How to deal with ants in the greenhouse folk remedies

Just a couple of days in the greenhouse can form an impressive ant colony. Its microclimate is perfect for pest life, and a huge amount of food only contribute to the rapid reproduction of insects. You need to know how to get rid of ants in the greenhouse, so that their invasion does not destroy the entire crop.

Physical methods of struggle

The fight against ants in the greenhouse is the constant loosening of the soil and timely watering. Insects will not want to live where their anthill will melt or collapse.

On a note!

Horticulturists often plague black garden view or brown meadow. If the site is located near the forest, then in the greenhouse you can find and red ants.

Ants in the greenhouse
Ants in the greenhouse

When the anthill of the garden ants did not have time to grow, it can be removed to the nearest landing. For this, the ant's nest is dug out and placed in a bucket, and then it is taken away from the vegetable garden.

Place where you were anthill, fall asleep ash or wormwood and bury. Soda is used as a substitute for ash.

If exterminate ant uterusthen the whole colony will perish with it. But you have to try to find it in an ant dwelling.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies will help to remove ants from the greenhouse. Boric acid is used successfully in the fight against insects. With her cook various baitwhich are used in a greenhouse with tomatoes and in a greenhouse with cucumbers:

  1. Mix four spoons of minced meat with one spoon of powder.Roll the balls out of the mixture and spread them out near the anthill.
  2. Dissolve 50 g of sugar in 50 ml of water. Add a teaspoon to the syrup boric acid. To spread sweet mix on flat saucers or covers.
  3. Boiled yolk mixed with the same amount of boiled potatoes. Add some butter, sugar and 1/3 of a pack of acid. From the mixture to make granules and place them near the ant paths.

Boric acid from insects
Boric acid from insects

A dry powder can also destroy ants in the greenhouse, which in this case is a poison of contact action. Boric acid is poured into the anthill and in areas of accumulation of arthropods. You can use it on tomato and cucumber beds.

On a note!

Ants in the greenhouse will disappear if they fall asleep in their nest millet or semolina. The croup will swell in the humid environment of the ant house and clog the moves.

From ants help use of mustard powder or cinnamon. These funds cause burns of insects and do not allow them to spread aphids over the plants. Sticks with cinnamon placed in the gap. This method is good not only in a greenhouse made of wood, but also in a greenhouse made of polycarbonate.


To poison the ants in the greenhouse can be chemicals.They will not drive the ants away forever, but they will protect the plants for one season.

On a note!

In the greenhouse with tomatoes and in the greenhouse with cucumbers using the same methods of getting rid of pests.

The following drugs are the best:

  1. Deadly drops from ants. The tool unfolds on substrates that are placed near the anthill and in places where ants accumulate. One meter is taken one drop.
  2. Ecokiller. It is a safe tool that can be used indoors. Ants do not develop immunity to it.
  3. Argus Garden. Spray, which is convenient to handle small saplings and bushes. One bottle is enough to cover an area of ​​20 m².
  4. Absolute gel. A bait that foragers will deliver to a female. It is enough to drop the remedy on an ant path or an anthill.
  5. Thunder-2. The remedy for ants in the greenhouse in the form of granules. He falls asleep in the anthill itself.
  6. A great warrior. A gel that the ants themselves feed the uterus and larvae. Destroys a colony of insects in one week.
  7. Ant-eater. One milliliter of funds is poured over a liter of water. The solution is gradually brought to a volume of 10 liters. The nest is excavated before laying eggs and poured with cooked poison.
  8. Mashenka. This is a chalk that should describe the anthill and the entrances to the greenhouse.

The best preparations of ants
The best preparations of ants

Any chemicals from ants in the greenhouse require careful treatment. They should be stored in hard-to-reach places, and the processing of plants should be carried out with gloves, glasses and a respirator.

If insects have chosen the greenhouse frame, then they can be killed with a solution of water and formalin in the ratio of 1:10.

Combined methods of struggle

These methods are effective and not harmful to humans and beneficial insects. The following tools are popular:

  1. Syrup is poured into a plastic bottle and placed near the anthill. Gathered on the bait ants poured boiling water.
  2. Take an unnecessary kettle and cover it with a dark cloth. A large amount of sugar is spread on the material. Kettle set near the anthill. After a while, the whole colony will move to a new house, which can be thrown out or filled with boiling water.

Apply these traps in beds with tomatoes and other plants.

Work on the fight against ants before planting

The pest control in the greenhouse must begin even before the first foragers enter it. Then insects will not be able to conquer the greenhouse and spoil the plants.

The greenhouse should be treated with a special solution with soda and flax oil (five grams of soda and thirty grams of oil per liter of water) and ants after wintering, they themselves will not want to build their anthills in it.

On a note!

Help in the greenhouse onions and garlic from ants. These plants should be planted together with greenhouse crops - their smell will scare the ants off the beds.

Before planting seedlings, you need to dig and fertilize the soil. Digging should be done in the fall, after harvesting. This simple way for a long time will get rid of "invaders".

Preventive actions

The greenhouse should be kept clean, then the ants will not choose it as their home. It is necessary to throw away rotten boards and roofing felt, clean up litter and rotted plants. The walls of the greenhouse must be inspected for the presence of cracks and ant nests.

Seedling protection can be carried out using fragrant herbs, the smell of which don't like ants. It is necessary to decompose in a greenhouse wormwood, mint, tansy, chamomile. Plants need to constantly check and remove from them, affected by aphids, leaves.

In the greenhouse it is better to refrain from the use of chemicals. They can damage plants and land.It is worth trying to get rid of pests folk remedies.

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Bed bugs

