The use of Agita from flies
- The use of Agita from flies
- Security measures when working with Agita
- Drug agita from flies
In the summer flies often become a real problem. Large accumulations of these insects are observed near them. power source: garbage cans, farm buildings with cattle and other pets, open food stalls. Agita flies remedy has proven to be a reliable way to get rid of these pests.
Description and composition of the product
Agita is a modern Austrian drug produced by Kvidza, which in addition to flies kills cockroaches, ants, fleas, mosquitoes. In its composition, it refers to a contact insecticide. Its components are:
- thiamethoxam 10% is an active substance that, when released into the intestine of an insect, paralyzes the nerve endings and, as a result, leads to death;
- Tricozene 0.05% - sex pheromone, attracting flies and other insects;
- sugar is the favorite treat of flies;
- lactose - used to form a suspension.
On a note!
The drug Agita is presented in the form of small granules, similar to a powder of a light beige shade. Agita does not have a dry smell. When diluted in water, the solution acquires an unpleasant odor, but after applying it to the surface, the mixture ceases to smell.
Mode of application
According to the instructions for use, Agita fly powder can be used both indoors and on open-air verandas in three ways: in a dry original form, in a pasty state when diluted with water and in the form of a liquid solution. The easiest and fastest method of processing is to scatter the powder in places where there is a large accumulation of flies: window sills, verandas, warm batteries.
Spilled on surfaces and floor poison can attract the attention of pets and small children. Direct contact with powdered poison has a high risk of serious poisoning.
To dilute Agita to a pasty state, it is required to mix 100 grams of the product with 80 ml of warm water. The prepared mixture should be used within the next 6 hours and stirred every half hour. For application in a thin layer it is convenient to use a paint brush. To process a room up to 40 m2, it is necessary to apply strips to the surface of the floor. The bands should be small - about 30x10 cm. For the treatment of the room 80 m2 It will take 400 grams of dry powder to be diluted with 320 ml of water. The protection against flies lasts for 8 weeks.
The method of application in liquid form is also described in the Agita instructions for flies. To prepare the solution in the processing area of 20 square meters. m you need 100 grams of agita diluted in 800 ml of water. If the premises are sprayed up to 80 square meters. m - in water of 3.2 liters dilute 400 g of powder. The use of funds in liquid form has one drawback - the protective effect lasts up to 6 weeks.
On a note!
Unused solution should not be stored.It should be disposed of with the original packaging away from ponds, pastures and places where people and animals can come into contact with waste.
The action of the poison begins within 5 minutes after the first contact with an insect. During the day, all insects in the treated room will be destroyed. After the expiry of the insecticide, a wet cleaning should be carried out in the room where it was used. If necessary, surfaces can be re-treated in accordance with the rules of the application guide.
Precautionary measures
Agita's remedy for flies belongs to the 4th class of danger, meaning that it is safe for a person after a short contact. But, like any insecticide, the drug should be used with certain precautions:
- Persons under 18 years of age, pregnant women, and allergic persons are not allowed to kill flies with the help of Agita.
- Before treatment, the premises must leave the people and animals. All food products, dishes, animal feed must be taken out of the treated area or isolated, tightly packed in a sealed package.
- If Agita is used in pig houses, surfaces that are located at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor should be treated. In farm premises for cattle and in stables, walls are not processed at heights of up to 2 meters.
- A person who uses the drug against flies must have personal protective equipment: gloves, gown or special suit, respirator. During the whole procedure you should not eat, drink water, smoke.
- Containers and tools that were used during insecticide treatment should not be reused for other purposes and should not be stored. These items need to be disposed of.
With proper use of Agita, there is no danger to human and animal health. But if you violate the safety rules, the drug can poison not only insects, but also surrounding people. In this case, you need to act quickly:
- if an insecticide comes into contact with exposed skin, wash it with soap and water;
- in case of chemical vapor poisoning - bring the victim to the street, unbutton his shirt buttons, remove the belt, rinse his mouth with water and soda;
- if the substance gets into the eyes or nose - rinse with water, drip with Albucid;
- if the product got into the stomach - rinse your mouth with soda solution, take 10 tablets of activated carbon and drink plenty of water.
If after providing first aid the well-being of the victim has not improved, he should be urgently taken to the hospital. In a medical institution, you should tell how the person has poisoned the chemical.
Release form and price
Insecticidal powder Agita is available in plastic jars with a lid of 100 and 400 grams. The volume of containers 240 and 900 ml, respectively. Unopened packaging should be kept away from food, in places not accessible to children and animals. Store at minus 10 ° C to + 30 ° C. The shelf life of the drug for 3 years from the date of issue.
You can buy Agita at the hardware store specializing in the sale of chemicals. Also this product is available on the websites. The price of the Agita flies remedy may vary depending on the supplier, the place of sale and a number of other circumstances. The average cost of a drug weighing 100 g is 900 rubles, and a large can of 400 g is 2400 rubles.
Analogs of the drug Agita are: Absolute in the form of granules, insecticidal powder Adamant, Get from black flies and flies, universal powder Delicia.
Pros and cons of the drug
The main advantage of Agita over other insecticides is its high efficiency and speed of action. Chemical exposure begins to work from the first minutes of application of the insecticide. Easy ways of using the tool also have a positive effect on its overall assessment. Anyone can handle simple instructions for use. The absence of strong toxic chemicals makes the tool of low toxicity and safe for people.
The disadvantages include the fact that in addition to insects, the drug can attract the attention of domestic animals and birds. It also poses a danger to bees and bumblebees, which are pollinators of many garden crops. The insecticide itself is distinguished by its high price, which may be the reason for choosing a cheaper counterpart.
At my dacha neighbors breed chickens and pigs. We often fly flies from them. Very unpleasant phenomenon. Used masking tape, the effect is, but I wanted to achieve better results.A work colleague suggested to buy Agita. I decided to try. Applied on the walls and floor in all rooms of the cottage. Within a couple of hours, insect corpses were everywhere. The tool is good, I recommend!
Lizaveta, Astrakhan
I want to talk about insect repellent Agita. My husband and I recently moved to a house on the outskirts of the city. And faced with an unpleasant problem: insects. Flies, midges, mosquitoes constantly fly into the house through open doors and windows. Began to search the Internet for information on how to get rid of insects. Offer a lot chemical and folk remedies. Has found positive reviews about the tool from flies Agita. I ordered a small jar on the site to try. She processed only the kitchen and the veranda, but a lot of flies died. After that, I bought a big can and processed it everywhere. Until the end of the summer, the insects no longer bothered.
Marina, Saratov
I learned about the poison for flies from neighbors. They are at home flies in the barn Agite. I have a chicken coop in my yard and a small barn; I keep pigs there every summer. Naturally flies fly to the smell. I processed the walls at a height of 1.5 meters and the ceiling so that the pigs could not reach the poison.As a result, the flies became much smaller, new ones fly every day and almost immediately die. Very effective remedy.
Mikhail, Novosibirsk region