Ants 10g from ants: instructions for use and reviews

Ants are insects that increase the level of soil fertility and carry seeds. People use them for treatment, and birds and animals as food. However, such seemingly useful goosebumps can cause serious damage to farmland, damaging flower petals, seedlings and seedlings. And the appearance of ants in the apartment delivers great discomfort to its owners.There are lots of various ways to control pests, ranging from folk remedies and ending with chemical agents. One of the most effective drugs that helps get rid of the inhabitants of the anthill, is ants 10 g, instructions for use are attached. You can learn more about it in this article.

Features of the drug

Means Murav'in is a popular toxic insecticide diazinon of the enteric-contact type. It effectively eliminates garden and garden pests, and also prevents the formation of ant populations at the dacha.

Ant from Ant
Ant from Ant

The drug acts as a food bait and has the form of granules. They are usually eaten by working ants. Penetrating into the body, a poisonous substance paralyzes insects. In addition, part of the insecticide remains in the pest on the legs. The poison which has got to a nest leads to death uterus. Therefore, one bag, which contains 10 g of funds, is enough to destroy a whole population of pests.

Anthrax from soil pests is in great demand among gardening enthusiasts, as it has many advantages:

  • Efficiency.One processing is enough to destroy the whole. anthill.
  • Using Ant is very convenient. It is enough to distribute the granules on the soil. In addition, one should not be afraid of the fact that the microparticles of the poison will fly up into the air and get into the body when inhaled.
  • Convenient packaging. The drug is intended for single use. Therefore, there is no need to remove the remaining remedy for small children and pets.
  • Security. Due to the fact that the bait does not need to be diluted with water, the poisonous components contained in it will not fall into the nearby water bodies and wells.
  • The drug is ready for use and does not require additional mixing with liquids.
  • Affordable cost. The price of funds varies from 40-70 rubles.

On a note!

It is possible to use Muravyin both on a garden site, and indoors.

Rules of application

Insecticide use
Insecticide use

Apply ant from garden ants according to the manual. Terms of use are indicated on the back of the package.

  1. The granules are placed in the soil to a depth of no more than 2 cm.
  2. One bag of money goes to processing 5 square meters. m. of land.
  3. For protection in the garden of trees, shrubs and flowers, the drug is used during the growing season.
  4. Anthrax is also used when onions and cabbages are planted in the ground. Insecticidal granules are placed in the soil, regardless of where the anthill is located.
  5. But for the protection of lawns, granulated insecticide is injected to a depth of 2 cm at the location of the ant nest.
  6. When fruit crops ripen, Aluvina is used no later than 3 weeks before harvest.

On a note!

Mechanized or manual tillage is carried out after three days from the moment of application of the insecticidal Muravin agent. The drug retains a protective effect for 20 days.

Precautionary measures

The use of formicum requires compliance with precautions. When using the product, wear rubber gloves, safety glasses, overalls and a respirator.

Insecticidal bait has become very popular among lovers of garden and dacha works, as evidenced by the positive reviews of Ant from ants.


Ants formula is a super remedy! Spread the granules on the bed, and two days later rid of ants in the garden. Easy, fast, and most importantly effective.What else can you dream?

Vladimir Nikolaevich, Arkhangelsk

With the arrival of spring, I discovered many anthills at my summer cottage. A neighbor, faced with a similar problem, recommended me to buy Ant. She has already managed to use such a lure in her country house and on the cemetery from the ants. Used poison as described. There were no difficulties in the application. Ants have already disappeared on day 5. I was very pleased with the effect.

Alla Petrovna, Rostov

I used to think that ants only bring benefits. However, having found them on a seedling planted in the ground, I realized that I was very mistaken. Many plants were affected by the pest. In the store, the seller offered Muravin. Pleasantly surprised by the cost of the drug, and the result was not long in coming. After a few days, the entire ant family disappeared. Recommend! Cheap and efficient!

Anton, Simferopol

In the house in the country ants bred, already poured boiling water, and poured kerosene. After a while, the pests appeared again. Crumbled granules near the ant nest, which insects built at the kitchen table. More ants in the house did not meet.

Amalia, Kostroma

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