Ant poison in an apartment or house
- Disinsection in the house
- Effective Ant Gels
- Ant powder
- Boric acid from ants
Getting rid of ants can be a complex process that lasts for years, or fast and efficient, subject to all rules. Than to poison the ants in the house, you need to think carefully, because the wrong choice will not give the desired result, and insects will develop immunity to poison.
Disinsection in the house by professional means
Professionals prefer to poison the ants in the apartment with a solution of a concentrated emulsion. The product contains insecticides of a wide spectrum of action, which cause insect paralysis and death. Most drugs are allowed to use independently in residential buildings, subject to all rules.
How to poison ants by professional means:
- Prepare a solution of poison, diluting the emulsion in water at room temperature. The composition must be thoroughly mixed for 5 minutes until completely dissolved. Wear rubber gloves while working. Pour the finished solution of poison in a bottle with a spray or spray.
- The house should not be animals, other people. At the time of work close the windows, doors.
- Wear a respirator, rubber gloves, a suit with long sleeves, trousers.
- Hold the bottle in the position of an outstretched hand at a distance of 20 cm from the surface to be treated. The greater distance results in the formation of a loose protective layer on the surface, a small one leaves gaps due to strong pressure.
- Initially, the nest should be processed if it can be detected.Then proceed to the floor, baseboards, window sills, furniture. The room should be processed completely.
- Leave the room closed for at least 2 hours. During this time, the poison for ants will be evenly distributed, will settle. After a time, air for about an hour. Wash in places where contact between hands is possible.
- The remains of the poison buried deep in the ground, should not be poured into the toilet, just under the tree. Send clothes to wash, take a shower.
The poison from the ants in the house in the form of an emulsion begins to act immediately. Most ants die already during processing. The rest within 2 weeks.
Insecticide clings to the legs, body, enters the body through the cover. Constant movement from room to nest leads to accumulation in anthill large amounts of poison. The death of the whole family comes. The larvae that have emerged from the eggs will not be able to feed themselves.
It is possible to corrode ants in a house in one procedure using professional housing means:
- Tetrix;
- Executioner;
- Geth;
- Sinusan.
New generation drugs remain on the surface for 20 days.Do not pose a danger to humans if used properly. Otherwise, they cause severe poisoning, intoxication of the body.
Aerosol disinsection
The poison from the ants in the apartment is produced in the form of an aerosol ready for use. To get started, you need to open the protective cap, shake the bottle. The composition has one or more insecticidal substances, but in concentration they are significantly inferior to concentrated lotions.
You can use the aerosol in the case of a small infection, or a known location of the nest. Otherwise, the poison will be ineffective. A too thin poisonous layer forms on the surface, which cannot cause fatal poisoning, but contributes to the development of immunity.
On a note!
Ants who received the minimum dose of poison become stronger. They are no longer affected by drugs based on this insecticide. To poison ants, it is necessary to use a stronger tool, or a preparation with another active ingredient.
Disinsection with an aerosol at home should be carried out according to the generally accepted rules described above.The only difference is that the concentrate is weaker; a mask can be used as a protective agent. To poison ants, you should carefully spray the nest or places where insects often appeared.
The most common means are:
- Dichlorvos;
- Malathion;
- Raptor;
- Raid;
- Clean house.
The smell of an insecticide is masked by the aromas of flowers and fruits. The room has a peculiar smell for about a week, but does not cause discomfort. Treatment with a poison should be repeated after 2 weeks to consolidate the result.
Poisonous gels
In a private home, ants can be located anywhere. Attempts to find an anthill are often unsuccessful or to get to uterus problematic. The destruction of the working class will have no greater effect. The ant colony is replenished daily with new individuals. In this case, the poison helps the ant in the form of a gel.
As part of the poison insecticidal component, flavoring to attract the attention of insects, flavoring additives. Unlike other variants of toxic agents, it begins to act not immediately, which does not indicate a low effectiveness of the gel.
Ants eat camouflaged poison more willingly natural food, bring it to the nest, feed the larvae, the uterus. Everyone feels good for three days. Insects, suspecting nothing, continue to poison the colony. A week later there is a massive death.
The poison is laid out with a dotted line in the places where the ants were seen, in the path of their trajectory, near the intended nest. Gel base is not afraid of sunlight, high temperatures. Retains toxic properties for 14 days. Update the trap as it eats or dries.
Preparations from domestic ants that have proven to be effective:
The main advantage of the method is its safety. Gel poison does not affect the well-being of a person, does not threaten the life of animals.
It is necessary to use powders from ants in the apartment with caution. Many of them are suitable only for use on garden plots or garden. The most popular for apartments and houses are:
- Pyrethrum;
- Delitsion (Delicia);
- Fas Double.
They cause paralysis in ants and are effective against other insects, such as bedbugs and cockroaches.
The principle of action of the powders is as follows: an insect swallows the agent, or it independently penetrates through the outer integument, and then muscle paralysis occurs.
Chalks have a similar effect, the most popular among which is crayon Masha.
When using powders or crayons, it is very important to process the entire perimeter of the room with them in order to achieve the maximum effect of the poison.
Boric acid
To poison insects can be folk remedies. Poisonous substance boric acid. Does not possess a smell, taste, is not of interest for ants. But in the composition of the edible bait acts quickly.
Boric acid is used from red ants in the house, black, any living creatures. The basis of take food that is of interest to the ant. They interfere with poison, put it in places where pests often move, in an anthill.
You can mix with such products:
- sugar;
- honey;
- milk softened biscuits;
- jam;
- crushed berries;
- egg yolk;
- sweet syrup.
Boric acid begins to act when ingested. The rate of death depends on the activity of eating bait. The faster the required dose accumulates, the faster death occurs.
The poison blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, stops the work of the muscles. Paralyzes. This is followed by inevitable death.
Boric acid can be used as a solution. Add to water, mix thoroughly, pour into a syringe, spray bottle. Treat the floor, window sills, baseboards, furniture, poured into small cracks.
On a note!
Some experts recommend spilling boric acid powder in places where ants are most common. However, the method does not give a special result. Small ants do not cling to a large amount of powder, and the poison does not penetrate through the chitinous cover. An ant family can be poisoned only through the stomach.
Prevention methods
The result is necessary to secure preventive measures, protect the apartment, the house from re-infection.
- After applying a concentrated emulsion protection lasts for about 20 days. The aerosol loses its properties after a week. Recycling poisonous drugs in the absence of live ants makes no sense, therefore, apply folk remedies.
- During the weekly cleaning, add chlorine-containing products, ammonia, vinegar to the water. Strong smell scares the antsdoes not allow them to justify.
- Well help plants or essential oils. In the apartment, the house spread out bouquets of peppermint, chamomile, wormwood. Drip a drop of essential oil on the windowsill, near the doorways, cracks in the wall, if any.
- Plant mint and calendula bushes around a private house, in the warm season lay out arrows of garlic, onion peel, elder twigs, tansy, and wormwood.
- On the windowsill leave a saucer with spices - pepper, cinnamon. From these smells ants flee, wherever they look.
- A relatively new way of expelling ants - use of ultrasonic repeller.
In order to permanently prevent ant from appearing in the house, apartment, it is necessary to ensure the integrity of the building. Seal the cracks in the windowsills, on the windows, in the doorways, walls. Monitor hygiene in the kitchen. Do not leave crumbs on the tables, leftover food. Initially, a scout ant crawls into the house to assess the situation. If he finds a great abundance of food, he gives a sign to the rest.