How to get rid of ants on sweet cherry

The cherry orchard attracts ants with sweet juice. However, to obtain it, inventive insects use the "services" of aphids. It is an inseparable alliance acting on mutually beneficial terms. Ants tolerate aphids on the most juicy trees, in return receive a sweet substance released by smoldering after sucking the vegetable juice. Before looking for the answer to the question of how to get rid of ants on a cherry, you need to think about the destruction of aphids.

Methods of struggle

The extermination of ants is optional. Insects bring many benefitsby eating various pests, improving the quality of the soil. To get rid of ants on cherries, cherries, simply expel them.

On a note!

Insects in their activities are guided by smell. By smell, they find food, give signs to other relatives, find a female to continue the race. Strong aromas clog up the receptors, do not allow insects to orient themselves in space, to detect the path to the power source.

The second variant of the struggle is barriers. It is necessary to make so that insects did not reach juicy branches of cherries, sweet cherries. To do this, coat, tie up tree trunks, make "skirts", trapping beltsbuild moats filled with water.

Fighting aphids and ants is a side event. If you succeed destroy the aphids, ants from the garden will disappear by themselves. But to make it very difficult.

Exorcism by smell

Insect expulsion by smell
Insect expulsion by smell

To repel pests, you can use plants, flowers, strong-smelling substances.

  • Treat the cherry from the ants and aphids can garlic juice. Use the head or arrows of a winter plant.It is necessary to rub the trunk around. The persistent smell of garlic will scare away new pests, will force the settled to flee.
  • Twigs of wormwood and tansy are tied around the trunk. For a tree, the plants are absolutely safe, the ants are not just scared away, but also cause toxicosis. It is necessary to prepare a tincture of these plants, smear the cherries. Pour 30 g of dry potion, 300 g of fresh flowers 10 liters of water. Insist day. You can cook a more concentrated composition, cherries will not be affected.
  • Cotton wool, wool is impregnated with carbolic acid, tied with a belt around the trunk of a cherry. Removed after 3 days. Repeat the procedure several times until the interest in the cherries in the ants disappear.


Do not tolerate insects the smell of anise, elderberry, peppermint, calendula, cloves, tomato tops. From these components, you can construct belts, fold them around the cherry tree, scatter around the site, or grow plants in the garden. Protection lasts as long as the smell persists.

Insurmountable obstacles

Ant antler belt
Ant antler belt

Ants are able to climb through the smallest gap, climb to the very top of the tree, but you can outwit them.

  • In early spring a small ditch is dug around each tree and a cut tire is placed there. They are added from all sides, filled with water. Water moat will not be able to overcome ants and many other garden pests.
  • Tie the trunks of cherries with a polyethylene belt. Over it smear birch tar. Also from aphids helps resin and grease.
  • The clothesline is coated with petroleum jelly, knitted on cherries.
  • Foil form "skirt", which is located to the top of the extension. It is difficult for ants to climb on a slippery base, and if this happens, the skirt, extended upwards, will not allow pests to reach the trunk and the branches of the cherry tree.
  • Strands of cherry covered with lime, sprinkled with chalk around the tree. Calcium has a beneficial effect on the growth, development of cherries, ants does not allow to climb the trunk. Small particles stick to the legs, making it impossible to firmly cling to the bark. Protects lime and aphids.

On a note!

If the methods do not bring the desired result, you should use professional sticky trapsthat are sold in any household, specialty store.

Professional methods of struggle

The most common remedy is gel.The composition contains insecticidal substances that cause insect paralysis, early death. Attract the smell. The duration of exposure is about 2 weeks. Gradually, under the influence of the sun, rain, the sticky substance loses its properties. The belt needs to be updated. Process fruit trees drug must be in early spring.

The gel is applied in a solid line around tree trunks at a distance of 1 cm from each other. You can lay out a poisonous bait on planks, cardboard throughout the garden, near anthill. The most common is drug Great Warrior.

The main distributors of aphids and pests of the cherry orchard are black ants. If any have been seen on a tree or summer cottageIt's time to take emergency measures. How to process cherries from ants is an individual decision. All of the above methods give high results.

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