Folk remedies against ants
- Ant repelling ways
- Folk recipes for the fight against ants
- Ant traps
- Prevent the appearance of ants
The appearance of several ants in the apartment does not give a reason to be frightened, however, when there are many of them, it means that they have settled in the house. If you have pets or small children, then it is better not to use chemical methods of struggle.The best option would be folk remedies for ants, which will help to drive them away without the use of insecticides.
Red antswho settle in residential premises are separate pharaoh's mindwhose name has gone from K. Linnea. For the first time they were discovered in the Egyptian pyramids, and the scientist mistakenly suggested that their origin and habitat is Egypt. However, in reality, red ants come from India, from where they were able to penetrate and spread throughout the world.
Ants are not pests, but settling in the house, bring some inconvenience to residents:
- they are able to bring discomfort to those living in the house, getting into clothes and groceries;
- arrange nests within the premises and quickly multiply;
- when settled in electrical appliances can cause electrical closure.
When detecting "red aliens" it is necessary to take the following measures:
- clean the entire room;
- all products are packaged and made inaccessible to ants;
- dispose of garbage regularly and do not leave crumbs and small pieces of food on the table or on the floor.
Folk remedies
Red ants settle in the house of colonies with a certain hierarchy. These are nests dispersed in several places, each of which has several queensthat produce offspring and working ants, producing food.
They find food by smell, then, rushing along with the whole colony, to come to it along the paved paths, pick it up and move it to their nest. Therefore, the very first step in fight with red ants there should be a finding out where their colony is located and the routes of their tracks.
Scaring methods
Ants are afraid sharp flavors, so to combat them often use folk methods, which consist of scaring off pests with the help of smells:
- sharply smelling foods: garlic, bay leaf, turmeric and cinnamon in powder, cloves, lemon peel or oranges;
- plants with a sharp aroma: wormwood, tansy, elderberry, lavender, chamomile, mint, etc .;
- substances with an unpleasant odor: camphor alcohol, turpentine, kerosene, ammonia, denatured alcohol.
Herbal remedies scare away ants with a strong odor, so they can be used to prevent insects from entering the room, laying out bunches of fresh and dried mint, chamomile, tansy on the way and at the entrance to the house.
Garlic and other odorous products can be lubricated with baseboards, crevices in the floorboards. Forms of ant should be treated with any substance with a sharp aroma, sprinkle them with a mixture of red pepper and cinnamon, they are also used, sprinkling the threshold of the house to scare them and prevent inside.
Enough effective folk remedy against ants - the use of economic, tar soap or any detergent diluted with water to treat ant tracks and disorienting insects. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp of soap per 0.5 l of water, it effectively removes the smell, and is also capable of destroying the pests themselves by direct contact.
To scare away ants, you can use a folk remedy in the form of a mixture of essential oils (mint 20 drops and lavender 10 drops), ethyl alcohol (250 g) and water (250 g), which is used to spray all paths and room around the perimeter every day with a spray bottle. Processing should be carried out at least 7-10 days, although after 2-3 days the ants will begin to leave the house.
Folk recipes for the fight against ants
In addition to deterring methods, non-chemical folk remedies are also used to kill red pests.
This traditional, hand-made remedy is made on the basis of boric acid, which requires:
- 10 g of boric acid (1 sachet);
- 1 tsp sugar or honey;
- yolk from boiled hard boiled eggs.
By mixing all the components, small portions are made that need to be laid out in the places where the ants live, or on the paths where they run. After eating the treat, the pests gradually die within 10–15 days.
Boric acidused to kill ants, harmless to children and animals living in the house. If one of them eats ant poison, the worst will not happen, because in such a small volume, the acid is safely excreted through the kidneys.
There are several popular recipes with which you can get rid of ants:
- Scatter along ant tracks semolina, after eating the croup swells and causes the death of an insect, corn flour has a similar effect.
- Brewer's yeast must be diluted in water of 1 tbsp. until viscous gruel, add a little sugar and smear all the paths and places of settlement of ants.
- A mixture of borax and sugar in equal proportions sprinkle ant paths.
- A mixture of coffee grounds and jam or sweet syrup also smears the habitats of insects.
- Mixture soda and powdered sugar, decomposed on ant paths, after eating causes the death of pests.
- To protect any particular product from the invasion of ants, a well-known folk remedy is used: smearing a can or utensil with unrefined vegetable oil. They do not like the aroma of oil, therefore they cannot overcome such an oil barrier.
Spread opinion that the ants are very fond all sweet, but very much as a bait in folk recipes use meat, which also these insects love.
Ant traps
There are many popular ways to help with bait. trap antsafter which they die. It acts only on working individuals, but their number will sharply decrease.
Examples of traps:
- A sweet syrup, made from water and sugar or jam, is poured into a small plate, put in the places where ants are staying. Wanting more to drink this desired sweetness, insects are buried in it.
- Stick adhesive tape or 2-sided tape on thick paper and put it in the center bait: jam or a drop of honey. Traps laid out near the entrance to the house and along the perimeter along the baseboards.
On a note!
When installing traps and using different methods of dealing with ants It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to block the possibility of their access to water.
Destruction of nests and anthills
If the number of ants in the room, after using various popular means of struggle, has not decreased, then this means that there is an ant nest within the premises, or maybe not one. The only way to get rid of ants in such a situation would be an urgent search and destruction of these colonies.
To do this, you must follow where the paths with insects. Typically, nests are located in the crevices of the floor or walls, near the baseboards, behind furniture, etc.
After anthill found, it should be treated with diesel fuel or gasoline: 50 ml each. Such a tool will allow you to destroy the ants and forget about them for the next few years.
Preventive measures
In order to prevent red ants from entering your home, you must adhere to the following household rules:
- keep the room clean, do wet cleaning regularly;
- do not leave food or waste on the table and other places;
- for storage of cereals, sugar and flour use closed jars and containers;
- keep everything sweet in a container with a lid;
- food waste and garbage to regularly make;
- in the living room to cover all the places through which insects can penetrate: crevices, holes, holes;
- in the presence of pets after feeding, all food residues should be removed;
- entrance doors and air vents periodically need to be lubricated with anti-ingress agents.