How to deal with ants in strawberries

How to get rid of ants on strawberries - this is a question that worries all gardeners. Pests love to build their nests in the roots of these plants and eat the sweet berries. And on the tender leaves they plant aphids. Strawberry bushes no longer bear fruit and die quickly.

Humane methods

Fighting ants can be humane. After all, it is not necessary to destroy insects if their colony did not have time to grow. Do not forget about the benefits that ants bring.

The best way is to move the ant nest away from the garden. The procedure should be carried out at the end of spring or at the beginning of summer, when there are few inhabitants in the anthill. The transfer of the home of pests consists of several stages:

  1. Gently dig up anthill together with eggs and larvae.
  2. Put it in the bucket.
  3. Pour out the excavated nest away from the dacha plots.

Expel migrants from the dacha follows before ten in the morning or after six in the evening. At this time, foragers are still inside their home.

On a note!

If you had to dig up part of the strawberry and strawberry bushes, then after the procedure, the stalk that was pulled out of the ground is covered with earth. In the place where the anthill was located, poured ash.

So that insects do not crawl out of the bucket, it is smeared with sunflower oil. Hands off ant bites protect rubber gloves, which should also be oiled.

Ants Recipes
Ants Recipes

If the colony is small, but located in the bushes of strawberries, then ants need to try to scare away. To do this, use the following methods:

  1. Among the plants are laid out leaves of parsley, wormwood, mint, tansy, mustard.
  2. Fall asleep under the bushes sawdust impregnated with anise oil.
  3. Put a cotton swab soaked in turpentine near the anthill.

Fighting ants in strawberries in such ways effectively, if they did not have time to breed or when the berry managed to ripen.

Folk remedies

Protect strawberries from pest attacks can be a variety of folk remedies. Effective are sweet baitthat the working individuals feed themselves to the female and the larvae. The most popular recipes with borax or boric acid:

  • two glasses of water with sugar and ½ tsp of boric acid;
  • matchbox of borax powder, a dining boat of honey, 100 ml of water and 125g of sugar.

The poisonous mixture is applied to the lids and laid out near the anthills.

Poisonous bait for ants
Poisonous bait for ants

To save strawberries from ants will help yeast. They are mixed with honey or jam and laid out on ant paths.

On a note!

You need to take a fresh product, which has not expired.

If the anthill is located not on the bed with strawberries, but far from it, then it should be dug up and pour boiling water or vegetable oil on the ground.

A nest located near the bushes is destroyed in one of the following ways:

  1. Knobs regularly sprinkle soda, ash or quicklime.
  2. The nest is watered with a solution prepared from a liter of water, five grams soda and 30 grams of flax oil.

Birds, which should be attracted to the site, will help to bring ants from the strawberry beds. And the best fighters with aphids will be ladybugs - they are collected in the field and planted on the affected bushes.

Before the start of flowering strawberry can be treated with a solution ammonia or kerosene - take a tablespoon of money in a bucket of water. If ants are bred in a strawberry, the pungent smell will scare them away.


On the bed with strawberries used various chemicals. Well proven Muracid, which is a food bait and is available in granules. It is poured directly into the anthill, from which the top layer of soil is removed before the procedure. Other preparations based on diazinon help in getting rid of ants:

Use on the beds with strawberries can be gel Great Warrior. It should be applied to a piece of cardboard or plastic cover.It is necessary to ensure that the gel is not washed away by water, otherwise it will cease to act.

Ant products on strawberries
Ant products on strawberries

Apply such ant products on strawberries:

  • Tanrek;
  • Biotlin;
  • Bison

The solution for spraying prepared according to the instructions. Processing plants carried out before flowering in dry and windless weather.

On a note!

Chemicals are dangerous to humans. Therefore, before work you need to protect your hands and face. After the procedure, clothes should be washed separately from other things.

Chemicals can not be sprayed with strawberry flowers and berries, otherwise they will become poisonous. The substance itself must be kept away from children and animals.


The easiest way to carry out prevention. Then you do not have to destroy the anthills and watch the ants eat strawberries. Next to the bushes of berries recommend planting onions, garlic and mint. These plants have a pungent smell that don't like insects.


For every four strawberry bushes should be planted one onion.

Strawberry protection can be provided with garlic solution. For its preparation take a bucket of water and 100 grams of crushed garlic. Means insist week.For best effect, add two tablespoons of boric acid and 400 grams of coniferous extract.

Ant walkways need to constantly fall asleep salt. The substance can be poured into the anthill itself.

Fully remove ants from the garden beds complicated. Insects from time to time will appear on the bushes and build nests. But this does not mean that you need to forget about the protection of strawberries from pests. If you constantly carry out measures to combat insects, the crop will be saved.

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Bed bugs

