Types of Flies
Varieties of flies with photos and descriptions
What types of flies are most common to humans. Classification of flies, depending on the type of food. Are there sex differences? Why...
Description and photo of the fly fly zhigalki
Looks like a fly zhigalka. Where dwells. The rate of reproduction zhigalok. Why flies bite in the fall. What is dangerous bite autumn zhigalki and how ...
What is dangerous elk fly
The elk fly belongs to the order of the bloodsucker. The owners choose moose, deer, cattle. With severe contamination of the area, certain circumstances are ...
Description and photo of green carrion fly
A green fly brings significant benefits to nature; it does more harm to humans.Insect is larger than domestic fly, has a beautiful color of green ...
The biggest fly in the world
The largest fly of the species Gauromydas heros is an inhabitant of the forests of South America. The length of the body of an insect can be up to 6 cm, and ...
Description and photo home flies
The house or apartment fly lives in the house of the person, eats its products. Leads daytime life, one day the female postpones ...
Description and photo of a striped fly resembling a wasp
A fly that looked like a wasp, or a hotshot behaves in a completely different way than its stinging relative. She hangs in place for some ...
Description and photo of a blue meat fly
The blue meat fly is one of the most common insects on the planet. For feeding adults and larvae use the meat of decaying corpses, ...
Description and photo of manure fly
The dung fly is a red or grayish-colored hairy insect that can be found on domestic animal excrement. Some types of dung charms attract ...
Black lionfish flies and its larvae
Black larvae fly larvae are an excellent addition to the basic diet of poultry and animals. It is also a favorite delicacy of chameleons, reptiles, ...
Wasp fly like a wasp
The hoverfly fly is an original insect pollinator of black and yellow color, similar to bees and wasps. It can "hang" in flight, has many types, ...
Description and photos of cicada flies
A cicada fly differs from a usual room by its large size, its ability to make certain sounds, its life cycle. Externally similar to other insects ....
Description and photo wolfarth flies
What a danger to humans and domestic animals is a wolfart fly. Features of reproduction and development of larvae.
Description and photo of a meat fly (mortal)
The meat fly, it is also padal, cadaveric includes several genera, species, subfamilies. They are all united by an identical diet - decaying organic matter. Larvae ...
Drosophila Flies
Where do flies of flies come from. How they look and where they live. How dangerous for humans. How to get rid of fruit flies and not ...
Description and photo of tsetse fly
What a tsetse fly looks like. How many species of these insects exist in nature. Habitat and preferred living conditions. What diseases ...

Types of Flies

Types of flies.

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