Ultrasonic Fly Repeller

Flies - annoying insects, which by their monotonous buzz deprive people of rest and sleep, as well as harm the stocks of products, laying their eggs in them. Get rid of fruit flies, indoor and other types of flies are completely possible only with the help of bio-based chemicals (Raptor) or synthetic insecticides (Agita). However, their use in the home is not always possible and desirable.Provide reliable protection from unwanted guests and reduce their presence to a minimum capable of repelling flies. In more detail about the features of the device, this article will tell.

The principle of operation of the repeller and its varieties

Ultrasonic fly repeller is a small electronic device that generates high-frequency waves. They are regarded by insects as a signal of possible danger. A similar sound that frightens flies is made by bats, which are the natural enemies of annoying pests. Flies perceive the frequency waves emanating from the device as a signal that the enemy is approaching and seek to leave this territory as quickly as possible.

To scare away flies are used:

  • stationary repellents - high-power dimensional devices designed for use in large areas (in food shops, warehouses, large stores, in the markets);
  • portable repellers - are small and are used to protect a single user while walking, enjoying the nature or hiking, have the opportunity to work from both the electrical network and batteries.

On a note!

The type and power of the device varies its cost.

What advantages does the device have?

Electronic fly repellers began to be in demand among the population, as they have a lot of advantages:

  • Safety is the main advantage of the device. Devices in this category do not harm human health, because ultrasound is not kills flies, but only scares them.
  • The effective operation of the device can be observed already after a few minutes of its operation.
  • Thanks to the creation of new design solutions, devices of this type are able to protect not only flies, but also mosquitoes, as well as other flying pests. Convenience of use is also created by the availability of a choice of the device most suitable in size and power, as well as on the way it is powered.
  • During operation, the device does not emit noise, which does not create problems during rest and sleep.
  • A simple way to use.

Below is an overview of the most popular models of annoying insect repellers.

Ultrasonic Fly Repeller
Ultrasonic Fly Repeller


Ultrasonic repeller AO-150 will help expel flies and mosquitoes from the apartment. The area of ​​action of the device harmless to humans is 40 square meters. mSimply turn it on in the network, and within 15-30 minutes the buzz of annoying insects will stop.

When the device is turned on, two indicators light up: a red light indicates the power supply is connected, a green light indicates that the device has started working.

On a note!

Repeller should be located no closer than 1 meter from the place of sleep and rest of a person.

The device has small dimensions (15x15 cm) and weight (160 g), is powered from the mains (220 V), has a capacity of 8 W and a wave frequency of 22-55 kHz. The cost of the repeller AO-150 is about 500 rubles.


Not less popular is the Scat 44-2 repeller, the range of which does not exceed 30 square meters. The device has a small plastic case (10.1x8.3x10.1 cm), produces oscillations with a frequency of 12-24 kHz, and is powered by 220 V network.

Slope 44-2 can be used to scare away flies in apartments, houses and small warehouses. The device is in the range of 700-1000 rubles.

EcoSniper UP-11

The leading position in the list of popular repellers is taken by the EcoSniper repeller, the main feature of which is the presence of built-in modes: to fight rodents, as well as flying and crawling insects, including flies. Ionization of ambient air and night glow is an additional bonus of the device.

The device operates on a 220 V network, propagates ultrasound from flies with a frequency of 30-65 kHz over an area of ​​up to 300 square meters. m, in connection with which it can be used not only in the house and apartment, but also in the gazebo, veranda and any other half-open area. The case dimensions are 9x10.5 cm, the weight of the product is up to 200 g. The cost of the device is about 1,300 rubles.

Ultrasonic Fly Repeller
Ultrasonic Fly Repeller

Weitech WK0 206

An effective new-generation monoblock device for scaring flies in residential and non-residential premises of up to 40 square meters. m., emits ultrasonic waves. The device does not require adjustments and maintenance, it is safe for people and pets, it is noiseless, as it operates on a frequency that is heard only by insects. It is connected to the power grid, consuming a minimum of electricity, and therefore provides protection from buzzing pests throughout the summer season. It is worth Weitech WK0206 repeller within 1400-1600 rubles.

Mosquito Repeller ZF 801

Referring to reviews of the ultrasonic repeller, the Mosquito Repeller is one of the most sought after. It has 3 modes of operation and is able to scare away mosquitoes, flies, black flies and other insects flying into the house.

The device has an effective effect on an area of ​​up to 30 square meters. mThe device operates from the electrical network, does not affect electrical appliances and household appliances, it is safe for people and pets. The price is about 1500 rubles.

On a note!

The ultrasonic waves generated by the repeller do not pass through walls and furniture. In this connection, it should be connected in the open area from foreign objects. Otherwise, the maximum effect will not be achieved.

Due to this feature, the device is poorly suited for getting rid of flies in the living room.


We tried the action of repeller flies and mosquitoes Skat in the country. Really useful thing - by the evening the flies in the house did not fly. Relatively inexpensive and efficient machine. Recommend.

Olga, Sochi

Repeller EcoSniper is an indispensable thing in a private house: it can repel rodents, mosquitoes, and flies. No need for chemistry. I recommend it now to all my friends.

Andrey, Tolyatti

Not thrilled with such devices, I consider them a waste of money. Tried Remiling, no result. Friends claim that they got a fake.

Yana, Saratov

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