Means Fas-Double from ants
- Means Fas-Double from ants
- Application Fas double from insects
- Drug release form
Natural poisons such as boric acid, vinegar, raw brewer's yeast and other substances can only scare off a small amount ants, but if a colony has appeared, it is necessary to fight with modern potent insecticides that destroy insects, but are safe for human health.These drugs include Fas double of ants.
On a note!
The tool can be used not only to kill ants. Reviews about Fas double, left by buyers, confirm the fact of its successful use against fleas, cockroaches, flies and bedbugs. It is widely used for disinfection in medical institutions, at enterprises and in homes by professional services, but it is also possible to independently process your living space.
Characteristic features of domestic ants
Residents of private houses and high-rise buildings know that uninvited guests in them may be red or domestic ants. Many people confuse them with their forest counterparts, but they are two different species. Domestic inhabitants called pharaoh antssince they were first discovered during the excavations of the Egyptian pyramids. But their real homeland is India.
These two species differ in size. The length of forest dwellers is from 4 to 9 mm, and the domestic ones barely reach 3 mm, they are lighter in color. In the conditions of the harsh Russian climate, they cannot live outside the heated territories, therefore they find housing in homes, apartments and any other premises without refusing any organic food: crumbs, open food, lousy garbage.
Domestic ants do not live in one colony, but create parallel nests in the corridor, bathroom, in the kitchen, on the landing. They eat separately. If one nest is destroyed, the rest of the colony remains unharmed, so when these guests appear in the house, get ready for a protracted war.
Character red forest and domestic ants are also different: the first can strongly bite a person, protecting themselves or anthill, the second ants do not bite at all.
Description and composition
Ant-Fas double remedy is a light gray or light brown dust powder. Transported in boxes of 90 packages of the drug. One package contains 125 g of the active substance and is a bag-duster that allows dosed use of the substance.
Fights insects quickly and effectively on the first day of use, but shows a total activity of 6-8 weeks. Consists of:
- zeta-cypermethrin in the amount of 0.02%;
- esfenvalerate - 0.01% - active compound from the group of pyrethroids;
- Piperonylbutoxide (PPB) synergist - 0.15%;
- fillers.
Mode of application
Fas Double is used very simply: holes are punctured in the places indicated on the package, after which a substance is sprayed by pressing the bag. For struggle with a colony of ants in the house, the apartment, it is necessary to thoroughly treat the ant paths (“paths”) and places of visible or perceived accumulation by spraying a finely dusty preparation. Usage rate per square meter - 2 g.
When the ants reappear, the treatment must be repeated. After its completion in 3-6 hours it is necessary to remove Fas Double from all working surfaces and easily accessible places for children or animals with a soap-soda solution. In other hard-to-reach places, the drug should remain for up to 8 weeks.
Precautionary measures
Since the product is a chemical insecticide, you should follow the rules. The drug attached instructions for use Fas Double. It is recommended not to violate:
- Processing is done with open windows or windows in the room. It should not be strangers.
- Food and dishes should be carefully closed and put in a cupboard or taken to another place.
- Processing of internal surfaces of cabinets where food and utensils are stored is not carried out.
- Wet cleaning of all easily accessible surfaces is done 3-6 hours after treatment.
- If the area is large (over 50 square meters), you must use personal protective equipment: overalls or a bathrobe, kerchief, respirators. Protect the skin of the hands with gloves made of rubber. When processing the house or apartment, it is enough to put on a cotton-gauze bandage.
- After working with Fas double, clothing should be shaken out and ventilated, if necessary, washed in hot soap-soda solution.
- Observe the general hygienic rules while working with the drug: do not drink, do not eat in the treated room. After work, wash with soap and water, rinse your mouth.
- Do not store clothing at home or near food.
First aid for poisoning
Failure to use the Fas Doubled insecticide can cause poisoning. What should be done in this case:
- Immediately bring a person to fresh air and remove contaminated clothing.
- In case of dust on the skin, remove it with a cotton swab, without rubbing, rinse with warm soapy water, then rub with a cream of the "Silicone" type.
- If the product gets into the eyes, immediately rinse them with plenty of water and drip with eye drops.
- If it enters the stomach, drink a weak solution of potassium permanganate until an emetic reflex appears (3-4 glasses).
- In case of loss of consciousness, do not touch the person and immediately seek medical help.
Storage methods
Storage temperature - from -25 to + 40 ° C in a closed box. If the packaging is partially used up, store the product in a room with good ventilation. The shelf life of the drug - 24 months from the date of manufacture.
Tortured ants in the apartment in the kitchen. Hid all the food, but still found them even in bread. Friends were advised to buy Fas double. They said that they will quickly emerge, act quickly and efficiently. Sprinkled dust in the kitchen under the sink and on the baseboards. In the morning I collected dead ants. I don't see them anymore. It is good that there are no animals and children in the house, I will not clean the dust, let it lie still, as indicated in the instructions, so that the ants do not return.
Galina, Rostov
Ants on the dacha appeared recently. But now I come across them everywhere. Begin to appear in the summer kitchen. Neighbors advised Fas double, they say that helps quickly.I bought it in the shop “Garden”, sprinkled it in the kitchen where the paths were found around trees and flowerbeds. In the kitchen they disappeared quickly, in the garden they disappeared, and then they began to appear again. I was upset, but as it turned out later, the tool is washed away with water. Will have to repeat processing. Still, it was good when the ants disappeared. Good remedy.
Tatiana, Bryansk
For me, the appearance of these insects was so unexpected. The children first saw them, shouting as if they were being tortured. Neighbor advised to poison the ants Fas double powder. Excellent tool, the pests disappeared instantly.
Olga, Kiev