Self-made and purchased ant traps

Ants are the most common insects in nature. Often they make their way into a person’s dwelling, thereby causing him great discomfort and danger. Insects can not only bite, but also eat food from the kitchen table and the trash can. As a result, they become carriers of pathogens and pathogens of various infections.Therefore, people faced with this problem, seek as quickly as possible to find the most effective and safe means of pest control. All these qualities combine ant traps.

Electrical devices

An electric trap in a house operates on ants discharge current. An insect inevitable death awaits the insect. It is enough to connect the device to the network so that it will begin to exterminate the workers of ant species. Such designs do not allow achieving the maximum effect, since traps of this type are not capable of destroying queen uterus. The cost of such traps varies between 900-1000 rubles.

Glue fixtures

Glue traps in the apartment are presented in the form of a cardboard box, the walls of which have a sticky surface. An insect that has run inside the structure inevitably sticks to its walls. This is the most affordable option (the price of the device is in the range of 20-30 rubles). Such devices are placed in places of the greatest accumulation of pests or near the source of their food (bin). They affect only workers.

Poisonous constructions

Poisonous traps from black ants - The most effective, as based on the use of insecticidal components. Toxic substances have an effect on the nervous system of ants, leading to paralysis, and subsequently to the death of the insect. The result of such devices can be seen in a few days. The complete destruction of insects can be achieved after two weeks.

Ant traps
Ant traps

On a note!

Ants that have fallen into the trap are smeared with poison, subsequently spreading it among their relatives. For the inhabitants of the home, poisonous traps are perfectly safe, since the poison is placed in dense plastic containers. The cost of such products can range from 60 to 500 rubles.

Below is a description of several best-selling traps.


The active ingredient here is fipronil. This design can be used to catch both domestic and garden ants. on the summer cottage.


Poisonous substance in this design is D-Phenotrin - an insecticide that retains its properties for a month. One device is designed for a room of 15 square meters. m


The product is made in Germany. The active toxic substance that is incorporated in it is imidacloprid. The advantage of the device is a long service life (the design does not require replacement within a month).

Analogs of these devices are traps Raid, Clean House, Raptor or Dohloks.


The adhesive that forms the basis of the Polish-made trap does not dry out during the month. Due to the absence of toxic components, the product is recommended for use in places where food is stored.


Attractive aroma for ants and high-quality stickiness are the main advantages of this product.

Homemade traps

Homemade ant traps
Homemade ant traps

What to do, if ants appeared in the house. Without spending large funds, you can make a device for catching insects and independently. A trap for ants with their own hands will be no less effective than the purchase option.

On a note!

Many wonder how to make a trap for ants with the help of available tools. The easiest option bait Is a mixture boric acid with an egg. To get rid of pests, it is enough to decompose the mass in the caps near ant nest, and also along the ant paths.

An ordinary adhesive tape can serve as an analog glue trap. In the saucer install a small lid, the edges of which are pasted over with double-sided tape. Top put a treat for insects. The smell of food will entice the ant, but sticky scotch will prevent the insect from eating it.

You can make a trap yourself in another way. It is necessary to take a glass jar, and grease its inner walls with plenty of sunflower oil. Put sugar or a spoonful of honey in the bottom of the container. Outside the bank to attach a wand, which will serve as a kind of ladder. Ants will crawl on it to smell the delicacy and fall into the jar, but not everyone can get out on the slippery surface.

Whichever option you prefer, to complete insect extermination take some time. The duration of this period depends not only on the active substance, but also on the degree of infestation of insects in the room.

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