Ant Dichlorvos
- Ant Dichlorvos
- Dichlorvos application
With the advent of the house ants The issue of acquiring an effective pest control agent becomes urgent. When choosing a drug should take into account not only the degree of effectiveness, but also the duration, as well as the form of its release. One of the means actively used in everyday life has been Dichlorvos from ants in an apartment for many years.
Dichlorvos against ants - an aerosol designed to combat insect pests.The drug is in great demand among the population, as it has several advantages:
- High efficiency. Aerosol allows you to quickly get rid of pests. The manufacturer guarantees full ant extermination subject to the instructions.
- A wide range of actions - most of the aerosols under this brand are designed to kill crawling and flying insects, including ants. The drug can be used both indoors and for disposal of pests at the dacha.
- A simple method of application - the aerosol does not require additional preparation, it is completely ready for use.
- Affordable cost (less than 100 rubles) is another important nuance that many people pay attention to.
The disadvantages of this spray are:
- the presence of a specific smell (an exception is Dichlorvos Neo and Dichlorvos Varan);
- toxicity - insecticidal substances are included in the improved formula of the drug: permethrin, cypermethrin, piperonyl butoxide. They almost immediately begin to act on insects.
The best modern variations of this product are the brands of the following products.
- Varan dichlorvos is effective against cockroaches, ants and other crawling insects. The drug has a pleasant smell, safe for humans and pets. The tool has a long term of validity, which lasts for 2 weeks.
- Dichlorvos Neo. It is based on insecticides of the pyrethroid group, which destroy the ants on the spot. With a small concentration is not dangerous to people and pets. The product is odorless and does not cause addiction to pests.
- Dichlorvos Super is an analogue of Dichlorvos Neo aerosol.
Processing rules
Despite the fact that the aerosol is relatively safe, when using it, you must take precautions:
- aerosol treatment should be carried out in the presence of personal protective equipment (respirator or mask, rubber gloves and the most closed clothing);
- it is necessary to remove food, dishes, personal hygiene items, children's things and toys;
- during the disinsection in the room should not be children and pets.
For treatment, the container with the insecticidal solution is thoroughly shaken.Ant paths, as well as insect accumulation sites, are sprayed at a distance of 0.2 m from the treated surface. At the end of the disinsection process, the room is left for at least 1-2 hours. After which the room is thoroughly ventilated.
This aerosol is a time-tested drug. Many people have been using it since the days of the Soviet Union, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of Dichlorvos.
Ants in the house attacked the kitchen: they were found in sugar, flour, breadbaskets and even in a cat's bowl. Dichlorvos Neo came to the rescue. They sprayed them a couple of times the whole kitchen, and now we drink tea without ants.
Anton, Melitopol
Got rid of petty redheads in the bath just one time varan. Quickly and efficiently. Recommend.
Elvira, Novorossiysk