Remedy Great Ant Warrior
- Remedy Great Ant Warrior
- Use of the drug Great Warrior
- The effectiveness of the means
You can get rid of ants if you destroy their queen and larvae. This is easy to do when you have access to an anthill, but garden and home species prefer to hide the nest. The first build houses under the stones, and the second build a house away from human eyes. In these cases, the Great Warrior gel from ants and cockroaches will help.
Ant gel contains two active ingredients -chlorpyrifos and diazinon. Components enhance the action of each other and allow you to quickly get rid of the entire ant colony.
On a note!
The great warrior acts not only on ants. He also kills cockroaches.
The drug is produced in a 30 ml syringe. This is enough to treat a room of 50 square meters. If the house is large, then you should buy a few tubes. After all, insects can move from one room to another.
Operating principle
Gel against ants has an intestinal-contact action and retains its properties for one month. But the drug is not recommended for use in open areas, because there it can wash away precipitation.
On a note!
The tool attracts insects with a sweet aroma that is not audible to humans. Part of the poison is eaten by ants, and part is carried to a nest on its body. There, the gel is eaten by those individuals who do not leave anthill. Using the gel the Great Warrior allows you to destroy foragers and female queen. A colony of insects dies within two to three days.
The great warrior is applied around the perimeter of the entire premises with short strokes with an interval of from two to six centimeters.
If the treatment is the first, it is recommended to make the intervals small. With repeated use of the substance, the distance between the strips of poison is made larger - from five to six centimeters. Instructions for use states that ant tracks and insect accumulations are processed with the gel.
On a note!
If the shelf life of the drug out, then it should be thrown out.
Do not forget about the precautionary measures during the application of the gel:
- Hands should be protected with rubber gloves, and the hair should be braided in a ponytail and put away under a scarf or plastic hat.
- Dispose of the used syringe and its packaging immediately.
- If gel remains in the syringe, then it should be stored in a dark place, away from children.
- After the procedure, hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and clothes should be washed at high temperatures separately from other things.
After the insects are destroyed, the remnants of the funds must be removed and the room cleaned thoroughly.
On a note!
If the substance gets on the skin, then this place should be rinsed with plenty of cool water.
Re-processing is allowed to be carried out in three weeks. Protect the venom from dust and water.
Pros means
The main positive quality of the drug should include the fact that it acts on all individuals, including those that do not leave the walls of the nest. The remaining advantages include the following:
- The ant ant syringe The Great Warrior is inexpensive and is sold at any hardware store.
- Convenient dispenser allows you to use poison in hard to reach places.
- The substance has no caustic smell and does not release hazardous toxins into the environment.
- Ant gel has a long shelf life of two years.
- Great Warrior destroys not only ants. It is effective against Prusaks.
Many people like the tool because it does not affect the respiratory tract of humans and animals. It is easy to apply and clean. The gel itself can be placed on small pieces of cardboard.
Cons of the drug
Means the Great Ant Warrior has the following disadvantages:
- It has a high class of danger and is a threat to humans.
- Ineffective in open areas during precipitation.
- Do not relieve completely from insects, if they can easily penetrate into the home.
If the gel from the ants did not help, then its expiration date probably expired or it was incorrectly stored in the store.
First in my ants settled in a private house, and soon cockroaches also started.I tried to defeat the animals folk ways - laid out bait with boric acid and sprinkled salt. All this did not help me. Then I decided to buy chemistry. My choice fell on the means Great Warrior from ants. I liked that the drug is odorless and has a long duration.
Insects have already disappeared on the second day. A month later, I again discovered garden ants. I still have a remedy from the last time, and it quickly freed my home from "guests."Alexandra Nikolaevna, Tyumen
Garden the ants attacked the greenhouse. I did not immediately start fighting with them. I decided that they would be my assistants in fertilizing the soil. But soon aphid appeared on the plants, and the strawberry crop was eaten. Then she purchased the Great Warrior at a local hardware store.
The drug began to act instantly. On the third day, no trace of the living creatures was left. Now every year before the start of the summer season I buy a magic tool. It quickly destroys black ants in my greenhouse. in the country.Katya, Tambov
Reviews of the Great Warrior indicate that the chemical has many advantages. It is inexpensive, effective and convenient to use.But you must adhere to the instructions for use, so as not to suffer from the drug. We must not forget that ant extermination chemicals Keep away from pets and toddlers.