Mustard powder from ants and aphids in the garden

Mustard powder
Mustard powder

Ants from the beds can be scared away. Good for this purpose. folk recipes. Most of the home remedies do not contain substances harmful to the human body, so you should not be afraid of harming yourself or the plants. In the garden will help the mustard from the ants.

Best recipes

Insects do not tolerate the smell of mustard powder. Therefore, it is worth sprinkling the product all plantings around the perimeter. Then no pest crawls on the seedlings. Re-treatment is required once every two weeks.

It is easy to get rid of ants in the garden with the help of mustard, you just have to know how to use it correctly:

  1. In dry form. Powder sprinkled anthill and ant tracks.
  2. In the form of a solution. Saplings and trees are sprayed until the leaf is wet.

To prepare the solution, take mustard powder (100 grams) and 10 liters of warm water. This tool can be used as prevention of the appearance of aphids and ants.

On a note!

You need to take fresh mustard, which has not expired.

Substance can be used together with other products. Coffee and dry mustard deter pests. The ingredients are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio and covered with a nest with a mixture.

Secrets of use

Mustard against ants in the garden will help if you follow some rules:

  1. Before you pour the powder, you need to remove the top layer of soil from the anthill.
  2. If it has recently rained, the sun should dry the earth. Only then you can begin processing the beds.
  3. After the precipitation procedure is required to be repeated.
  4. It is necessary to work in gloves in calm weather.

Dry mustard can be dangerous for pets and children. It is able to burn the mucous membranes and skin.Therefore, those who have kids or pets should be careful.


To me in the garden only ants mustard and aphids helped. I used the powder. Scattered it around the anthill, ant trails also processed. The effect of scaring came immediately. Now I want to try to scare this method of insects in the garden on an apple tree.

Elizaveta, Murmansk

Mustard is an effective remedy for pests and their larvae for fruit tree processingbut should be attentive. I worked with my bare hands, and then mechanically ran a hand over my face. Lips like burned. I learned from my own experience that safety cannot be neglected. If a burning substance gets on the skin, then this place should be washed with cold water.

Sergey, Smolensk

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