About flies
The structure of the fly
The structure of the fly is simple, but with careful study, complex nuances are revealed. Externally, the insect consists of typical members of the class Diptera ...
What is the use of flies
Why do we need flies in nature, many do not even guess. Insects are nurses, maintain a food chain in an ecological system, serve as objects ...
What smell are afraid flies and mosquitoes
What kind of smell repels flies, confirmed by laboratory studies, experience of previous generations. Use plants, essential oils. Laid out in the house, rubbed with a decoction of the frame, ...
Where flies come from indoors
From where the flies come from, there are several penetration options. One of them - brings people.With favorable conditions already ...
What flies eat
What flies eat depends on their variety, living conditions. The main foods are juices of decomposing plants, food waste, feces, ripe fruit, ...
What happens if you eat eggs or fly larvae
What will happen if you accidentally eat the eggs of a fly, depends on the strength of immunity, the type of parasite, the characteristics of the digestive system. In most cases, nothing ...
Fly speed
Fly speed reaches 6.4 km per hour. Insect overcomes the distance to 3 km without stopping. During the flight makes difficult ...
Description and photo of larvae and eggs of flies
The larvae of all flies are called maggots. Have the shape of a worm, white. They feed on dead, rotting tissues. Extremely fast growing. For one laying ...
As a fly sits and clings to the ceiling
As a fly sits on the ceiling and holds on. Features of the structure of the legs. The manner of behavior and the subtleties of landing, which allow the fly firmly attached ...
Life span flies
How many domestic flies and their relatives live depends on some factors. Living conditions affect the life cycle. Insects are active in ...
Description and photo bites flies
Whether flies bite, you can feel it at the end of August. But many do not even realize that these are not those annoying creatures ...
What to do if a cat or cat ate a fly
The cat ate a fly: is it dangerous? Why the cat rides and eats flies. What is the use of it. Dangerous consequences of hunting for ...
Why flies rub their paws
There are several reasons why flies constantly rub feet. The main thing is to clean the limbs from contamination. This is done to improve the functioning of organs ...
How to get a fly out of your ear at home
If the fly has flown in your ear, you can not pull it out with solid objects. Such actions may entail negative consequences ....
How flies appear
How flies breed. The life span of insects varies depending on the ambient temperature, as well as the availability of a power source.
Why flies land on humans
The question of why flies sit on people often arises when annoying insects are found indoors. Food and heat emanating from the body ...
A fly that lays larvae under human skin
What flies lay the larvae in man and how they do it.The danger of their penetration into the human body. How to treat...
How many frames per second does a fly see and how many eyes does it have
The answer to the question of how many eyes a fly will be of interest to everyone, because insects have unique visual abilities that allow you to control all the surrounding space.

About flies

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