Fighting ants in a house or apartment

How to deal with ants in a house or apartment, our ancestors knew. Effective recipes continue to be used to kill pests, along with professional insecticides. The fight against ants in the apartment is conducted by scaring or attracting.

Ways and methods of struggle

With home remedies, it is possible to expel pests from the premises, destroy them with a poisonous bait, and catch them with traps. Means to combat ants are selected on the basis of the number of the ant family, personal preferences.

  1. Scaring offs protect the house from the settlement of pests, expelling already settled. To combat the use of plants with a rich aroma, strongly smelling substances.
  2. Bait used for insect poisoning, destruction. Boric acid, borax copes with domestic ants. It is mixed with edible products, offered by insects. The bait must have a strong odor so that pests can quickly find it. For an effective struggle, the tool should be laid out in places where ants were seen along the path of their movement.
  3. The fight against ants in the house is carried out with the help of traps. They are made of adhesive substance, double-sided tape, water. These methods of struggle reduce the number of insects. Deprive residents anthill food stocks. Since it is for them that the working individuals go to the message.

On a note!

The most effective struggle involves a combination of several methods and methods.


Ants Control Plants
Ants Control Plants

Ants are guided by their sense of smell. With the help of smell they find food, report it to others, warn about danger, remember the trajectory, find a pair for mating. The constant, pungent smell disrupts the normal rhythm of life, knocking the insect down.

When placing a strong smelling agent near the nest, anthill, uterus leaves the place of residence, all individuals leave behind it. Present aroma in the room does not allow new colonies to settle, which prevents re-infection, the settlement of other types of pests.

Plants that do not like ants:

  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • peppermint;
  • elder;
  • sagebrush;
  • tansy;
  • calendula;
  • parsley.

In a private house to fight plants are laid out beams around the perimeter. You can use a dry potion, a fresh plant. Periodically it is necessary to update the protective agent, since it acts as long as the persistent indoor scent lasts. If possible, planted parsley, mint, yellow calendula bushes around the house, creating an invisible protective wall.

Vegetables unpleasant to ants:

  • garlic;
  • tomatoes;
  • bow;
  • pepper.

WITH black ants You can fight pepper, spilling it around the perimeter of the house, along the path of movement of insects. Hot pepper irritates paws, forcing pests to run away.

The smell of garlic, tomato leaf and onions are not tolerated by members of the ant society. Means crushed or laid out in its original form. Arrows of garlic rubbed the walls, window sills, baseboards, doors.

On a note!

Copes with small ants cinnamon. Its persistent reek is pleasant to man, driving ants to mind, making them run wherever they look.

Frightening odors
Frightening odors

Substances with strong odor:

Prepare the solution by adding the selected ingredient to the water. Means of washing the floor, window sills, wipe furniture, baseboards. To create a greater concentration of flavor, put the saucers with the selected ingredient, moisten cotton wool.

Ant extermination with boric acid

Folk remedies not only scare away insects, but also attract for the purpose of further destruction. If a nest was found, it is poured with boiling water, injected into inaccessible places with a syringe.

Boric acid is used as a poisonous component. The odorless substance is not attractive to insects, but by adding it to a fragrant edible bait, pests can be killed.

On a note!

Act boric acid starts when ingested. A large amount of it enters the esophagus with food, some from the paws. The ant is trying to clear the belly, licking the poison. Death occurs after the accumulation of a certain dose in the body of an insect.

Boric acid bait

Boric acid bait
Boric acid bait

Prepared in several versions:

  • sugar is mixed with the active component, left on a saucer;
  • in honey add boric acid, droplets drip along the path of ants;
  • mixed poison with any jam;
  • rubbed with poison berries;
  • soften cookies in milk, add boric acid.

The bait needs to be updated as it is eaten, thoroughly every week. As the smell disappears with time, the consistency is lost. The substance loses interest in the eyes of the ant.


Preparations for the fight against ants are used to treat the premises. Boric acid is added to water. One bag is dissolved in 3 liters of water.Poured into a bottle with a spray, treated baseboards, window sills, floor, furniture, poured into narrow cracks, a nest of pests.


Insect traps
Insect traps

Difficult the movement of insects petrolatum, chalk. The first substance leads to sticking, the second - deprives the tenacity, the ants can not climb up, fall.

With their own hands they make simple designs that allow to protect the table, food from annoying ants, while the poison finally works.

  • pasted along the baseboards, double-sided tape on the windowsill;
  • poured into a glass up to half water, dripping honey;
  • leave a saucer with water.

A small house pest can not only annoy with its constant presence, but also reduce the strength of the building, as over time it turns the tree into dust. If popular recipes did not bring the proper result, to poison the ants necessary chemicals.

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