
Fight against carrot fly with ammonia

Ammonia from carrot flies
Ammonia from carrot flies

Carrot fly is a very small brown insects that infect roots and cause considerable damage to the crop. One of the most popular ways to get rid of a pest is to use an aqueous solution of ammonia 10%. Flies can appear on the beds during the entire period of plant growth, which is why you need to know how to deal with carrot fly with ammonia to not only get rid of the pest, but also to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Features of the method

The fight against carrot fly in the garden with ammonia is a very long time and deservedly recognized as one of the most popular methods. This solution has numerous advantages:

  1. Efficiency. The active components of the product have a fairly strong effect on the pest.
  2. Availability. You can buy ammonia absolutely in any pharmacy.
  3. Low price. The average cost of a bottle of ammonia is 40 rubles.
  4. Economical consumption. For a single crop processing from a carrot fly, you will need only a couple of ml, which will allow you to use the product for a very long time.
  5. Additional recharge plants.
  6. Security. Ammonia does not change the taste and does not affect the quality of the processed crops.

But, before using this tool, be sure to examine the existing shortcomings. Weaknesses of the method include:

  1. The need to comply with safety measures so as not to harm health.
  2. Strictly follow the instructions for preparing the solution. Otherwise, carrots can get burned.
  3. The effect will be noticeable only after a couple of sprays.

On a note!

Ammonia from carrot flies is allowed for use at any stage of cultivation, which is one of the key advantages of the method.

Terms of use

Fighting carrot fly with ammonia is one of the easiest ways. It is carried out by watering the beds with infected root crops prepared solution. To prepare the treatment liquid, it is necessary to dissolve 2 ml of ammonia in a bucket of water. After that, the solution is thoroughly mixed and poured into a container for processing. Pour carrot from carrot flies using sprayers or a classic watering can.

Ammonia from carrot flies
Ammonia from carrot flies

On a note!

The frequency of treatment depends on the degree of infection of the site. But the best is the schedule of processing carrots in 4-6 days. During this time, the smell does not have time to completely erode and for plants such an action will not suffer negative consequences.

Precautionary measures

Ammonia remains a poison, so when working with him it is important to observe safety measures. The aqueous ammonia solution is volatile, evaporates quickly and spreads. During processing it is necessary to wear protective clothing.To do this, use gloves, thick cloth robe and scarf or hat on his head.

On a note!

Treat carrots with ammonia better in the early morning after sunrise or in the evening after sunset. It is advisable to water in calm weather and when precipitation is not expected in the next 8-12 hours.


Given the high reproduction rate and the harm from carrot fly attacks on the beds, it is recommended that regular prevention be carried out. It will detect the pest early on and overcome the carrot fly at the very beginning of its appearance.

For planting crops should choose solar areas on the hills. A carrot growing in the lowlands is much more likely to be affected by a pest.

There are also several rules during the cultivation of carrots that help protect the root crop from pests:

  1. Always fill holes in the soil after pulling out the fruit for personal use.
  2. Remove diseased and weak plants.
  3. To start watering only after a dry crust appears on the soil surface.
  4. Periodically loosen the ground.
  5. Observe the crop rotation and timing of planting seeds.


Developed special varieties of root vegetables, which have a high resistance to carrot flies. These include Perfection, Vitamin 5, Calgeri hybrid.

Additionally, it is recommended to pickle planting material in order to increase its resistance to pest attack.


Ammonia from carrot flies
Ammonia from carrot flies

The carrot was completely eaten by a carrot fly. Afraid of the harvest nothing will be left. Apply chemistry no longer wanted, to save the benefits of a vegetable, because in the family of 3 grandchildren. The neighbor suggested fighting carrot fly with ammonia. Just a few sprayings were enough for damage to be noticeably less. I did not manage to completely get rid of the pest, but I was still satisfied with the result. The main thing that went without chemicals.

Igor Y., Sergiev Posad

I diluted ammonia 1 ml per bucket of water. It turned out a very weak solution, but it was enough for the pest to retreat. I advise everyone to start processing it with this dosage. Then the crop will be saved, and no harm to the plants.

Irina, Mytishchi

Last summer a carrot fly was bred on the garden beds.How to deal with it, I did not know and began to look folk methods. I tried several, the struggle lasted about 2 weeks. As a result, I can say that only liquid ammonia saved me, although I used it after trying to get rid of carrot flies with onion and garlic infusion. Spread 1.5 ml of ammonia in half a ten-liter bucket of warm water and process the beds.

Oksana, Sevastopol

Thus, the appearance of carrot flies in the beds will become a real problem, which carries a direct danger to the crop, and not only carrots. It is optimal to carry out regular prevention, but even she can not guarantee complete safety. That is why you should always carefully monitor the condition of crops in the area and when you first detect pests immediately begin to combat them.

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