Funds from ants in the house in the country

Ants from the site often crawl into human habitation. There they spoil the food and make nests. Remedies for ants in the house at the cottage must be safe for humans and beneficial insects - earthworms, bees. Also, the preparations should not harm trees and plants in the beds.

Folk remedies

In the house in the country can live garden and forest ants. They crawl into human habitation in search of food and harm food. It is better to fight ants in the country folk remediesthat cannot poison a person or pet.


The caustic powder is unpleasant to arthropods. Mustard Burns their airways and feet. It is necessary to scatter the substance on the floor in the country and push it into the gap in the house.

On a note!

For better effect, mustard is mixed with coffee, hot pepper or cinnamon.

You can make a mustard solution of 5 liters of water and 50 grams of dry matter. They splash on ants and process the walls. The same solution in the country process the plants in the garden beds.

Folk remedies for ants
Folk remedies for ants


The method allows you to bring ants out of the house in the country in one week. To get rid of pests, you must use the following recipe:

  1. Fresh yeast mixed with jam or sugar syrup.
  2. From the resulting mixture roll small balls.
  3. Means laid out on the ant paths.

Insects will pounce on a sweet treat. They themselves will take it womb and the larvae. After some time, all the ants will disappear from the country house.

Boric acid

From the garden ants in the house is good helps boric acidwhich has a contact-intestinal action. With her cook the following poisonous bait:

  1. A teaspoon of acid mixed with sugar syrup. The tool moistened small pieces of bread, which are laid out along the paths of ants.
  2. Three hard-boiled egg yolks are mixed with boiled potatoes, sugar and boric acid. Small balls roll out of the mixture and unfold near the ant paths.

From forest ants in the country house it is good to use a bait from forcemeat. For her mix a teaspoon of boric acid and two tablespoons of fresh minced meat. The bait is placed in places where pests accumulate.


This folk remedy helps to get rid of the ants under the house. Salt mixed with hot pepper or soda and fall asleep under the floor. The mixture is still treated with cracks and ant paths.

On a note!

Salt should be sprinkled with window sills and the threshold of the country house. Such an obstacle ants can not overcome.


Smells from ants
Smells from ants

Ants do not tolerate smells of some plants. This is chamomile, wormwood, tansy, mint. It is necessary to hang out in the house in the country bouquets of these herbs or plant plants under the windows.

On a note!

For this method to help, bouquets should be updated once a week.

The use of the essential oils of these plants is also effective. Once a day, it is necessary to light the aroma lamp for 15 minutes - and the ants will bypass the house.


Getting rid of pests by strong insecticides is forbidden if there are food in the room and it cannot be well ventilated. But there are means by which you can get rid of the ubiquitous ants in a house in the country.

On a note!

Chemicals can cause allergic reactions, burns, or poisoning. Toxic substances should be worn with gloves and a mask. Eyes must be protected with special glasses.

Well proven different bait traps. The toxic substance in them is hidden from children, domestic animals and flying insects. Therefore, the drug will not harm pets and bees.

The following traps will help to forget about ants forever:

They should be placed on any horizontal or vertical surface.

Insect chemicals
Insect chemicals

From earth ants various poisonous gels effectively help:

Insects eat poisonous matter and carry it to their anthill. But it is worth being attentive - children or pets can swallow the bait.

Aerosols will help get rid of spies. The destruction of the ant colony in the house at the cottage is effectively carried out with the following marks:

A jet of aerosol direct directly to insects. Do not spray the product on your skin or on your face.

In the housing in the country can apply chalk Masha. It will prevent the appearance of "unwanted guests" in the human home. Chalk should be applied around the perimeter of the room and near the front door. Dust powder has a similar effect. Fas Double or Delitsion.

On a note!

Instead of Mashenka, you can use Pyrethrum powder. It is absolutely safe for humans and pets, because it has a natural composition. Ants to this tool can not develop immunity.

When you have to decide how to get rid of ants in a country house, do not forget about your safety. Many chemicals can cause severe poisoning. If there are few ants in the house, then you should rely on folk remedies.

You can not neglect and prevention. It will help avoid the fight with the enemy.It is necessary to keep the cottage clean, hang on the windows mosquito nets. From the beds should be removed in time rotten wood and rotted plants.

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Bed bugs

