How to deal with cherry fly

Cherry fly is a very dangerous and common garden pest. Its purpose: the fruit of cherries or cherries. Ignoring the appearance of the insect at the site will lead to almost complete loss of the crop. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your crops in order to timely detect traces of the pest.

Features of the life of a cherry fly

Fly It is a small insect, no larger than 5 mm. The female is somewhat larger, the males are smaller. The photo of the cherry fly clearly shows a pair of transparent wings, which have 3-4 black longitudinal stripes.

The fly has a dark, almost black color. The surface is shiny. Green faceted eyes allow you to see 360 ​​degrees around you. The front of the body is bright yellow in color, the back is dark.

The first signs of the appearance of an insect are observed after the thaw. At the end of a long winter, the pest leaves its cocoons and goes to food quest. The first time is the accumulation of nutrients, since the individual is very weakened after wintering. As food, a cherry fly uses sweet excretions of aphids or plant juices, fruits.

Only after fattening, the pests become ready to mate. A fertilized female lays her eggs directly in ripened or unripe fruit of the tree. She pierces the skin of cherries and puts offspring in the flesh.

On a note!

From the eggs very soon larvae appear.. They go deep inside the fruit and begin to eat it from the inside. The worm completely ruins the cherry in which he settled.

After 2-3 weeks the yellow larvae of the cherry fly fall to the ground. There they are immersed in the upper loose layer and prepare for wintering. Under the ground at a depth of 2-13 cm, worms equip pupae.

How to recognize a pest

The easiest way to determine the pest in the garden by the presence of wormy fruit. There is no doubt that if wormy cherries came across this summer, then next year there will be more spoiled fruit. Apply methods to fight should now and not wait until the cherry fly will destroy the crop completely.

Cherry fly
Cherry fly

The most effective ways to determine the presence of a pest:

  1. Black dots will be visible on the spicy fruit. This is the puncture site that females make to lay their eggs.
  2. Further, where the larvae appeared, a small depression forms. Subsequently, it begins to rot.
  3. Berry becomes lethargic, loses its luster and juiciness.
  4. If you break a berry, inside it you can find a small whitish or yellowish worm.
  5. There is a certain threshold, after exceeding which, the fight against the cherry fly should be activated. He is 1-2 rotten fruit per 100 pieces.

If you do not start to fight in time, the cherry fly population will increase from year to year.Each time the volume of damage will also increase and eventually the garden owners will suffer considerable losses of the crop.

Detection of at least one individual in the summer cottage may already indicate the presence of pests. This means that it is time to choose what to process the trees and how to escape from the cherry fly.

On a note!

There is a very simple and effective way to determine the mass flow of a cherry fly and the extent of infection of a site. To do this, on each tree cherries and cherries should be hung trap for flies. You can make it from wood, plastic or any other material. Paint the trap in a bright yellow color and treat with ALT glue. Bright color will attract insects, and glue will not allow them to come off. A signal of a mass departure of a fly will be the detection of more than 20 pieces in a trap.

Methods of dealing with cherry fly

Getting rid of flies can occur in different ways depending on the season and the degree of infection. It is strictly forbidden to use chemistry during flowering and at least 20 days before harvesting. Otherwise, dangerous pesticides will get into the human body and lead to dangerous consequences.You should start the fight in early spring. The treatment is carried out not only the trees themselves, but also the soil under the crown.

Cherry Flies Chemicals
Cherry Flies Chemicals

Effective chemicals:

  1. Spark. Most appropriate to use a series of double effect. Active components are cypermethrin and permethrin. Possess intestinal and contact action. Protect plants for another 2 months after application, even under heavy rainfall. Available in the form of a concentrated emulsion, from which you need to prepare a working solution. Price 20 rubles.
  2. Aktara. The drug has a broad spectrum of action. It belongs to the intestinal-contact group. The powder is easily soluble in water and resistant to high temperatures. It has a positive effect on the leaves, shoots. It is used for spraying the crown and tillage. The cost of 40 rubles.
  3. Fufanon. Actively used to protect crops in large areas. The active component of the tool is thiomethoxam. Plants can be processed in any weather conditions. Price 20-30 rubles per pack. Dosage should be calculated separately in each case, according to the instructions for use.
  4. Karate. Also protects against aphids and mites.Applied to the sheets of plants. Spraying is carried out in the morning or in the evening in the absence of wind. The cost of 30 rubles.

Anabazin sulfate, Actellic, Lightning, Phasis, Agita.

In most cases, spraying alone is not enough. Therefore, after 2-3 weeks to re-process. It is not recommended to use only one type of drug, as the fly quickly gets used and adapts to the substances.


I advise you to handle cherries and cherries with Lightning. Love this drug. It helps after spraying and retains its effect for the whole season. I did not notice that the fly has developed immunity, because it has been using the remedy for the third year in a row.

Maxim Ivanovich, Livny


Worm cherries noticed 3 seasons in a row and did not even know that they were the larvae of the cherry fly. Lost a lot of time, so we were looking for a very effective tool. They sprayed everything: the trees, the foliage and the soil with a spark. At the end of the autumn they dug up the whole garden. The result was already seen next spring. But now we always carry out prophylaxis, since it is a pity to lose the harvest.

Olga Yakimenko, Moscow

Folk recipes

Popular methods of dealing with cherry fly
Popular methods of dealing with cherry fly

Get rid of the cherry flies on the cherry can and folk remedies:

  • Needles. Cherry flies have a strong sense of smell, so cooked an infusion of pine needles will disorient and scare her away. To prepare, fill the pan with coniferous branches. Use pine or spruce. Fill the remaining volume with water. Boil for 30 minutes. Cool, spray with a spray.
  • Garlic, tobacco and onion peel. In equal parts, mix all the ingredients and fill with a bucket of water. At 10 liters should take 300 g of each component. Insist day.
  • Soap and tobacco blend. At 0.5 kg of tobacco dust you need 10 liters of water and 200 g of soap. Tobacco insist in the water day. Then strain and add shavings of soap. Mix everything thoroughly.

On a note!

Soap and tobacco solutions will help protect crops not only from cherry flies, but also from aphids. This will significantly increase the efficiency of the selected method and allow you to save the crop without the use of chemicals.

Preventive actions

It is easier to warn any pest in the garden than to actively combat it. To the cherry fly did not have time to multiply, should be given due attention to all plantations.Inspect trees, fruits, keep clean.

Basic rules for pest prevention:

  1. Regular fighting with ants and aphids. These two always complement each other and represent a mutually beneficial symbiosis. In the process of life of the aphids, a sweet liquid is released, on which hungry cherry flies fly. If you protect the site from aphids, it will increase the likelihood that the fly will bypass it.
  2. Digging the soil under the trees. This is an excellent prevention, which will reduce the chances of wintering flies.
  3. Keep clean on the site and regularly get rid of the remnants of the fruit on the tree. If you leave them, the larvae will go to the soil for the winter.
  4. Do not leave carrion on the soil under the tree. It must be taken out of the site to burn or bury to a depth of at least 50 cm.


The cherry fly often strikes mid-late and late-ripening fetuses. Early cherries and cherries have time to move away before the flies are selected on the surface.

Thus, the cherry fly poses a serious danger to the harvest of cherries and cherries. Damage from the life of the pest will increase with each year,therefore, it is very important to identify the enemy and be able to neutralize it safely and permanently.

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