How to process peonies from ants, folk remedies

Many summer residents had to deal with ants and their activities. So when growing peonies to appreciate the aroma of the plant, they love not only the flower growers, but also these insects, savoring the sweet and saturated with carbohydrate food. Besides ants try to make an adequate supply of food for the future. Therefore, the attack of the ant colony can deprive the peonies of their own juice, as well as violate the integrity of their structure.The insects' procuses harm not only the flowers, but also the cups, sometimes even the leaves and stems of the plant suffer from them. How to get rid of ants on peonies, this article will tell.

About insect tastes

Many amateur gardeners wonder why ants are on peonies. There are several reasons why ants love peonies. This plant seduces:

  • Nectar Ants hunt nectar, which contains a lot of nutrients for insects.
  • Protection. Often enough ants settle the nest just under the peony bush, which perfectly disguises their housing.
  • Food for aphids. Ants are aphid distributors, petals and buds of pions for which are considered one of the favorite delicacies.
Ants on peonies
Ants on peonies

Methods of struggle

If ants have settled on pions, you should immediately start a fight with them. After eating nectar, the pests dry the flower, as a result of which it fades and does not bloom. Each gardener, faced with a similar problem, the question arises, what to handle peonies from ants. There are several ways that you can fight ants on peonies with the help of:

  • traps;
  • poisonous drugs;
  • folk remedies.

The use of pesticides

Insecticidal preparations will help to save peonies from pests. It is enough to sprinkle the peonies with the solution prepared in accordance with the instructions, and the insects will no longer disturb the plant. Preparations are in great demand among summer residents:

When using them, you should take precautions, since these tools are based on diazinon - a very toxic insecticide.

On a note!

Some summer residents use the powdered drug Expel, in which chlorpyrifos acts as the active ingredient. The tool has a high degree of efficiency, but it is not safe for the health of pets and people.

The use of pesticides
The use of pesticides

In order not to attack the ants on the flower garden, you can use solutions Karbofos, Aktar or Introvir. They sprayed the plants during the formation of buds.


Protect peonies from insect invasion will help trapswhose principle of operation is to apply bait enteric-contact action. It is enough for several individuals to fall into the trap in order to subsequently infect the whole ant family with a poison.

This method of struggle is safer for pets, as well as pollinating flowers of bees and wasps due to the lack of access to the inside of this device. Products are very popular with consumers. Raptor, Combat.

Folk remedies

Home remedies
Home remedies

If the ants bred on the peony buds, you can use the folk remedies.

  1. Do boric acid bait and jam. It is necessary to dilute the sweet component in water in a ratio of 1: 2, after which the mixture is combined with 1 tbsp. l boric powder. A poisonous treat is placed close to a peony bush or an anthill.
  2. Another unique remedy for ants is bay leaf. It is necessary to prepare a decoction from it, which should be sprayed with peonies. To achieve the maximum effect will help the processing of each leaf of the plant.
  3. Similarly, pests can be removed using wormwood, tansy, peppermint, lavender, parsley or anise. All these plants have repellent properties. Therefore, it is enough from time to time to sprinkle peony bushes with herbal decoction so that the insects avoid them.
  4. Can not to hurt the ants chemicals, and use garlic.It is enough to rub the stem of the plant with the cut garlic clove so that the insects leave the plant.
  5. Ants will also not inhabit the peony bush, if they leave cloth dampened with kerosene near it.
  6. 6. To protect peonies from ants, it is necessary to loosen the ground around the bush, and the place where anthill carefully sprinkle with a mixture of calcined sodaquicklime and ashes.
  7. If the ants have stuck to the peony buds, you can drive them away with the help of tobacco. Cigarette butts need to be filled with water and allowed to infuse for several hours. Then spray the buds with a solution from the spray.

Many growers are confronted with the fact that when peonies are cut, ants often run along them. Not everyone knows what to do in such situations. After all, hardly anyone wants to bring home such a "surprise". You should use the simplest method of extermination of insects - you just need to lower the buds in cold water. After 2-3 minutes, shake off the water, and with it the insects that lived in the flowers.

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