Where flies come from indoors
- Flies in the house
- Fighting flies in the living room
Domestic fly is common everywhere. Insects live in the house, apartment of the person, eat food waste, crumbs on the table, rotted plants, fruits, vegetables. One of the most important questions is where flies come from indoors, if the doors are always tightly closed, there are mosquito nets on the windows. However, there are several ways to penetrate the parasite into a house or apartment.
Where flies come from in the apartment
In the house of man lives a few species of flies. They look alike, lead a similar way of life, so the owner does not even think about their difference. With the onset of heat apartment occupy home fliesthat are not adapted to live in the wild, by the end of the summer, there are biting flies, at any time during the warm season, a gray fly or a beautiful fly can penetrate the room green, blue low tide.
Flies in a closed room appear themselves or a person brings them, without knowing it. Adults crawl through small cracks in the wall, window sills, ventilation shafts. Climbed through loosely closed doors, in the presence of flaws in the mosquito net. And even if the house, apartment is completely sealed, all precautions are followed, the parasites may be in the room.
The person himself enters them at the stage of eggs, larvae. Females lay eggs on ripe or rotted vegetables, fruits, plants, flowers. Green flies in an apartment, house appear due to stale meat, fish, because this is where the new generation of pests begins to develop.
In the winter in a warm room flies may appear in the house.Their presence at this time of the year puzzles even more, because there is no place to take. With the onset of cold weather, insects climb into the cracks, fall asleep, remain invisible to humans. During the warm winter days, when the sun shines well in the windows, inside the building a comfortable temperature is maintained, they wake up. However, such wakefulness does not last long. Insects are either killed or they hide again.
Reproduction in residential conditions
Females lay eggs in rotten indoor plants, vegetables, fruits, food waste, garbage cans. Insects breed in a closed apartment is not as intense as with the windows open, but within 14 days there may be an invasion of flies indoors.
Promotes a high rate of reproduction comfortable temperature, poor sanitation. Garbage that is not thrown away for weeks, a bucket with mud, boxes where unwashed vegetables with soil particles, unwashed dishes, an uncleaned table are stored.
One female lays up to 150 eggs per day. Repeat clutch every 2 days. During the week the female founds a whole colony. Under favorable conditions of development, the next day a larva appears - maggot.
The size of the white worm does not exceed 1 mm, so it often goes unnoticed. Every day it increases in size, after about 10 days of its existence it pupates. After 3 days, an adult individual is selected from the pupa, ready for fertilization. In this way, in a closed apartment in 2 weeks many flies appear.
On a note!
Green, blue or gray meat fly indoors can lay eggs too. However, their development requires certain conditions. Maggots eat protein food, develop in tissues, where rotting, fermentation takes place. If you leave a piece of meat for a week or two, or fish, a new generation of parasites will appear, under other circumstances, die without going through the full cycle of development. The plant can only house a housefly.
How to get rid of big flies
To clean your own apartment, house from pests, you need to do a general cleaning, restore order, repair cracks, hang windows and doors on the mosquito net. Vegetables, fruits, greens, bringing into the house, immediately wash under running water or pour boiling water. Monitor the cleanliness of the room, clean the table, take out the garbage in a timely manner,wash the dishes. In the absence of favorable conditions for the development of flies in the house, the apartment will not be.
If there are flies, get rid of them can be in several ways:
- Hang up the rooms sticky tapewhich is on sale in any economic, even grocery store.
- Create a draft in the house, they will make the wind.
- Pest control. For baiting use drugs based on broad-spectrum insecticides, in the form of a spray, aerosol, concentrated emulsion. Preparations destroy insects within 60 minutes, protect from re-infection from 14 to 60 days. You can apply household insecticides like Raptor or Agitas, but in this case, the destruction of flies will take longer.
- Placed on the windowsills of the house, the apartment is poisonous bait. Add poison in honey, jam, sugar, fruit juice, meat.
- Make traps from boxes, plastic bottles, adhesive tape.
In order to prevent contamination of the house, apartment, you need to maintain order, use a mosquito net, wash out fruits and vegetables immediately after they are brought into the room. Need to get rid of eggs, larvae before the emergence of adult individuals.