How to get ants out of the bath

Ants in a wooden bath are attracted by food debris, mold on logs, walls, all kinds of fungi. Insects in cracks build burrows, build nests, lay eggs. They sharpen wood, causing decay, undermining the strength of the building. If you let everything go of course, from a wooden structure in a few years there will be no trace. How to get rid of ants in the bath is the most important issue to be solved in the shortest possible time.

Methods of struggle

A large number of insects in a wooden bath says that the pests managed to settle down well. It is not enough just to exterminate the insects seen, since all the rules dictate uterus. While it is alive, the number of ants will increase with great speed.

  1. One of the solid methods of struggle, allowing you to quickly destroy ants, is the destruction of the nest. All efforts must be made to seek. ant dwelling. It is enough to eliminate the uterus or force it to leave the dwelling, and the whole family will leave the room of the bath.
  2. To get rid of ants in a log bath can be smells. Insects are guided in their activity by smell. By smell, they find food, a couple for fertilization, transmit signals. A harsh aroma can disrupt their normal life rhythm, make them starve, flee their own homes in search of a more favorable place.
  3. To remove ants from the bath will help poisonous substances. The advantage of this method is ease of use, reliability, the presence of a chain reaction. It is not necessary to calculate the location of the nest to get to the uterus, it is enough to offer a poisonous worker to the ants. bait. They will take it to the queen of the family.

On a note!

You can bring ants out of the bath using folk remedies and professional preparations. It is not enough just to kill the ants, it should eliminate the uterus.

Folk recipes for effective deliverance

Ants in the bath
Ants in the bath

If ants are bred in the bath, you need to immediately proceed to action.

  • The nest may be outside the bath. If known anthill location, it is necessary to pour boiling water three times within 10 days.
  • In honey add boric acid powder. The substance is not dangerous to humans, insects receive paralysis after ingestion of the poison inside. Some amount of poisonous agent penetrates through the integument. The bait is put in several places. It is advisable to observe before this the trajectory along which the ants move.
  • You can fight ants in the bath with a sulfur checker. It should be well fixed indoors, close all windows, doors, set on fire. After a few minutes, ventilate the room. Steam twice a bath without people and in a week enjoy the result.
  • To remove the ants that appear in the bath every season,must be planted around the building peppermint, parsley bushes.
  • Insects can be expelled from the building with garlic, tomato tops, cinnamon, tansy, elderberry, wormwood. Lay out around the perimeter of the building, periodically updating the protective agent. The effect works while the smell is present.

Folk remedies allow you to destroy the ant family of medium size. It is better to fight heavy artillery against a million troops.

Professional preparations

Ant gel
Ant gel

Effective ant products in the bath are produced in the form of a gel. The preparation on the basis of a broad-spectrum insecticide contains flavorings, flavors. Insects are attracted to the smell, and the pleasant taste makes them eat the bait with a huge appetite.

Ants poison themselves, dragging poison into the nest, feed the uterus. Mass death of pests is observed after 14 days of application of the gel. Substance does not lose properties of 20 days. To update the gel layer for the complete destruction of insects is necessary as it eats.

It is necessary to place a preparation a dotted line in places where pests were noticed. Near the nest, if its location is known. The gel is used indoors and outdoors.

The most common drugs are:

If it was possible to detect the nest of pests, it should be sprayed with insecticidal spray solution. Will fit Dichlorvos, Clean house, Combat, Malathion and etc.

On a note!

Any poisonous bait can be prepared by yourself using a broad-spectrum insecticide. For a basis take jam, honey, sugar, berries, fruit, meat, porridge.

If an ant was seen in the bath, you need to be alert, pay attention to preventive measures. Because the little bug can be a scout. During the month the bath will be filled with ants. It is necessary to check the walls for the presence of mold, fungi, carry out sealing, use plants, garlic to repel pests.

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