How to get a fly out of your ear at home
- A fly in the ear
- Removing the fly from the ear
Flies are one of the most common insects that people often encounter in their lives. Encounters with small annoying creatures are possible not only at home, but also in nature, where insects are usually much larger. Sticking around a walking person, they can fly into the nose, ears and eyes, delivering great discomfort to the victim. Many people are lost without knowing what to do if a fly has flown in the ear.
On the effects of penetration
Tourists in the middle of nature often encounter similar situations. One should not ignore such a case, since the consequences of the presence of a living creature in the ear can have very negative consequences.
- If a fly gets into the ear, it will try to free itself from captivity in every possible way, creating a noise by its movement and irritating the walls of the auditory orifice. Such actions cause dizziness and pain in the head.
- Perhaps the occurrence and severe itching. Scratching an itchy area can cause insect damage, resulting in deeper penetration of body fragments into the auditory canal, which can cause serious illness. Therefore, in no case should one comb the ear canal, inside which a front sight, a bug or another living creature fell.
- Due to the fact that many flies eat decaying organic waste and carrion, an insect caught in the aperture can become a carrier of serious diseases.
What to do if the fly flew into the ear
The first thing to do when a fly or other insect has flown into your ear is not to panic.A living creature is not able to penetrate the brain, as it encounters an obstacle in its path - the eardrum.
It is preferable in such situations to take the help of a qualified professional. He will be able not only to quickly and safely get a fly out of his ear, but also to process the cavity, warning the spread of insect-borne bacteria.
Without this opportunity, you can try to pull the fly out of your ear at home on your own.
- For this purpose, sunflower oil or boric alcohol is instilled into the ear canal using a pipette, a syringe without a needle, or a teapot. Vodka or any other spirit tincture that will inebriatingly affect the stuck pest will also help to remove the fly, thus neutralizing it. The liquid will also interfere with the process of insect breathing, from which it will try to get free on its own. If you cannot achieve the desired result, you need to wait for the little abuser to sink into the liquid.
- When the fly in the ear stops moving, you should rinse the auditory opening with warm water using a syringe or the same syringe without a needle.
- A pest that has left the auditory canal must be checked for integrity.
If, in the event of several attempts to extract an insect in this way, it is not possible, then it is necessary to get to a otolaryngologist for consultation as soon as possible.
What you need to know
If the front sight is stuck in the ear, do not pick it out with a toothpick, a match or a cotton swab.
You can not remove a living individual with tweezers. Such actions can cause damage to the ear canal.
If there are doubts about the fact that not a fly, but another foreign object could get into the ear, then you should not pull it out by washing it with water. Such a process can cause swelling of the stuck element, as a result of which it will be extremely difficult to get it later.