What happens if you eat eggs or fly larvae
- Eggs and fly larvae
- Eggs and fly larvae
What will happen if you eat the eggs of a fly depends on the type of immune system of the body, the individual characteristics of the digestive system. In most cases, nothing terrible happens. But there are species of flies, the larvae of which live under the human skin and cause myase. Their removal requires surgical intervention, there may be serious consequences.
Fly eggs on foods
The fly feeds on juices of rotted plants, ripe fruit, blood.For the larvae need a moist environment, the presence of food. Therefore, flies lay eggs on products that are starting to deteriorate, there is blood on them, signs of rotting.
- fruits;
- vegetables;
- meat;
- offal;
- cheese;
- sweets;
- milk products;
- ready meals from vegetables, cereals.
To the fly laid eggs for meat, cottage cheese, cheese, other products, they should be left on the table or in another place without proper storage. In everyday life, this situation happens very often, so the masses of insects are present almost everywhere.
What happens if you eat eggs
In most cases, nothing terrible happens. In the digestive tract, they are digested, broken down by gastric juice or excreted unchanged.
On a note!
However, each person has an individual digestive system; a temporary disorder may appear with signs of nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea. People refer to the action of stale products, but such a reaction happens to insect eggs.
What happens if you eat a fly larva
Maggots appear light very small - no more than 1 mm. They intensively feed, grow rapidly and become visible in 2-3 days.The situation when a person ate maggots occurs in everyday life quite often. Nobody really thinks about it, but if you start to figure it out, nothing terrible will happen.
The larva of a fly, despite an unattractive look, brings the benefit by the presence. Maggots secrete substances that are superior to a powerful antibiotic. Being in an unfavorable environment, they are not exposed to pathogenic microorganisms, contribute to their destruction.
On a note!
The maggot itself is a pure protein that will benefit a person. However, to feel the beneficial effects, you need to purposefully eat a single worm. In some countries they do that which is not typical of our locality. If the larva is accidentally swallowed, there will be no harm to the body, you need to worry more about what kind of food got inside, since there were already larvae.
Serious diseases cause gray larvae meat flies, wolfart. Eggs are ingested with food, in the presence of diseases of the digestive tract, weak immunity, they are not digested, enter the systemic circulation.Over time, they are localized in different internal organs.
In the intestine, the parasites stay for several days, go out with vomit, feces. Localization in the urethra provokes pain during urination, requires washing the organ, removing the larvae. Parasitization in other organs disrupts their functioning, causes diseases, the cause of which is difficult to diagnose. Staying worm in the eyeball is dangerous partial or complete loss of vision. Removed surgically.
In humans, the larvae never pass full development cycle, but during their life can cause significant harm. Swallowing eggs because of their small size is quite simple, so you need to pay special attention to the place of eating, the quality of dishes, eat only fresh food. Laying eggs occurs only on products that begin to deteriorate, storage conditions are violated.