What is dangerous elk fly
- Elk fly
- Danger of elk fly to animals
- The consequences of elk fly bite in humans
The elk fly has several names - elk, forest flea, louse, mite, deer bloodsucker. It belongs to the genus bloodsucker, is a specialized warm-blooded parasite. They feed exclusively on the blood of animals, but under certain circumstances they attack humans, birds, wild animals, cattle sports.The main owners are deer, elk, hence the name.
Appearance Description
Amazing creature has similarities with flea, louse, tick, a fly. At a certain stage of development, on the back there is a pair of transparent wings that reach a length of 6 mm. The insect uses them only to move up, for a short distance. Outwardly similar to a fly, but after it hits the host's body, it drops its wings, it already looks more like a flea, a tick.
Body elongated, up to 3.5 mm in size. The brilliant dark cover, flat form. Well marked head with strongly pronounced big eyes. In addition to them, there are 3 more simple eyes on the head.
On a note!
If you do not take into account the powerful paws, the creature resembles a flea. But, taking into account how the elk fly stabs its claws into the skin, it has more similarity with a tick.
The body is flat with a durable chitinous cover. In a hungry state, the insect is very difficult to crush. As food is received, as well as during pregnancy, the abdomen greatly increases in size.
Mouth apparatus of elk fly piercing-sucking, resembles the structure flies. There are a number of hard chitinous bristles on the proboscis, which function as teeth, help to gnaw through warm-blooded skin. A photo of elk fly is presented below.You can visually see an amazing creature with a different name.
The bloodsucker fly is viviparous. Bearing grubs in the abdomen, reproducing ripe light for pupation into the light. It gives birth to one every 2-3 days. After mating, the first larva is born in 16-20 days.
Large prepupae up to 3 mm in size do not undergo changes, simply harden, fall to the ground. Further fly development continues in the forest floor, the top layer of soil. The first puparia appear at the end of August, in September. Pupae, born from October to March, continue to develop only with the onset of warm days in spring, at a temperature of +15 degrees Celsius.
At about the end of August, winged bloodsucking juveniles appear. The elk fly acquires the ability to mate after sucking blood. At the expiration of 20 days, the first puparia appear, the next are born every 3 days. Imago life expectancy is 6 months. During this time, one female has time to lay about 30 larvae. The full development cycle lasts 2 years.
Mating occurs on the body of the animal. Flat on one host a fly spends all his life. Mature individuals are divided into pairs, the male is attached to the body of the female. Only by the beginning of summer, moose, deer have the opportunity to completely free themselves from parasites.
In the places of feeding and resting of deer, elk, hunters or huntsmen have the opportunity to observe the picture of how tits feed on the bloodsucker pupa. They are literally colonized from animal fur. Often found pests on the body of wild dogs, boars, bears, wolves, wolverines, as well as birds. Suffer from the attack of pests of cattle.
Bloodsucker lifestyle
The forest fly is active during the day. After emerging from the pupa, young individuals hide in the grass, on low bushes. Able for a month to wait for the victim. Determine the approach of animals by smell, movement. Quickly take off into the air, land on the body of the host.
A deer fly examines the “terrain” for a few minutes, climbs into areas with a thick long coat of hair - the back, neck, drops its wings. Clinging claws to the skin, makes a bite. Bites into the proboscis and sucks about 1.5 ml of blood at a time. After the first meal, the ability to mate.
Harm to animals
On the body of one deer, hunters numbered up to 300 individuals. The pest is able to adhere tightly to the coat, it is not torn off even by teeth.
- The bite of an elk fly causes pain, discomfort, and after a while inflammation of the affected area, swelling, itching.
- Animals react painfully to the attack of parasites, sleep poorly, lose strength.
- In domestic cows, the amount of milk decreases, meat breeds of cattle lose weight.
- Especially dangerous fly, like a tick, for young. With a strong infection, the calves are sick, lagging behind, even die.
- Wool is taken lumps, takes a sloppy look. The infection often gets into the wounds, and the beginning of a rot.
- During the day, the female eats about 20 times, drinks about 1.5 ml of blood in one procedure. With severe infection, young animals die from anemia, adults become weak and painful.
On a note!
The reindeer bloodsucker does not tolerate diseases, but causes damage to health through its vital activity.
Parasitism on man
Pests are attacked regularly by shepherds, hunters, huntsmen, and ordinary nature lovers.Waiting for the victim, elk fly reacts to movement, the smell of sweat. One person at a time can attack up to 120 flies. Tightly cling to clothes, not afraid of sudden movements, make their way to the body, climb into the hair. Begin to bite in 15-60 minutes.
Moose ticks hardly attack young children under the age of 10 years. If a teenager is next to an adult, then his fate will be over. Pests prefer large prey.
In the case when the fly stuck to the hair, it could be detected after a few days, when itching appeared, painful sensations. In other parts of the body of the parasite is much easier to find. Elk flies in hair can be from several days to a week. When scratching tightly cling, it is difficult to remove.
Than dangerous elk fly for man
Fly bite each person causes an individual reaction. Some victims note painlessness, others indicate strong discomfort in the puncture site. In most cases, the body appears swelling, redness. Accompanied by unpleasant itching.It takes within 7-14 days without special treatment. It is capable of biting in those areas where the skin is the thinnest.
People with excessively sensitive skin, an increased tendency to allergies develop a reaction of varying severity. There is a rash, redness, inflammation, itching. With frequent scratching pathogenic microorganisms get into the wound, a secondary infection joins. No other painful symptoms after elk flea bites are observed. Body temperature does not increase, does not appear indigestion, intestines.
On a note!
A flat fly does not live in an apartment for a long time. Human blood does not allow the larvae to develop. Therefore, the stay in the house of a person is always random and temporary.
The elk fly lives on the same animals as ixodid ticks, therefore it can be a carrier of Lyme disease. In the process of special studies in the body of hungry, winged females in 27% of cases, infectious agents were detected.
How to get rid of bloodsucker
In order to prevent elkflies from falling on the body, you need to dress properly in the forest.The body should not be open areas, sweaters, trousers with tight cuffs, headgear.
Upon returning home, throw all the clothes in the laundry, as a moose fly can stick there. Inspect the body. If you find a pest, throw it into the fire or a jar of alcohol, then throw it away. Take a shower, wash your hair, carefully comb the strands.
On a note!
Moose ticks attract as well scare away some odors. Do not use the perfume with a sweet aroma, it is better to put on the skin cologne with a pungent smell. Essential oils of lavender, citrus, mint, lemon balm, rosemary are suitable for scaring. Put on clothes.
To protect against reindeer bloodsucker use insecticidal repellents. Any remedy for ticks, flies, fleas is suitable. Effective drugs - Taiga, Raptor, Raid, Off, Tsipermetrin 25.
Regarding animals, it is impossible to prevent the attack of pests, but the owner’s timely response, taking emergency measures, protects livestock from serious consequences. Use repellents or folk remedies.
The elk fly bites are treated in the same way as other harmful insects.Wipe the sore spot with ice cubes, medical alcohol, ammonia, aloe juice, chamomile decoction. Smeared with Asterisk Balsam, Menovazinom. In the presence of an allergic reaction take antihistamines, treat sore spots with anti-allergic ointments.