Ants anthis in the garden

Ants anthis in the garden
Ants anthis in the garden

The drug has a sharp smell, so it is rarely used in apartments and houses. Basically used Karbofos from ants in the garden and in the garden. The active substance destroys pests three to four hours after spraying the plants. The poisoning effect lasts for about two weeks, which allows you to completely clear the area from "uninvited guests."


The chemical has an intestinal-contact action. He causes death antswhen it enters its airway or comes in contact with the chitinous membrane.For people and animals, the danger is average.

Karbofos is produced in various forms:

  • powder;
  • solution;
  • concentrated emulsion;
  • ampoules;
  • granules.

Manufacturers add fragrances with a sharp aroma. This feature complicates the use of the drug in enclosed spaces. But on air the unpleasant smell quickly disappears.

On a note!

Karbofos is made on the basis of malathion. It is an oily liquid that emits a sharp amber. The first insecticides with this substance appeared on the market in 1950.

Toxins destroy garden ants and their larvae, but do not act on the eggs. If the insect avoids contact with the substance, it will not die and will retain the ability to reproduce.


The instructions for use contain detailed information on how to prepare the solution for spraying. In order for Karbofos against ants to help, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. You can use the liquid in dry and windless weather.
  2. You can not process plants and trees more than twice in one season.
  3. Apply need freshly prepared solution.

Before work, protect your hands with rubber gloves and wear a respirator.

On a note!

The first time poison pests in the period of the appearance of the kidneys. The second treatment takes place before flowering.

If you need to get rid of the ants, then take on 5 liters of water 60 grams of dry powder. Per 100 m² use 5 liters of the finished solution.


I used karbofos from garden ants in the greenhouse. The smell from him is terrible. But he quickly disappeared. Pests disappeared on the first day. The drug instantly saved my seedlings from the ant colony and aphids.

Katerina, Moscow

I like Malathion. I use it every year. in the garden. I spend two spraying season. Always prepare the solution as indicated in the instructions. I do not plan to switch to other insecticides. This inexpensive and effective drug suits me completely.

Igor, Yekaterinburg

Positive reviews of ant ants Malbofos prove that the product copes well with pests. on the summer cottage or garden.

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