Ants Delicia Powder

Hardly anyone will be delighted when ants appear in the garden, in the garden or in the house. Despite their ability to work and favorsuch a pleasant neighborhood can not be called. Insects can spoil food or climb into the bin, as a result of which inevitable spread of dangerous infections. And in some people, an ant sting is accompanied by the development of an allergic reaction. There are various pest control products. One of the most effective is the Delice from the ants.

Means description

Means Delicia is an insecticidal drug based on chlorpyrifos, which is produced by Frunol Delicia (Germany). Powdered drug has a contact action. Its penetration into the body of the pest through the respiratory or digestive organs leads to the destruction of the protein responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. That after 15-20 minutes leads to paralysis of the nervous system, and subsequently to asphyxia.

Ants Delicia Powder
Ants Delicia Powder

Delction effectively affects ants due to the increased concentration of the poisonous component. Walking on the powder, on the paws of the insect there are particles of poison, which he will later share with his relatives in the anthill. It is possible to achieve complete extermination of pests in 2 weeks.


Powder from garden and others species of ants Delicia has a hazard class 2, therefore when applying it you should observe safety measures.

Means Delitsiya available in various quantities:

  • 125 g at a price of 220 rubles;
  • 375 g at a price of 470 rubles;
  • 500 g for 580 rubles.

Packages of various weights make it possible to purchase the required amount of poison.

Rules of application

Ant powder Delicia is used in two variations.


According to the manufacturer's recommendations, this method of application is more effective against pests. He is able to destroy all the ant family in a matter of days.

The finished powder is treated with places of movement and mass accumulation of ants. Special attention is paid to joints, cracks, various gaps and gaps. After all, it is not always possible to detect the nest; a long hidden move can lead to it. Often ants settle in insulant. Therefore, all hard-to-reach places are treated more carefully.

If pests host in the garden, then sprinkle the substance between the beds. Spend the drug Delitsi at the rate of 10 g of powder per 1 square. m. square.

On a note!

This method is not intended for processing berries and vegetables.

To attract the attention of insects will help making bait, which can serve as sugar, honey, jam or syrup. Having mixed the powder of Deliziya with any of these ingredients, receive a poisonous delicacy by which ants will not pass.

Delicia Powder Applications
Delicia Powder Applications

In the form of a solution

Anti-ants powder Delicia can be used in another way.Preparation of the solution is a more benign option for pest control. The poison is prepared in proportion to 6 liters of water 125 g of dry product. The resulting solution is poured into the nest and sprayed the places of movement of pests. It is desirable to carry out the treatment in the morning or evening, when most of the ants are in anthill.

What you need to know

When applying the powder against ants Delicia it is necessary to observe precautions, because chlorpyrifos contained in it is a toxic substance. With a single contact with the skin, it does not penetrate into the body, with frequent contacts may be the manifestation of the inflammatory process in the form of skin irritation.

Use powder from ants Deliziya must be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer:

  • respirator and rubber gloves are required;
  • do not eat, drink or smoke during processing;
  • access to the treated area should be restricted to pets;
  • children and pregnant women should not be present in the room to be treated;
  • when used in a garden, it is not recommended to treat the lawn with a tool or use Deliziya powder near a reservoir;
  • after the procedure, washing hands with soap is necessary.


On the Internet you can find numerous positive reviews about Delicia. They are left by those people who have already experienced this remedy in the fight against ants.

In just 2 days managed get rid of the red ant colony in the apartment, sprinkled with powder Deliziya place of occurrence of insects. Excellent drug: inexpensive, fast and most importantly - effective. Recommend.

Yana, Krasnodar

On the kitchen there are ants in the house. What means I did not use, after a week all the insects returned again. While the friend did not advise powder Deliziya. She took the child and the cat to her grandmother and over the weekend was able to defeat the ant colony. A month has passed, there are no ants. Thank you, Delizia.

Zhanna, Grozny

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