Means the Summer resident from ants

Means the Summer resident from ants
Means the Summer resident from ants
The destruction of ants in the garden - this problem had to face, perhaps, every owner of a country site. For this, Russian scientists have developed the drug Summer Resident Ant. The basis of the funds are natural phytocomponents, thanks to which it is completely harmless to people. More details about the drug will tell this article.

What is

Summer resident is one of the effective means of combating ants and other gnawing and sucking insect pests: shield, spider mites, aphids.

On a note!

The composition of this fragrant drug includes: fir oil, water and fragrant substances, in connection with which it is used as a flavoring in winter gardens, greenhouses or greenhouses.

Dachnik, a remedy for ants, has become popular among lovers of garden works, as it has a lot of positive moments:

  • High efficiency - this is evidenced by positive reviews about the Summer Resident.
  • Broad spectrum of action - the drug is harmful for ants, whitefly, onion flies, strawberry mites.
  • A simple way to use.
  • Economical consumption - instructions for use indicate the consumption of means Dachnik for each specific type of pest.
  • A long period of protective action lasts for 5-6 months, while the prepared solution retains its properties for 10 days.
  • The possibility of using the drug in wet weather.


Used to ammonia on the garden beds of ants, but this year they were divorced too much. I had to look for a more powerful tool.Dachnik drug effectively coped with ants, not leaving them a single chance. Fast, efficient, and besides, quite inexpensive. Recommend.

Raisa, Petrozavodsk

How to use

The principle of using means Summer resident from ants is quite simple.

  1. Before unscrewing the cap, shake the contents of the vial thoroughly.
  2. After freeing the dispenser, the substance is poured into a bucket of water (the concentration of the solution is indicated in the instructions for use). After that, the solution is stirred using any object at hand.
  3. For destruction garden ants it is necessary to remove the top soil layer from the ant nest.
  4. This area is abundantly irrigated with the prepared solution (at least 2-3 liters).
  5. Given the long term effect of the drug Summer Resident, the need for re-treatment for the season is usually absent.
  6. It is necessary to process the paths of the ants, as well as water the plants per 1 cubic meter. m. plot need 5 liters of solution.

What you need to know

  1. It is not recommended to use food tableware for preparing the working solution.
  2. At the end of the process, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap.
  3. Do not process plants during flowering. on the summer cottagebecause odors can frighten bees.

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