Millet against ants in the country

An ant is a hard worker - this is how people describe him who have not had to face the hassle of the appearance of the crumbs. on the summer cottage. But besides the fact that insects loosen the ground, fertilize the soil with nitrogen and humus, and also eat the caterpillars, they destroy the seeds and young seedlings, spread the seeds of weeds and shepherd. For this reason, gardeners are so afraid of these "hard workers", starting the search for an effective and safe means. For this purpose, many people use millet from ants at their summer cottage.

Millet against ants in the country people used for a long time.This fact is surprising to many, because millet groats are nothing more than the peeled fruits of cultivated millet species. Due to the presence in its composition of various trace elements, vitamins and complex carbohydrates, cereal is useful for eating for both adults and children. Then the question naturally arises why ants are afraid of millet.

How this method works

When using any means of pest control should be considered ants lifestyle, the features of their behavior and breeding. After all, working individuals usually come to the surface in search of food, but the queen queen responsible for the continuation of the family, usually does not leave the anthill. It is for this reason that the destruction of worker ants is not the solution to this problem. To get rid of garden ants in the garden, it is necessary to fight precisely with womb. How millet works in this situation, many will ask.

Millet from ants
Millet from ants

Why ants are afraid of wheat, because the yellow grains do not have a specific smell. Opinions differ on this.

According to one version, wheat grains cause the death of the uterus because under the action of moisture they swell and clog passages in anthill, depriving the queen of the opportunity to eat.

Others believe that insects eat millet very well. Ants who dine with croup will surely die from the effects of grains that are swollen in their bodies, since the influence of the latter on the digestive system is inevitable.

There is also a third opinion, according to which soil mushrooms begin to appear from the constant moisture in the soil on the scattered wheat grains. Rejecting the smell can affect the ants, from which they are forced to leave this territory.

It has not yet been possible to verify which of these variations coincides with reality. However, it is quite possible to get rid of the “garden robbers” with the help of millet.

Application Methods

The use of millet in the country from insects
The use of millet in the country from insects

Millet can be used to remove ants from the garden in various ways.

  1. It is enough to sprinkle them around the tree or on the anthill so that the insects no longer disturb the plants.
  2. Often gardeners are faced with what ants don't like millet. To attract the attention of pests in this situation will help icing sugar. A kilogram of cereal is enough to mix with a glass of powdered sugar, and arrange such a mixture in the places with the largest accumulation of insects.
  3. Millet helps not less effectively if it is soaked in hot water for a few minutes. In the steamed grains should add jam, honey or sweet syrup, pre-drain excess liquid. Sweet millet must be laid out in the garden next to the ant nest.

The effectiveness of these methods of pest control indicate numerous reviews of millet.

When in the country the ants began to eat cabbage, began searching their homes. After much research, he discovered a nest of insects and sprinkled it thickly with millet. After a couple of weeks, the pests were not even remembered.

Egor, Saratov

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