How to get rid of small red ants in an apartment

Ants Pharaohs came to us on merchant ships from warm countries. They cannot live in the cold, but in the apartments the living conditions of these insects are ideal. Pests eat leftover food and build nests between the walls, and their small size allows them to move freely throughout the apartment building.Many do not know how to get rid of red ants in the apartment and use inefficient methods.

Fundamental rules

Only 10 percent of the entire colony comes across a person’s eyes. These are working individuals who conduct reconnaissance and are looking for food for the rest of the family. An ant family will not suffer if only they are killed. The Queen will quickly produce new offspring with foragers and scouts.

On a note!

To get rid of pests, you need to find a nest of ants in the apartment and kill womb (how it looks can be understood from the photo). Or you should use poisonous bait, which foragers themselves attribute to the queen.

Red ants in the apartment
Red ants in the apartment

The fight against ants is complicated for the following reasons:

  1. They multiply rapidly, and their nests are hidden in the walls and under the plinth.
  2. Insects adapt to certain poisons and stop responding to them.
  3. If you choose a strong toxic substance, the working ant will not have time to bring it to the anthill.
  4. Not all chemicals can be used indoors.

Fighting red ants should be the whole house. If the treatment is carried out only in one apartment, then the pests will continue to multiply and run from one neighbor to another. Can be used insecticides and folk remedies.

Ant chemistry in the apartment

Get rid of little ones red antswill help the store poison. But you should be careful when using it. Protect your face with goggles and a respirator, and wear rubber gloves on your hands.

On a note!

Care must be taken to ensure that no poisonous substance is swallowed by children or pets. Better at the time of treatment they leave the apartment for fresh air.

Food and clothing should be hidden. Open surfaces - a table, sofa, armchairs are recommended to close with a film or cloth.

Ant Chemicals
Ant Chemicals

In the fight against indoor ants, you can use several types of chemistry.


They are advised to use from scouts. The drug instantly kills insects, but he will not be able to cope with the queen.

The most popular brands are:

  1. Raptor. Aerosol emits mint flavor and quickly kills insects. It is safe for animals and humans.
  2. Reid Spray can be used in hard to reach places. It is dangerous for the human body, so it can not be used with the windows closed.
  3. Combat. Emits a pleasant fruit flavor. After spraying it, you need to close the room and wait.Weathered from the premises quickly.

Any bottles with aerosols should be protected from fire and kept away from heating appliances. When working you need to ensure that the substance does not fall on the skin and mucous membranes. Sprayed poison at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from the surface.


Permanently get rid of red ants in the apartment will help gel. It has a pleasant fragrance for insects. The ants themselves carry the poisonous substance into the nest and feed it to the larvae and the queen.

The following tools will help to bring out the red ants in the apartment:

  1. Fas. Gel with an enteric-contact action.
  2. Raptor. It has a comfortable spout, with which the tool is applied to hard-to-reach places.
  3. Adamant. The tube is designed to handle one apartment. The effect of the drug is already noticeable on the second day.
  4. Ant-eater. Inexpensive and popular gel. It causes insect paralysis and death.

Gels are popular, but they can easily get an animal or a small child. Therefore, the tool is not recommended for those who have pets or children.


Insect traps
Insect traps

Traps made in the form of a small box, inside which is a poison bait.They are best suited for use in the apartment, because they do not emit scent and restrict access to the poison to young children and pets.

The following traps will help to bring out the red ants:

  1. Raptor. In the set for sale six pieces. They have a sticky base and can be attached to the floor or wall.
  2. Combat It can also be attached to any surface and contains a poisonous substance inside.

Traps are set on dry surfaces, near the ant paths. Lures can be placed behind cabinets and batteries, on the walls near the garbage chute. It is in these places most often appear red ants.

Chalks and powders

These funds do not attract insects, so they are applied directly to ant paths. Pests pass through a toxic substance, and it enters their respiratory tract.

Popular ones include:

  1. Mashenka. It is a chalk. It is enough to handle the entire apartment.
  2. Pyrethrum. Powder made from chamomile heads. It does not cause addiction in insects and is safe for humans.
  3. Fas double.

Chalks and powder are best used as a means of prevention. They are used where the red ants come from - the gaps and doorways

Folk remedies

Means from red ants in the apartment can be prepared independently. Hand-made compositions are safe for humans and quite effective.

Boric acid bait
Boric acid bait

Most often at home are preparing bait with boric acid:

  1. Half a cup of jam is mixed with a tablespoon of boric acid. Poisonous food is smeared on cartons or flat saucers.
  2. Boric acid and borax are mixed in equal proportions. To the mixture add sugar syrup or honey. Lure laid out on the ant paths.

A good one is a bait with yeast. Fresh product is mixed with syrup or honey and left on the paths of red ants. Yeast swell in the insect's stomach and cause its death. Part of the bait pests are eaten on the spot, and some are carried to the nest.

On a note!

In the people against the small red ants in the apartment use fragrant herbs and spices. Pests do not tolerate the smell of cinnamon, red pepper, garlic, wormwood and chamomile.

Homemade mixes do not give a quick effect. The first results are waiting for a few days. Fully ants disappear only after 2-3 weeks.

Fighting red ants in the apartment should start immediately, as they started. If you do not take action, then arthropods quickly multiply and independently cope with them will not work.

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