level.
  3. It is also possible to prevent the appearance of small pests by planting special plants, with a frightening odor. The midge will not come close to the tomatoes if you plant a calendula, garlic, parsley or dill nearby.
  4. Do not ignore the natural enemies of white and black flies.Ladybugs, wasps, bees, hoverflies and gold-eyed eyes will provide reliable protection of the site from pests. To attract them, fragrant herbs can be planted on the plot.

Thus, tomato pests pose a huge threat to the entire crop. It is recommended to display it immediately upon detection. If insect populations are not too large, you can try folk remedies, but if they do not give results, you will have to treat cultures with chemicals.

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